
标题: aicpa成绩评估的问题 [打印本页]

作者: TakeItEasy1    时间: 2008-6-2 18:38
标题: aicpa成绩评估的问题



Can I apply to the board of accountancy or CPA Examination Services before I receive my evaluation?
Yes. You are advised to apply for the Uniform CPA Examination as soon as you know to which testing window you will apply. If you prefer to receive your evaluation before you apply for the Uniform CPA Examination, you should submit your evaluation request to FACS as soon as possible.




作者: luckyalmer    时间: 2008-6-13 03:36
hi, please wait until you receive your FACS evaluation. I encountered the same problem about which you are concerning's been 8 weeks i haven't received my NTS and I called NASBA to inquire about my result. I was told that there is miising documents and they have trouble to match my application , transcripts with FACS. Actually, I mailed out my application to the board before i received FACS. I don't think there is any issue concerning my credits and exam eligibility. However, everything is messy. It takes me much longer to push them matching my documents. Therefore, please wait until you receive your FACS and then make an photocopy yourself while sending your CPA application.

作者: cecila    时间: 2008-6-18 08:44

我个人理解下来,好像evaluation是optional的,只要对材料有信心觉得通过没问题的话可以直接apply。evaluation只是给不确定自己是不是符合报名条件不想浪费apply fee的人,可以先进行一次evaluation。也许每个州不一样,但是宗旨应该差不多


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