lz mm不嫌弃的话,可以看一下我的这片贴子 http://forum.chasedream.com/dispbbs.asp?boardID=26&ID=325046&page=1
1。长句太多了,对于我们这种非英语母语的学生,尽量少用长句,一方面你很难保证长句的语法不会出问题,另一方面,E rater那篇文章里明确指出,太长句子,或是太短句子都会影响分数,
例如这句话,He reaches such a conclusion on the basis that the most important improvement for the company now is to promote the communication between the employees and the management, given the result of a survey, and that the company has already instituted a communication session to meet the need of the employees. 其实完全可以把这句话breakdown成三句话,用副词连接,表意会清楚很多,(而且有些词完全是没有必要的,如such a )
To justify his claim, the author cites the survey result based on response from employees of company X last year. Meanwhile, the author points out that this survey was conducted by letting employees to rank importance of issues which are presented in a list. Moreover, the author assumes that with the regular communication sessions conducted by senior manager, Company X's employees would feel their needs are satisfied. While the author’s argument has some merit, it suffers from several critical flaws.
2。我觉得although ..句式用得太多了,其实可以变换着用用别的转折句,例如,while...,...或者however,but,
3。ms lz的结构没有很清楚的identifier表示出来,让erater可以懂得的,
To begin with, although the results of the survey conducted by the human resources department indicated that the most important concern of the employees is the communication problem, it does not mean that is the real problem existing in the company. The response made the employees may be a result of the will of the human resources. The entire survey course way be under the department’s supervise. That means, if an employee do not response as expected, they will receive a punishment from the department, for example, a reduction of the salary. Also, employees chosen to answer questions may be not representative of all the employees. All these factors affecting the result of the survey will have an negative influence on the declaration of the author.
To begin with, the author unjustifiably relies on the poll while the validity of the survey itself is doubtful.下面才是作解释,
lz可以试试我这个方法:Start)<TS>. =>
(eg. However, this is not necessarily the case (Evidence) =>
For example(反例)=> Conclusion (eg. in fact, it is fallacious to draw any conclusion on the basis of such limited evidence)
每部分都要有清楚的identifier,让E Rater懂你写的是起什么作用的
其实我觉得lz mm AA的最大问题,就是连词,副词用得太少了,GMAT很看重逻辑,你从他的RC就可以看出,通篇很多转折连词,长句并不是很多,用连词,副词可以使你结构清晰,而且E rater也就是根据这些identifier来确认你逻辑的完整性
总的感觉还是结构不够清晰,比如说你用了很多的if,then来说明因果关系,但是却没有副词在当中表示这些句子中的关系,lz试试我的结构模板吧,根据我对800 score和E rater的分析,应该是有效的
3.连词不多,有时不能清楚地分清你下边内容的意图,可以多用用moreover, however, yet, but...或者是在举例前写写for example, take my personal expereince as an example, in stance...这样考官就知道你为什么要写下边的内容了.
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