
标题: [原创]习作 AWA224 AI—4 请大牛们指点,谢谢。 [打印本页]

作者: mxq315    时间: 2008-5-23 11:09
标题: [原创]习作 AWA224 AI—4 请大牛们指点,谢谢。

4. “Of all the manifestations* of power, restraint in the use of that power impresses people most.”

* manifestations: apparent signs or indicators

Explain what you think this quotation means and discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with it. Develop your position with reasons and/or specific examples drawn from history, current events, or your own experience, observations, or reading.


The issue of whether restraint in the use of power will impress people the most is very controversy. Different people have distinct points of views about the issue based on their personal experiences, education backgrounds, social status, and characters. Some people may well agree that people will be impressed the most by the restraint of power, while others may not favor the idea. So the final judgment, which is not easy to make, relies on a case-by-case analysis. On balance, my points of agreement and disagreement with the author involve the fundamental and deep analysis as discussed below.


On the one hand, I agree with the author that restraint in the use of power will impress people, since restraint in the use of power will impress people restraint in the use of power do shows the democracy and equality in the society. As we all know, there are a lots of historical stories about the unlimited use of power of the authorities that ultimately ruin the whole societies and produce grievances to the people. For instance, corruptions and illegal business within the governments all over the world also tell us power without any restraint could do harm to the societies as a whole. Therefore, power needs to be restrained and authorities who modestly restraint uses of the power win the respects of people show the democracy and equality in the society.


On the other hand, I disagree with the author that restraint in the use of power will impress people the most, because restraint in the use of power may not be considered appropriate in certain occasions and environments. In my own experience, people who have power to determine a critical situation refuse to do so may induce others' scorns. Because the more power means the more responsibilities, person with power who restricts the usage of it represents that he/she is afraid to take the responsibilities and thus waste the resource that others may not have access to.


Furthermore, people normally appreciate the right usage of power. For example, people respect great leader such as the US. President----Washington for his restraint of power. He was elected for presidents twice and refused to be president for the third time because he wanted to set good example for his followers that people should not enjoy the power for too long otherwise one will be indulged in the misuse of power.


In conclusion, I agree that to some extent that restraint in the use of power will be good in some aspects, but even more agree that in most of the time, the appropriate usage of power will be appreciated by people.

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