标题: [选校問題]MBA in Clemson or UMass-Boston [打印本页]
作者: idahuang 时间: 2008-5-6 00:17
标题: [选校問題]MBA in Clemson or UMass-Boston
收到了三间学校的offer,在Clemson University 和 University of Massachusetts-Boston两间学校徘徊,不知道要念哪间好!希望有好心人可以帮我指点迷津。
Clemson University - MBA排名有进前百大,但地点较为乡下。
[Clemson University is ranked No. 71 nationally, but location is not good. Employment rate has only 67.8% with US$55,000 starting salary a year. This school has 253 business students with a faculty of 86.--2008年U.S News的纪录]
University of Massachusetts Boston - 找不到MBA排名,但在商业繁荣的大城市。
[University of Massachusetts at Boston is ranked No. 200 nationally, but location is good. Employment rate has 92% with US$7,7000 starting salary a year. This school has 440 business students with a faculty of 55.]
我主要想念marketing research和e-commerce,毕业希望可以从事市场分析研究之类的工作。问过一些留学顾问和教授,他们都倾向UMass- Boston,主要原因是因为学校位于繁荣商业大城,但我在网络上看到关于UMass-Boston的评价都不太好,让我不知道该选哪间学校,拜托拜托帮我指点迷津orz,非常感激。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-6 22:12:28编辑过]
作者: idahuang 时间: 2008-5-6 22:21
Nagraj Balakrishnan | Program Coordinator, Department of Management, Professor of Management. BE (Honors), University of Madras, India, 1981; MS, University of Kentucky, 1983; PhD, Purdue University, 1987. |
Daniel K. Benjamin | Professor of Economics. BA, University of Virginia, 1969; MA, 1971, PhD, 1975, University of California-Los Angeles. |
R. Stephen Cantrell | Professor of Management and Economics. BS, University of Alabama, 1972; MS, University of Kentucky, 1974; PhD, North Carolina State University, 1982.
Roger Gomes | Associate Professor of Marketing. BS, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth, 1972; MBA, Bryant College, 1977; PhD, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1988. |
U of Massachusetts-Boston :[ 正副教授较少,assistant professor较多
David L. Levy, D.B.A | D.B.A., Harvard Business School MBA, Recanati Business School, Tel Aviv University, Israel B.Sc., Manchester University (UMIST), England |
Benyamin B. Lichtenstein | Ph.D. in Organization Studies from Boston College, 1998 B.A. in Epistemology of the Sciences from the University of California at Santa Cruz, 1988 |
Philip L. Quaglieri, Ph.D. | Ph.D., M.S., Stevens Institute of Technology B.S., Saint Peter’s College |
Maureen A. Scully | Ph.D., Stanford University M.A., Stanford University A.B., Harvard-Radcliffe Colleges |
作者: qyu2 时间: 2008-5-7 01:58
谁给钱多 就去谁家
作者: amethyst10G 时间: 2008-5-8 18:42
LZ MM决定去哪家了吗? 希望能做个伴! 我站内短信你,请查收哦!
作者: nicolecookie 时间: 2008-5-9 09:18
作者: guangzhou 时间: 2008-5-13 09:49
还是去University of Massachusetts Boston 吧,起薪也高,并且大城市机会多很多
作者: yangxuanchan 时间: 2008-5-28 18:41
大家好!我也是准备fall 2008去clemson u念MBA的Career Laurnch Program。拿到GA,所以小秘跟我估算说我的total cost in two years would be about $26,000。
但好像clemson u的MBA排名“不”在前一百吧,因为我百度了很久都搜不到。所以在想是否工作三两年再申请呢?这样的话奖学金可能更多,学校也可能更好。希望大家给给意见!THX a lot!
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-28 18:41:24编辑过]
作者: anono 时间: 2010-11-29 15:09
umass boston 的商科研究生院不错,能进TOP 100,那个200多的是本科的排名,那个学校本科不能要的。
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