
标题: GWD-24-41(不知何故,原链接失效) [打印本页]

作者: never3738    时间: 2008-4-24 04:27
标题: GWD-24-41(不知何故,原链接失效)



In California, a lack of genetic variation in the Argentine ant has allowed the species to spread widely; due to their being so genetically similar to one another, the ants consider all their fellows to be a close relative and thus do not engage in the kind of fierce intercolony struggles that limits the spread of this species in its native Argentina.


A.    due to their being so genetically similar to one another, the ants consider all their fellows to be a close relative and thus do not engage in the kind of fierce intercolony struggles that limits

B.     due to its being so genetically similar the ant considers all its fellows to be a close relative and thus does not engage in the kind of fierce intercolony struggles that limit

C.    because it is so genetically similar, the ant considers all its fellows to be close relatives and thus does not engage in the kind of fierce intercolony struggles that limits

D.    because they are so genetically similar to one another, the ants consider all their fellows to be close relatives and thus do not engage in the kind of fierce intercolony struggles that limit

E.     because of being so genetically similar to one another, the ants consider all their fellows to be a close relative and thus do not engage in the kind of fierce intercolony struggles that limits

答案是C。为什么D不对? 而且C中变成it is so 的句型是不是有加强语气的作用?原文好像没那么强烈的语气呀。


作者: kittyv    时间: 2008-4-25 08:21

前面不是一个it is 么..

D是 they are.

原文的so genetically similar的确有强调语气的作用,in my opinion.


the point is, C,D都用了so....that 句型哦.

作者: never3738    时间: 2008-4-25 08:56
以下是引用kittyv在2008-4-25 8:21:00的发言:

前面不是一个it is 么..

D是 they are.

原文的so genetically similar的确有强调语气的作用,in my opinion.


the point is, C,D都用了so....that 句型哦.

对的,C 和D都用了 so ...that...这个不是问题所在;关键在于你说的so..that..是不是也是能够加强语气的。好像一般不能够把原文改成it is形式,太强烈,但这个我不确信。

另外D的 they are。 因为之前的所有n.里面只有一个复数species,不会引起歧义吧,只能修饰这个species。这个和后面的逻辑也不矛盾啊。D错在哪里呢。。

作者: never3738    时间: 2008-4-26 20:18
作者: 糖棠8875    时间: 2008-4-30 14:55

In California, a lack of genetic variation in the Argentine ant has allowed the species to spread widely; due to their being so genetically similar to one another, the ants consider all their fellows to be a close relative and thus do not engage in the kind of fierce intercolony struggles that limits the spread of this species in its native Argentina.



[此贴子已经被作者于2008-4-30 15:03:13编辑过]

作者: 牛刀杀小    时间: 2008-4-30 15:02


the spread of this species in its native Argentina

作者: newyearagain    时间: 2008-4-30 15:32
以下是引用never3738在2008-4-24 4:27:00的发言:



In California, a lack of genetic variation in the Argentine ant has allowed the species to spread widely; due to their being so genetically similar to one another, the ants consider all their fellows to be a close relative and thus do not engage in the kind of fierce intercolony struggles that limits the spread of this species in its native Argentina.



A.    due to their being so genetically similar to one another, the ants consider all their fellows to be a close relative and thus do not engage in the kind of fierce intercolony struggles that limits

B.     due to its being so genetically similar the ant considers all its fellows to be a close relative and thus does not engage in the kind of fierce intercolony struggles that limit

C.    because it is so genetically similar, the ant considers all its fellows to be close relatives and thus does not engage in the kind of fierce intercolony struggles that limits

D.    because they are so genetically similar to one another, the ants consider all their fellows to be close relatives and thus do not engage in the kind of fierce intercolony struggles that limit

E.     because of being so genetically similar to one another, the ants consider all their fellows to be a close relative and thus do not engage in the kind of fierce intercolony struggles that limits

答案是C。为什么D不对? 而且C中变成it is so 的句型是不是有加强语气的作用?原文好像没那么强烈的语气呀。


作者: never3738    时间: 2008-5-2 04:12
以下是引用糖棠8875在2008-4-30 14:55:00的发言:

In California, a lack of genetic variation in the Argentine ant has allowed the species to spread widely; due to their being so genetically similar to one another, the ants consider all their fellows to be a close relative and thus do not engage in the kind of fierce intercolony struggles that limits
the spread of this species in its native Argentina.







作者: ricee    时间: 2008-5-2 11:21

"the kind of colongy struggles" 表一类名词概念,是单数(强调其共性),大全里有一道类似的题:

正确答案代入后为:In the most common procedure for harvesting forage crops such as alfalfa, as much as 20 percent of the leaf and small-stem material, the most nutritious parts(注意此为同位语为复数,对应the leaf and small-stem material这两部分)of the plant, shatters and falls (对应20% of..整个短语)to the ground.

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-2 23:26:55编辑过]

作者: ada3063    时间: 2008-8-23 21:11



作者: Eliott    时间: 2009-2-15 14:49
作者: kiangkiangha    时间: 2009-4-17 23:12


作者: tiffany1102    时间: 2009-5-12 11:55
作者: jbyupei    时间: 2009-5-12 14:54

C 和 D 哪里有SO THAT 结构, 后面的that是修饰STRUGGLE的。

我支持选D, they 指代 ants , 代词都是优先指代处于同位置的名词啊

作者: jbyupei    时间: 2009-5-12 14:57
还有,C错,  有直接说  N is similar 的么,  说相同至少也要有比较对象啊
作者: lcy19812000    时间: 2009-5-12 17:42



C有两个致命错误:1、limits;2、it is so genetically similar:作为读者你知道it(the species)和谁similar么?所以这是逻辑问题。

D中主谓一致了,但是they are so genetically similar to one another(它们和另一个很像)逻辑也不对吧(to one another改为to each other就好了)。


另外,OG中强调过词组为consider X Y,而非consider X as/to be Y,这道题也不符合此规则。

open to discuss

作者: lcy19812000    时间: 2009-5-12 23:17


作者: soul86    时间: 2009-5-21 23:37


但是没搞清 C 中的it 好些,还是D 的they  好

作者: sh784533    时间: 2009-6-28 18:03
但是it is so genetically similar还是觉得有点奇怪,it 是指代species? 如果是单数,自己跟自己怎么similar呢?

作者: vivian0331    时间: 2009-7-3 12:48
作者: laura466    时间: 2009-7-27 01:07
作者: vivianxiong    时间: 2010-9-28 20:15
In California, a lack of genetic variation in the Argentine ant has allowed the species to spread widely; due to their being so genetically similar to one another, the ants consider all their fellows to be a close relative and thus do not engage in the kind of fierce intercolony struggles that limits the spread of this species in its native Argentina.


[此贴子已经被作者于2008-4-30 15:03:13编辑过]

-- by 会员 糖棠8875 (2008/4/30 14:55:00)

作者: Kisusis    时间: 2010-11-22 14:57
C中的it指代the ant,表示一类的概念,it is so genetically similar就说得通了(类似于整体名词family之类的?)
划线后面的its native。。中的its还是指代the ant‘s,以及划线前的ant也是单数,因此觉得划线中也要用单数比较和谐。。
作者: xbtqiqi    时间: 2010-11-25 02:07
标题: limits
N + 介词短语 + thatthat跳跃修饰N
the kind of fierce intercolony struggles that limits
that 跳跃指代the kind     limites用单数

作者: andrewsoo    时间: 2011-9-6 00:08
The answer has to be D.
First we eliminate A,B,and E because of the impropriety use of being.
Then we come down to C and D. Between C and D, D is preferable for that "it" in C technically refers back to the word "the species" and therefore it makes no sense by saying "the species is so genetically similar". Besides it is unidiomatic to say "something is similar". It's better if it says A is similar to B. Third, in the preposition  phrase "the kind of struggles", "struggles" should be the word to determine the verb form of "limit" or "limits"(the same rule applies to "type", "kind", and "form" that the nouns closely follows these words are the determinant for the verb form, specifically, plural or simple ).

In answer D, "they are so genetically similar to one another" is correctly used in here, because the idiom"one another" is similar to "each other" only that the former is used when there are two things mentiond while the latter one is used when there are more than two thing mentioned. They works like "among" and "between".

For some guys, until you are 100 percent sure about why the right one is right, please stop misguiding others,or please do not pretend to be an authority.   I can't stand that any more...
作者: vinsanto    时间: 2011-10-5 16:41
Thank you!!
作者: wizwiz    时间: 2011-10-11 10:48
C选项最后struggles that limits这个修饰不合理吧。。。第一个排除了C
作者: bettylll    时间: 2011-10-11 11:43
The answer has to be D.
First we eliminate A,B,and E because of the impropriety use of being.
Then we come down to C and D. Between C and D, D is preferable for that "it" in C technically refers back to the word "the species" and therefore it makes no sense by saying "the species is so genetically similar". Besides it is unidiomatic to say "something is similar". It's better if it says A is similar to B. Third, in the preposition  phrase "the kind of struggles", "struggles" should be the word to determine the verb form of "limit" or "limits"(the same rule applies to "type", "kind", and "form" that the nouns closely follows these words are the determinant for the verb form, specifically, plural or simple ).

In answer D, "they are so genetically similar to one another" is correctly used in here, because the idiom"one another" is similar to "each other" only that the former is used when there are two things mentiond while the latter one is used when there are more than two thing mentioned. They works like "among" and "between".

For some guys, until you are 100 percent sure about why the right one is right, please stop misguiding others,or please do not pretend to be an authority.   I can't stand that any more...
-- by 会员 andrewsoo (2011/9/6 0:08:42)

andrewsoo is right. The answer should be D. Appreciate your explanation, andrewsoo!
作者: lemonsong    时间: 2013-1-16 18:05
vote for D

作者: Dianakisscat    时间: 2013-3-1 09:06
vote for D
-- by 会员 lemonsong (2013/1/16 18:05:11)

In California, a lack of genetic variation in the Argentine ant has allowed the species to spread widely; due to their being so genetically similar to one another, the ants consider all their fellows to be a close relative and thus do not engage in the kind of fierce intercolony struggles that limits the spread of this species in its native Argentina.

这个its只指代species,所以D选项用because they are so genetically similar是没有问题的。


作者: dyant    时间: 2013-7-11 09:25
xbtqiqi 发表于 2010-11-25 02:07
N + 介词短语 + that中that跳跃修饰N...................the kind of fierce intercolony struggles that l ...

作者: metoo9    时间: 2013-9-4 14:23
ricee 发表于 2008-5-2 11:21
"the kind of colongy struggles" 表一类名词概念,是单数(强调其共性),大全里有一道类似的题:正确答案 ...

这里的the kind of 与the number of 后面谓语动词的用法应该是一致的。
作者: 巫婆姗    时间: 2013-10-13 10:11
metoo9 发表于 2013-9-4 14:23
这里的the kind of 与the number of 后面谓语动词的用法应该是一致的。
受益匪浅! ...

可 because it is so genetically similar怎么理解呢?
作者: oc16chan    时间: 2013-12-20 03:40
我不认同limit可以限定在the kind; There is a standard way of solving such problems that puzzle all the students。这句相信大家没有疑义。
there is a collection of problems that puzzle all the students. 这句就和原句很像了,不是the kind去Limit,是struggles去limi; 不是collection去puzzle,而是problems。


只是这题有个大问题,consider A to be B在GMAC本身是个big nono. 到底这题是不是真题。。。。。。。如果是真题,估计也不会再出现了。
作者: judyptc    时间: 2015-11-8 10:07
ricee 发表于 2008-5-2 11:21
"the kind of colongy struggles" 表一类名词概念,是单数(强调其共性),大全里有一道类似的题:正确答案 ...

作者: txydhr    时间: 2016-9-5 10:34
作者: JoyPoplar    时间: 2017-6-4 16:34
新出的OG17-747, 选的D哦

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