
标题: 4校选一,大家帮忙看看好么?? [打印本页]

作者: Caojing    时间: 2003-4-30 21:33
标题: 4校选一,大家帮忙看看好么??
可惜本人同牛人相差太远: GMAT只考了650. Sigh. 两年多外企工作经验. 三月才开始申请今年秋季的入学,共申请了7个学校. 目前为止,收到4个Admission. 1个据信. 还有两个没有消息. 因为4个学校都要求我5月10号左右给答复.想询问一下斑竹和各位朋友, 选择那个学校就读比较好, 获得visa的可能性大. Thanks a lot.

1) Willamette University (private)
Located in Salem, OR. (near Portland)
The first university in the west.
Ranking about 80 – 100.
Total cost: 27,000-31000
Scholarship: 11,500 per year

2) University at Buffalo (public)
Located in Buffalo, NY
Ranking about 50 – 65. Third tier
Total cost: about 20,000
No scholarship

3) Clemson University (public)
Located in Clemson, SC
Ranking in the latest publication: 57
Total cost: about 25,000
No scholarship

4) Pepperdine University (private)
Located in Malibu, CA (near Los Angeles)
Ranking: third tier
Total cost: about 35,000 – 40,000
Scholarship: 12,000 per year
作者: mindfree    时间: 2003-4-30 22:10

个人认为学校所在地区很关键. 比如说东部学校的毕业生在东部找工作优势大一些.还有你所感兴趣的专业在当地是否有需求.你还应该重点了解学校的career service, 询问alumni的就业情况,尤其是外国学生的就业状况.最好能要到几个毕业生的联系email, 取得联系,深入了解.10天应该够做这些事情了.
作者: Caojing    时间: 2003-4-30 23:18
作者: funnytiger    时间: 2003-5-1 04:14
Pepperdine University is the best iMHO

good location, good local reputation (of course, you cannot compare it to UCLA and USC)

for other schools, I don't see the reason going.
作者: zgwwdtk    时间: 2003-5-6 16:40
clemson is best
作者: tian    时间: 2003-5-9 11:09
i agree with tiger. pp is really a great place. their campus is extremely beautiful;-)

of course, u couldn't choose a b school only for the beautiful campus, but the location in LA will greatly facilitate ur job hunting.

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