Luo, Xueming (2008), “Quantifying the Long-Term Impact of Negative Word of Mouth on Cash Flows and Stock Prices,” Marketing Science, Forthcoming.
Luo, Xueming (2008), “When Marketing Strategy First Meets Wall Street: Marketing Spendings and Firms’ Initial Public Offerings (IPOs),” Journal of Marketing, Forthcoming.
Luo, Xueming and Christian Homburg (2008), “Satisfaction, Complaint, and the Stock Value Gap,” Journal of Marketing, Forthcoming.
Luo, Xueming (2007), “Consumer Negative Voice and Firm-Idiosyncratic Stock Returns,” Journal of Marketing, 71 (3), 75-88.
Luo, Xueming and Christian Homburg (2007), “Neglected Outcomes of Satisfying Customers,” Journal of Marketing, 71 (2), 133-49.
Luo, Xueming, Aric Rindfleisch, and David Tse ( 2007), “Working with Rivals: The Impact of Competitor Alliances on Financial Performance,” Journal of Marketing Research, 44 (1),73-83.
Luo, Xueming and CB Bhattacharya (2006), “Corporate Social Responsibility, Customer Satisfaction, and Market Value,” Journal of Marketing, 70 (4), 1-18.
Luo, Xueming and Naveen Donthu (2006), “Marketing’s Credibility: A Longitudinal Study of Marketing Communication Productivity (MCP) and Shareholder Value,” Journal of Marketing, 70 (4), 70-91.
Luo, Xueming, Rebecca Slotegraaf, and Xing Pan (2006), “Cross-Functional Coopetition: The Simultaneous Role of Cooperation and Competition within Firms,” Journal of Marketing, 70 (2), 67-80.
Dr. Xueming Luo is Eunice & James L. West Distinguished Professor and Associate Professor of Marketing as well as PhD Program Advisor for the Marketing Department in the
God! Modeling!!! Modeling has become very hot in marketing. Good luck to behavioral researchers.
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