作者: sm1 时间: 2008-4-16 04:39
I do not know how to recommend because the choice of universities highly depends on your research interests. Now, your research interests are very broad. Try to learn more statistics related to behavioral tracks because statistics is very important. As for the period of master, 1.5 years and 2 years have no significant difference. However, you need to consider what you want to do between Jan and Aug after graduation.作者: daisytz 时间: 2008-4-16 05:31
谢谢sm1 主要想研究online consumer behavior across culture. 这个方向不知道算不算narrow down了,summer会跟着老师做一个online consumer behavior的project。 我under和grad的课主要都是偏mkt strategy。 秋季会修mkt research来补充statistics方面的欠缺。 因为我修完summer就只剩下2门课,12月份就能修完。现在也有实习的公司,会用opt的时间工作。 不知道哪些学校online consumer behavior 这块比较好呢?想早点开始准备。
作者: jimmycen 时间: 2008-4-16 06:27
我觉得楼主的条件很好啊,好好挖掘自己经历中的相关亮点吧。作者: sm1 时间: 2008-4-16 08:12
You need to know who are doing research of online customer behavior. You can use databases to search such as ABI/INFORM GLOBAL and Business Source Premier. Manual search is also fine. Top tier marketing journals include Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, & Marketing Science. After identifying the professors, you need to search where they are and then try to apply those universities. Of course, when you apply, you also need to see whether the university fit your abilities. For example, Washington University in St. Louis requires advanced levels of math which may not be suitable for you. As for cross-cultural research, ......Americans dislike to talk about this.