
标题: In @ MIT & Kellogg, which one to choose? [打印本页]

作者: fiddlelover    时间: 2008-4-8 15:46
标题: In @ MIT & Kellogg, which one to choose?

在CD上学到很多东西, 首先谢过大家. 还请路过的高手们不吝指点迷津.

我在国内本科念的是中文, 到了美国转的EE, 在半导体行业工作了6年. 将来希望能进入风险投资,不排除回国发展的可能.大家觉得Kellogg vs MIT, 哪个学校对我实现自己的职业理想最有益呢? 能具体谈谈进军VC的career path吗?

再次感谢! Good luck to everyone!

作者: xiaoqian2007    时间: 2008-4-8 16:03

MM, congratulations~~~  what a sweet chance to choose between these two school~~~

I feel if you wanna a career in VC, kellogg is a better choice.. Coz Kellogg is strong at general management and consulting. Before you are really ready for a VC, consultant wd be a good choice. Also, Chicago is a center for finance, i feel more chances might be available.

VC is not easy to get into ... 

作者: saiqiliu    时间: 2008-4-8 19:29


作者: zhuimengren    时间: 2008-4-8 19:44
if you could find a VC friend and ask for their advice, it maybe more solid. both of them are really good. Kellog is good at marketing. not sure of MIT.

作者: morningwilliam    时间: 2008-4-8 23:19

国内本科念的是中文, 到了美国转的EE


作者: uvoice    时间: 2008-4-9 00:31
作者: pwjcathy    时间: 2008-4-9 00:52
以下是引用fiddlelover在2008-4-8 15:46:00的发言:

在CD上学到很多东西, 首先谢过大家. 还请路过的高手们不吝指点迷津.

我在国内本科念的是中文, 到了美国转的EE, 在半导体行业工作了6年. 将来希望能进入风险投资,不排除回国发展的可能.大家觉得Kellogg vs MIT, 哪个学校对我实现自己的职业理想最有益呢? 能具体谈谈进军VC的career path吗?

再次感谢! Good luck to everyone!





2)建议lz发信给career service要一些毕业数据来比较,比较solid。还可以想办法去找current students问,比如cd的在校生答疑post。

3)最后,lz能不能share下怎么从中文 转到ee的?实在太令人好奇了。

Best wishes!

作者: dove_hp    时间: 2008-4-9 01:53
I'm working for a US VC firm in SH. Based on what I see and learn, I would say MIT would make you a competitive candidate for VC. It's because MIT is labelled for its entrepreurship, while Kellogg Marketing. As we all know, VCs care more about entreprenurship. But personally speaking i don't like the MIT style that much. All my MIT co-workers or interns are obnoxious. So are their professors. On the contrary, the Kellogg people are just NICE! it also depends on if you want to be a jerk VC or a nice marketing person after graduation.;)

More importantly, congratulations!

作者: stq    时间: 2008-4-9 02:25
if you want to do VC, especially VC for high tech, then definitely go for MIT, it is not even close.
作者: cheeyong    时间: 2008-4-9 02:45
作者: hertz    时间: 2008-4-9 05:21
作者: Behemoth    时间: 2008-4-9 07:40

First of all, welcome to the Sloan family!

Secondly, for your question about going into VC upon graduation, I would recommend Sloan to you based on the following reasons:

1. Program: As mentioned before, Sloan is famous for entrepreneurship and therefore has a strong connection with the VC community. Classes such as New Enterprises, Entrepreneurial Finance, and Early Stage Capital (just to name a few) will definitely be of great help for you to understand the industry. Also, prominent professors in the field will be valuable assets. For career resources, there are also databases where you can find all the VC/PE information and contacts.

2. Location: Boston is a place where many VC firms are located. Hence, there will be extensive opportunities to interact with top-tier VC firms either on or off campus.

3. Activities: VCPE Club is one of the most active clubs at Sloan. Various kinds of activities such as VC speaker series, breakfast talks, entrepreneurial competitions ($100K), and seminars are waiting for you to explore the VC industry.

Since the skill sets required by consulting and VC industries are a bit different, consulting might not be necessary for you, especially given your extensive w/e. Whichever industry you choose, I believe it's the person who make a difference in others' perception. If there is any other question, feel free to contact me. I would be more than happy to answer your questions!

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-4-9 9:10:51编辑过]

作者: summerchen    时间: 2008-4-9 11:03

Maybe Kellogg.

VC/PE is a industry hard to get in, then refer is very important.

K的校友在国内做VC/PE的非常多,但是MIT的听说的比较少一些。 更多校友refer,就可以有更多的机会。仅供参考!

作者: fiddlelover    时间: 2008-4-9 15:08

cathy, 多谢你的建议!

我从中文转EE其实没什么神奇的, 要感谢我的母校. 我们学校的中文系非常有趣, 高数普物数字电路都是必修课. 所以master的时候稍微补两门课就过关了. 我的中文倒是不怎么样.

以下是引用pwjcathy在2008-4-9 0:52:00的发言:





2)建议lz发信给career service要一些毕业数据来比较,比较solid。还可以想办法去找current students问,比如cd的在校生答疑post。

3)最后,lz能不能share下怎么从中文 转到ee的?实在太令人好奇了。

Best wishes!

作者: fiddlelover    时间: 2008-4-9 15:14
多谢dove. 可不可以请你介绍一下你是怎样进入VC这个领域的? 想知道要向哪个方向努力.
以下是引用dove_hp在2008-4-9 1:53:00的发言:
I'm working for a US VC firm in SH. Based on what I see and learn, I would say MIT would make you a competitive candidate for VC. It's because MIT is labelled for its entrepreurship, while Kellogg Marketing. As we all know, VCs care more about entreprenurship. But personally speaking i don't like the MIT style that much. All my MIT co-workers or interns are obnoxious. So are their professors. On the contrary, the Kellogg people are just NICE! it also depends on if you want to be a jerk VC or a nice marketing person after graduation.;)

More importantly, congratulations!

作者: fiddlelover    时间: 2008-4-9 15:26
以下是引用Behemoth在2008-4-9 7:40:00的发言:

First of all, welcome to the Sloan family!

Secondly, for your question about going into VC upon graduation, I would recommend Sloan to you based on the following reasons:

1. Program: As mentioned before, Sloan is famous for entrepreneurship and therefore has a strong connection with the VC community. Classes such as New Enterprises, Entrepreneurial Finance, and Early Stage Capital (just to name a few) will definitely be of great help for you to understand the industry. Also, prominent professors in the field will be valuable assets. For career resources, there are also databases where you can find all the VC/PE information and contacts.

2. Location: Boston is a place where many VC firms are located. Hence, there will be extensive opportunities to interact with top-tier VC firms either on or off campus.

3. Activities: VCPE Club is one of the most active clubs at Sloan. Various kinds of activities such as VC speaker series, breakfast talks, entrepreneurial competitions ($100K), and seminars are waiting for you to explore the VC industry.

Since the skill sets required by consulting and VC industries are a bit different, consulting might not be necessary for you, especially given your extensive w/e. Whichever industry you choose, I believe it's the person who make a difference in others' perception. If there is any other question, feel free to contact me. I would be more than happy to answer your questions!


Thanks a lot for your reply! Those are all very solid points. With all the info I've gathered, I think Sloan should be the right place for me.

Are you currently a student at Sloan? Thank you again for the help you've offered. I think I will have a lot of questions for you soon. :-)

作者: fiddlelover    时间: 2008-4-9 15:28

看到这么多热心的回贴很感动. 衷心的感谢每一位为我出谋划策的人. 希望和大家多多交流.


作者: morningwilliam    时间: 2008-4-9 16:22


作者: sy029    时间: 2008-4-9 16:27
以下是引用fiddlelover在2008-4-9 15:08:00的发言:

cathy, 多谢你的建议!

我从中文转EE其实没什么神奇的, 要感谢我的母校. 我们学校的中文系非常有趣, 高数普物数字电路都是必修课. 所以master的时候稍微补两门课就过关了. 我的中文倒是不怎么样.

作者: pwjcathy    时间: 2008-4-9 17:22
以下是引用fiddlelover在2008-4-9 15:08:00的发言:

cathy, 多谢你的建议!

我从中文转EE其实没什么神奇的, 要感谢我的母校. 我们学校的中文系非常有趣, 高数普物数字电路都是必修课. 所以master的时候稍微补两门课就过关了. 我的中文倒是不怎么样.




以我之见,哪一天中国高中的career service做好了,那么就专。否则还是博的好处多阿。

作者: collenice    时间: 2008-4-9 18:29

Considering the alumni base in Greater China, go to Kellogg.

But definitely, Sloan is a school with higher prestiger and is harder to get in in my mind, not to mention the reputation in PE/VC industry. Just gotta know a few founders of VC firms in China are alumni of MIT.  

Given your EE background, I suggest you surrender Kellogg's offer and go Sloan.

作者: Kellogg2008    时间: 2008-4-10 00:05
Both are great schools. I will suggest you talk to alumni and current students at both schools to feel which one fits your personality and career goal better. You cannot go wrong either way.

作者: Behemoth    时间: 2008-4-11 06:54
以下是引用fiddlelover在2008-4-9 15:26:00的发言:


Thanks a lot for your reply! Those are all very solid points. With all the info I've gathered, I think Sloan should be the right place for me.

Are you currently a student at Sloan? Thank you again for the help you've offered. I think I will have a lot of questions for you soon. :-)

Yup I am a current student at Sloan and glad to hear that you may come to Sloan afterwards. : )

Feel free to ask me any question you might have. Talk to you soon!

作者: Columbus    时间: 2008-4-11 22:39

For me, if you really think both schools appeal to you, I would suggest you visit the campus, sit in classes and talk to current students and alums.

I visited MIT last fall. I did not visit Kellogg but talked to a number of students and alums. Frankly speaking, MIT is a bit boring for me (no offence, MIT is a great brand). People are friendly, the professors are seasoned, but there is something wrong with the overall atmosphere there - maybe this is because I am from the arts background. And the buildings are not that pleasing. I think MIT likes enginneering background students a lot, so as you are from EE background, you probably will like it.

I also talked to the current students at MIT, and did not get the feel that they are strong at VC/PE and seemed to learn from them that entrepreneurship, consulting and banking are where they are strong. Although it is in Boston, it is much overshadowed by its H neighbour accross the Charles River.

Kellogg's indisputable ranking in marketing/consulting does not mean it sucks at other areas, just like say Liu Xiang - he of course runs faster than you in the 110m hurdle, but also probably much faster than most 100m-run athlets in the world. In fact, its general management may be second only to H and S, and you will also realize its strength in finance if you read the numerous No.1 awards at finance/case-related competitions with other very top schools. Speaking of PE/VC, Kellogg also has good alum representation at several big names in China, like Bain Capital, Hony Capital, New Horizon, etc. It holds the largest PE/VC conference in the Chicago area every year and attracts some of the most who's whos in this sector like KKR, DFJ, HCA, etc. What's more important, its people are so helpful and willing to share their first-hand experiences.

And I feel that if you already have strong math/quant skills, you may want to round out your personalities and skill sets at Kellogg.

Both schools are great. So I think the bottom line is - where would you feel better?

作者: danielkuye    时间: 2008-5-8 00:36
以下是引用Columbus在2008-4-11 22:39:00的发言:

For me, if you really think both schools appeal to you, I would suggest you visit the campus, sit in classes and talk to current students and alums.

I visited MIT last fall. I did not visit Kellogg but talked to a number of students and alums. Frankly speaking, MIT is a bit boring for me (no offence, MIT is a great brand). People are friendly, the professors are seasoned, but there is something wrong with the overall atmosphere there - maybe this is because I am from the arts background. And the buildings are not that pleasing. I think MIT likes enginneering background students a lot, so as you are from EE background, you probably will like it.

I also talked to the current students at MIT, and did not get the feel that they are strong at VC/PE and seemed to learn from them that entrepreneurship, consulting and banking are where they are strong. Although it is in Boston, it is much overshadowed by its H neighbour accross the Charles River.

Kellogg's indisputable ranking in marketing/consulting does not mean it sucks at other areas, just like say Liu Xiang - he of course runs faster than you in the 110m hurdle, but also probably much faster than most 100m-run athlets in the world. In fact, its general management may be second only to H and S, and you will also realize its strength in finance if you read the numerous No.1 awards at finance/case-related competitions with other very top schools. Speaking of PE/VC, Kellogg also has good alum representation at several big names in China, like Bain Capital, Hony Capital, New Horizon, etc. It holds the largest PE/VC conference in the Chicago area every year and attracts some of the most who's whos in this sector like KKR, DFJ, HCA, etc. What's more important, its people are so helpful and willing to share their first-hand experiences.

And I feel that if you already have strong math/quant skills, you may want to round out your personalities and skill sets at Kellogg.

Both schools are great. So I think the bottom line is - where would you feel better?

wonderful suggestions, takes great help to me...
作者: yaoyao99    时间: 2008-5-8 10:05
Sounds like a decision between depth and breath.  Maybe be worth exploring what you lack the most, whether in terms of personal aspirations or career portfolio and make your choice based on that.  Good luck!

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