Extensive research has shown that the effects of short-term price promotions on sales are themselves short-term. Companies’ hopes that promotions might have a positive aftereffect have not been borne out for reasons that researchers have been able to identify. A price promotion entices only a brand’s long-term or “loyal” customers; people seldom buy an unfamiliar brand merely because the price is reduced. They simply avoid paying more than they have to when one of their customary brands is temporarily available at a reduced price. A price promotion does not increase the number of long-term customers of a brand, as it attracts virtually no new customers in the first place. Nor do price promotions have lingering aftereffects for a brand, even negative ones such as damage to a brand’s reputation or erosion of customer loyalty, as is often feared.
So why do companies spend so much on price promotions? Clearly price promotions are generally run at a loss, otherwise there would be more of them. And the bigger the increase in sales at promotion prices, the bigger the loss. While short-term price promotions can have legitimate uses, such as reducing excess inventory, it is the recognizable increase in sales that is their main attraction to management, which is therefore reluctant to abandon this strategy despite its effect on the bottom line.
答案是B, 但我觉得C更好,但是C选项定位于第一段,B的信息在第二有所体现,是不是根据就近原则选B呢?
Q5: The passage suggests that evidence for price promotions’ “effect on the bottom line” (line 40) is provided by
A. the lack of lingering aftereffects from price promotions
B. the frequency with which price promotions occur
C. price promotions’ inability to attract new customers
D. price promotions’ recognizable effect on sales
E. the legitimate uses to which management can put price promotions
While short-term price promotions can have legitimate uses, such as reducing excess inventory, it is the recognizable increase in sales that is their main attraction to management, which is therefore reluctant to abandon this strategy despite its effect on the bottom line.
是想说虽然上文说了很多用PRICE PROMOTION导致诸多不好的因素,但是还是会被使用,是因为对于经理层的人来说,这样做可以处理掉过多的存货,导致显著的业绩,即使他们知道这条政策只是达到业绩的最低限,但是从管理层的角度,他们还是更愿意去用它,所以这条政策还是经常会被使用。
有沒有人能分析一下這題呢 我想了很久也是覺得C才是正確答案
因為題目問的是price promotion的不好的effect on the bottom line的證據不是嗎
我觉得这题选A,关键是要理解公司的bottom line. 公司是希望通过促销吸引新顾客、retain 老顾客,但是公司的底线是什么呢?就是用促销来试水,看看有否效果。文中第二句明确说了这个bottom line.
Companies’ hopes that promotions might have a positive aftereffect have not been borne out for reasons that researchers have been able to identify.
可是试水证明此方案无效,公司却在不愿放弃这个方案。所以选A. 可以通过带入原句的方式验证。
The company is relunctant to abandon this trategy despite the company is relunctant to abandon this trategy despite the lack of lingering aftereffects from price promotions.
B选项好像无关呢。带入原句就成了the company is relunctant to abandon this trategy despite its frequncy with which price promotions occur. 句子逻辑形成不了despite的关系。
C选项错在attract new customer只是aftereffect的一个部分。其他还有retain 老顾客 etc...
首先最后的despite its effect on the bottom line.肯定是说“尽管它有如此的缺陷”
A price promotion does not increase the number of long-term customers of a brand, as it attracts virtually no new customers in the first place. Nor do price promotions have lingering aftereffects for a brand, even negative ones such as damage to a brand’s reputation or erosion of customer loyalty, as is often feared. 它最大的缺陷自然是它的bottom line…… 那答案只能是C 楼上的解释是错误的,attract new customer并非aftereffect的一个部分,仔细读文章。一共就这2句话。
Nor do price promotions have lingering aftereffects for a brand, even negative ones such as damage to a brand’s reputation or erosion of customer loyalty, as is often feared.
它最大的缺陷自然是它的bottom line……
楼上的解释是错误的,attract new customer并非aftereffect的一个部分,仔细读文章。一共就这2句话。
It can be inferred from the passage that if a company ceased to run short-term price promotions for a particular product, an effect of this change would be to
A. reduce excess inventory of the product
B. lose some of the product’s long-term customers
C. reduce the product’s overall sales
D. inhibit growth in the number of the product’s customers
E. threaten the product’s profitability
文中不是说even negative ones such as damage to a brand’s reputation or erosion of customer loyalty, as is often feared么?
evidence for price promotions’ “effect on the bottom line” (line 40) is provided by
也就是说并不是让你去解释“effect on the bottom line”具体指什么,而是让你找出“effect on the bottom line”存在的依据evidence是什么
定位(which is therefore reluctant to abandon this strategy despite its effect on the bottom line.),这句话的意思是尽管price promotion的效果只能算是一个底线(差到勉强可以容忍),但是管理仍然不愿放弃这种策略。
“effect on the bottom line”的意思是最起码的底线,也就是能容忍的最低效果(如果理解的不清楚请看这里http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/language_tips/2007-03/05/content_820039.htm)
所以应该是选B ,the frequency with which price promotions occur,尽管price promotion有诸多弊病,但是还是被商家经常使用,这就证明了“effect on the bottom line”,回答了问题中的evidence is provided by。
这道题,首先提问方式就很难理解,什么叫evidence for price promotions’ “effect on the bottom line” (line 40) is provided by,我翻译并整理了一下,大概可以弄成这样:
__________ provides evidence for the price promotion's effect on the bottom line.
注意一点的是effect on the bottom line的意思,这里我不同意楼上的观点,并非”最起码的底线“之意,而是”最终的效果“之意,尽管你引了chinadaily上的一篇文章来解释bottom line,但是那篇文章只是讲bottom line,并不是讲effect on the bottom line。众所周知,前后搭配的词不同,语境不同,意思也会大不一样。请体会effect on bottom line之意,这里的”最终的效果“包括两个方面,一个是不良的效果,如文中所说的damage to reputation之类;另一个是好的效果,也就是文中所说的reduce inventory这样的legitimate use。
那么最后,这个问题译成中文就是:__________ 为价格促销的最终效果提供了依据
A. the lack of lingering aftereffects from price promotions 价格促销没有令顾客流连忘返
B. the frequency with which price promotions occur 价格促销出现的频率
C. price promotions’ inability to attract new customers 价格促销无法吸引新顾客
D. price promotions’ recognizable effect on sales 价格促销对于销售的显著效果
E. the legitimate uses to which management can put price promotions 管理所能够发挥的价格促销的正当用途
究竟答案是什么呢?定位一下原文,第二段第一句:So why do companies spend so much on price promotions?
第一段在说价格促销是没有好处只有坏处的,但是还有有很多商家在使用这个策略,那么这个策略究竟对于商家来说效果是怎样,只有它出现的频率可以解释。也就是说,商家用的多,说明他们不在乎damage reputation而是更在意如何reduce inventory,那么这个price promotion的效果就是好的;商家用的少,说明他们比较在意damage reputation而inventory是没有问题的,那么这个price promotion的效果就是不好的。
价格促销出现的频率 为价格促销的最终效果提供了依据
其他的选项都过于片面,只讲了价格促销的某个方面,但任何一个方面,无论其好坏,都无法解释"effect on the bottom line"(最终效果)这样一个general的概括
这道题,首先提问方式就很难理解,什么叫evidence for price promotions’ “effect on the bottom line” (line 40) is provided by,我翻译并整理了一下,大概可以弄成这样:
__________ provides evidence for the price promotion's effect on the bottom line.
注意一点的是effect on the bottom line的意思,这里我不同意楼上的观点,并非”最起码的底线“之意,而是”最终的效果“之意,尽管你引了chinadaily上的一篇文章来解释bottom line,但是那篇文章只是讲bottom line,并不是讲effect on the bottom line。众所周知,前后搭配的词不同,语境不同,意思也会大不一样。请体会effect on bottom line之意,这里的”最终的效果“包括两个方面,一个是不良的效果,如文中所说的damage to reputation之类;另一个是好的效果,也就是文中所说的reduce inventory这样的legitimate use。
那么最后,这个问题译成中文就是:__________ 为价格促销的最终效果提供了依据
A. the lack of lingering aftereffects from price promotions 价格促销没有令顾客流连忘返
B. the frequency with which price promotions occur 价格促销出现的频率
C. price promotions’ inability to attract new customers 价格促销无法吸引新顾客
D. price promotions’ recognizable effect on sales 价格促销对于销售的显著效果
E. the legitimate uses to which management can put price promotions 管理所能够发挥的价格促销的正当用途
究竟答案是什么呢?定位一下原文,第二段第一句:So why do companies spend so much on price promotions?
第一段在说价格促销是没有好处只有坏处的,但是还有有很多商家在使用这个策略,那么这个策略究竟对于商家来说效果是怎样,只有它出现的频率可以解释。也就是说,商家用的多,说明他们不在乎damage reputation而是更在意如何reduce inventory,那么这个price promotion的效果就是好的;商家用的少,说明他们比较在意damage reputation而inventory是没有问题的,那么这个price promotion的效果就是不好的。
价格促销出现的频率 为价格促销的最终效果提供了依据
其他的选项都过于片面,只讲了价格促销的某个方面,但任何一个方面,无论其好坏,都无法解释"effect on the bottom line"(最终效果)这样一个general的概括
终于想明白了,Clearly,price promotions are generally run at a loss, otherwise there would
be more of them,这个them指代promotions.这就是frequency的定位!
题目是问,能证明降价对收入影响(bottome line应该指财务上面的盈利水平,这里影响是不好的所以是despite)的证据,就是促销本应该做的more of them (promotions)
is the recognizable increase in sales that is their main attraction to
management, which is therefore reluctant to abandon this strategy despite its effect on the bottom line. -》对于管理层来说,降价可以带来销售的增加已经是共识,这也是为什么他们很不情愿放弃这个政策,即使这个政策对于利润有很大的影响。
我一开始就找”影响利润“的选项,但是没有找到。但是考虑到GMAC应该不要求有这样的背景知识,所以这个题目应该是简单的对于”reluctant to abandon this strategy“取非,所以选C。
NOTALOSER 发表于 2008-11-22 21:11
这道题目极度tricky,我分析了很久,字斟句酌,这是我最后的分析结果:这道题,首先提问方式就很难理解,什 ...
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