
标题: OG10-10逻辑讨论贴汇总(OG10: OG-10, OG11:N/A) [打印本页]

作者: xiaozhu56    时间: 2008-4-5 20:49
标题: OG10-10逻辑讨论贴汇总(OG10: OG-10, OG11:N/A)

*标题说明: 1. "OG10-10",为了以后与OG11题目区别,例如: OG11的第一题,题目就写"OG11-1逻辑讨论贴汇总" . 2. 括号中的内容有两个目的, 一是方便搜索, 因为论坛里前几年的贴子都是用这个号索引的; 二是可知OG11对应的是哪题, 或有无此题.

*搜索的格式有3种:“OG10”(没有空格没有横杠),“OG10”(中文模式下的长杠和英文模式下的短杠是一样的,没有区别),和“OG 10”OG加空格加题号)。

*做这个贴子是由携隐发起, 想参加的看进来:

作者:携隐   浏览:942   回复:33  →   【走出GMAT困境】 2008-1-18 1:47:08  [精华]

*每贴一题, 每贴都包括三个内容, 原题及OG解释,讨论贴汇总的链接,摘录的经典讨论.

*大家如有更加简洁易懂的解释, 欢迎跟贴,最终汇总成册。



10. Meteorite explosions in the Earth’s atmosphere as large as the one that destroyed forests in Siberia, with approximately the force of a twelve-megaton nuclear blast, occur about once a century. The response of highly automated systems controlled by complex computer programs to unexpected circumstances is unpredictable. 

Which of the following conclusions can most properly be drawn, if the statements above are true, about a highly automated nuclear-missile defense system controlled by a complex computer program?

A. Within a century after its construction, the system would react inappropriately and might accidentally start a nuclear war.

B. The system would be destroyed if an explosion of a large meteorite occurred in the Earth’s atmosphere.

C. It would be impossible for the system to distinguish the explosion of a large meteorite from the explosion of a nuclear weapon.

D. Whether the system would respond inappropriately to the explosion of a large meteorite would depend on the location of the blast.


E. It is not certain what the system’s response to the explosion of a large meteorite would be, if its designers did not plan for such a contingency. 

OG解释: If the defense system designers did not plan for the contingency of large meteorite explosions, such explosions would, from the system’s perspective, be unexpected. The system’s response to such explosions is consequently unpredictable. E expresses this inference and is thus the best answer.

A cannot be inferred since it is consistent with the stated information that no meteorite explosion will occur within a century.

B cannot be inferred since there is no information to suggest that meteorite explosions in the atmosphere would destroy the system.

C cannot be inferred since it is consistent with the stated information that an appropriately designed nuclear defense system might be able to distinguish nuclear from meteorite explosions.

D cannot be inferred since there is no information to suggest that the location of blasts would determine the appropriateness of defense system’s response.

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-4-5 23:05:47编辑过]

作者: xiaozhu56    时间: 2008-4-5 21:00

作者:weane   浏览:3786   回复:49  →   【GMAT逻辑专区】
2003-11-27 8:11:46  

作者:soaring   浏览:277   回复:8  →   【GMAT逻辑专区】
2005-5-7 14:44:26  

作者:2045977   浏览:93   回复:3  →   【GMAT逻辑专区】
2004-5-2 14:50:09  

[求助] 再问og 10---无关选项。。。谢谢!:)
作者:juliet01192000   浏览:100   回复:5  →   【GMAT逻辑专区】
2006-3-23 0:19:15  

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-4-5 21:38:37编辑过]

作者: xiaozhu56    时间: 2008-4-5 21:55
以下是引用耳朵在2004-1-31 11:51:00的发言:
以下是引用maodou在2005-6-27 0:20:00的发言:

A和C是把不确定的推断成了确定的,而B D则是


以下是引用我爱欧洲在2005-6-3 9:22:00的发言:

此题选出E不难, 但是OG对AC的解释很费解,phipe做的如下拆解很有助于理解.

以下是引用phipe在2005-10-5 22:29:00的发言:



(A).The conclusion (that A cannot be inferred) is consistent with the stated information (that no meteorite explosion will occur within a century).


换句话说,  根据题目中所给的这条信息, we cannot infer A.

也就是要推断出A, 题目还缺少必要的条件.

(C). The conclusion (that C cannot be inferred) is consistent with the stated information (that  properly designed nuclear defense system might be able to distinguish….)

OG解释的意思是(不能由题目推断出C)的这个结论和("properly designed nuclear defense sys. ......") 这个文中已给信息相吻合.


[此贴子已经被作者于2008-4-5 22:00:38编辑过]

作者: dingxiang    时间: 2008-4-6 18:17


本来报名参加整理工作的,但实在工作忙, 抽不出时间, 十分惭愧, 万分感谢志愿者的奉献!

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