750/101/5 years WE/Manager in a Fortune 10 company/ Top2 undergraduate, poor GPA
Applied 5 programs in R2, from Jan 3rd to Jan 15th
Ross dinged without interview, feel bad, they admitted much less chinese than before,
Wharton dinged after hub interview acceptance rate in interviewees was still low
Yale dinged without interview no comments,
Kellogg dinged after adcom telephone interview telephone interview was schedule a little bit late, they seemed to have admitted most already
Sloan dinged today after hub interview feel sad, since the acceptance rate in interviewees seems high
2 Top 10 dinged without interview 3 M7 dinged after interview, should I go Broad or re-apply next year?
R3 deadline 3/3 申了MSU, 中旬电话面试, 他们家网站status也已经变了
给了州内学费(19K) +20K的奖, 只需要出生活费
凌晨接到电话, 收了这个小offer,
R2申了5个, Ross,yale没面试, Kellogg,Wharton面后被拒
R3 deadline 3/3 申了MSU, 中旬电话面试, 他们家网站status也已经变了
给了州内学费(19K) +20K的奖, 只需要出生活费
没想好去不去, 等待R2 最后一所
我是上周末接到电话的,奖学金的情况跟LZ差不多。不同的是我是从R2的waitlist get off的。Broad让在4.21之前给决定并交deposit,不知道LZ会去吗?
啊,他们把你waitlist还给你理由了吗? MS没有给我任何理由啊。
G/720 T/waiver 本科国内一般重点大学工科毕业,GPA 3.4硕士美国二流学校工科刚刚毕业, GPA 3.75。国内W/E 5.5yrs,经历包括从research到sales,从国企到私企再到外企。
说起来也是倒霉催的,我今年总共就申了5所学校,结果在给学校寄资料的时候,有三所学校的title上都稀里糊涂的写了另外一所学校的名字。结果另外两所学校压根儿没有理我,Broad在给我发面试通知的当天下午又给我来了一封email, 信中劈头盖脸问我到底想不想申他们学校了?为什么会把给别的学校的资料给他们寄过去? 可笑的是我当时才意识到这个愚蠢的错误。结果又是发email又打电话的,总算把这事糊弄过去。现在想想可能还是会有点影响吧?如果是因为这个给waitlist甚至deny了,那我也没什么可说的,自己活该呗。幸运的是他们又给了我一次重新做人的机会,呵呵。
Anyway, 多跟admission office 交流总归不是坏事。 Broad 似乎是挺在意工作经验的,他家的学生平均工作经验都有四五年的,不知道你有几年?如果这方面确实是你一个weakness,我觉得你应该尽量向admission committee 说明虽然你的工作年限少,但是工作质量很高,工作一年顶别人工作两三年的,然后再尽量突出你别的强项。总之尽力忽悠就是了。 Good luck!
最后请问iloveit508大大,你收到正式的admission letter了没有? 决定去Broad了吗?
还没收到正式的package, 估计应该快了
也还没决定是不是去, 再等一下其他学校的结果
昨天收到broad package, 20000$每年的academic scholarship, 州内学费
今天早上被sloan拒了, 伤心彷徨
Ranked in
1 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan) Cambridge, MA |
2 | Michigan State University (Broad) East Lansing, MI |
3 | Arizona State University (Carey) Tempe, AZ |
Carnegie Mellon University (Tepper) Pittsburgh, PA | |
5 | Pennsylvania State University--University Park (Smeal) University Park, PA |
6 | University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) Philadelphia, PA |
7 | Ohio State University (Fisher) Columbus, OH |
8 | Purdue University--West Lafayette (Krannert) West Lafayette, IN |
Stanford University Stanford, CA | |
10 | University of Tennessee--Knoxville Knoxville, TN |
I know Broad is very strong in SCM, but i have some concern on its overall reputation since I plan to come back to china after mba, what about the network and career perspective for Broad mba in china?
750/101/5 years WE/Manager in a Fortune 10 company/ Top2 undergraduate, poor GPA
Applied 5 programs in R2, from Jan 3rd to Jan 15th
Ross dinged without interview, feel bad, they admitted much less chinese than before,
Wharton dinged after hub interview acceptance rate in interviewees was still low
Yale dinged without interview no comments,
Kellogg dinged after adcom telephone interview telephone interview was schedule a little bit late, they seemed to have admitted most already
Sloan dinged today after hub interview feel sad, since the acceptance rate in interviewees seems high
2 Top 10 dinged without interview 3 M7 dinged after interview, should I go Broad or re-apply next year?
R3 deadline 3/3 申了MSU, 中旬电话面试, 他们家网站status也已经变了
给了州内学费(19K) +20K的奖, 只需要出生活费
选择也许在于lz的career goal 和决心有多大:
1。msu的全奖使得其roi大幅提升,esp以后想在supply chain 方面继续发展。
2。如果不甘心,还是可以try another year, you are still young.
Best wishes!
750/101/5 years WE/Manager in a Fortune 10 company/ Top2 undergraduate, poor GPA
Applied 5 programs in R2, from Jan 3rd to Jan 15th
Ross dinged without interview, feel bad, they admitted much less chinese than before,
Wharton dinged after hub interview acceptance rate in interviewees was still low
Yale dinged without interview no comments,
Kellogg dinged after adcom telephone interview telephone interview was schedule a little bit late, they seemed to have admitted most already
Sloan dinged today after hub interview feel sad, since the acceptance rate in interviewees seems high
2 Top 10 dinged without interview 3 M7 dinged after interview, should I go Broad or re-apply next year?
R3 deadline 3/3 申了MSU, 中旬电话面试, 他们家网站status也已经变了
给了州内学费(19K) +20K的奖, 只需要出生活费
Ross dinged without interview, so wierd
to hswdream :
what did you mean by saying "lz should apply for some top 10-20 b-schools. "?
schools rank between ross and msu?
Hi, buddy, do not be sad. If you can wait, try again with a good Toefl score. You can achieve M7.
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Support you!
(本人背景,international shipping,1 year in a foreign corporate, 3 years till now in a state-owned company, 1 year as customer service, 2 years as sales & marketing, 1 year till now as General Manager Assistant. Both companies are branch offices, not head quarters. GMAT 740/5.5, Toefl 110)
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