作者: wxh7314 时间: 2003-12-27 00:29
Not yet.作者: siebel 时间: 2003-12-27 04:07
Can those not sending application get 面试邀请?作者: gt750 时间: 2003-12-27 10:57
one of my fellow students got the interview invitation from HBS in late November. 作者: rioluo3 时间: 2003-12-28 17:32
the chance ia fading away 作者: Emilydong 时间: 2003-12-29 18:16
我知道很多牛人都还没拿到HBS interivew,应该机会还是有。别灰心!作者: london04 时间: 2003-12-30 15:42
it feels hopeless. anyone who receives the invitation for interview please keep us posted here作者: london04 时间: 2003-12-30 15:46
it feels hopeless. anyone who receives invitation from hbs please keep everyone posted here. much appreciated作者: tsljz 时间: 2003-12-30 23:54
I talked with a HBS alumni yesterday, and he said one of his friends got the invitation for interview. Most of his friend's w/e is in US, but he is currently in China.作者: rioluo3 时间: 2004-1-1 17:58
so, that is the case! i am forgetting the hbs……作者: london04 时间: 2004-1-7 22:28
14 days countdown to HBS's notification date (jan 21). any market intelligence? i guess my application is already in the bin. 作者: Emilydong 时间: 2004-1-8 00:55
是不是hbs的成绩单都要self-reported? 是不是不可以给他们直接寄过去学校开好的?一定要手工填?多谢,多谢,自己不敢确认作者: JW2004 时间: 2004-1-8 19:28
HBS 不接受任何书面的东西作者: liangb 时间: 2004-1-15 12:23
恐怕大家都太患得患失了,而不愿支声.十天前偶做了电话INTERVIEW.不幸的是W/K/S都锯,目前仍两手空空....XDJM,有offer在手最重要啊,拿不到头奖也别太难为自己了.作者: josh_han 时间: 2004-1-15 14:29
liangb, did you already receive ding letter from Stanford? I thought it would not be known until next week.作者: lionheart 时间: 2004-1-15 14:40
liangb, 能拿到harvard的interview就非常不容易了,进的希望很大呀,提前祝贺一下!作者: jjboy 时间: 2004-1-15 16:35
liangb, W/k/S都是发Email告诉被拒的消息吗?祝HBS能有好消息!
看来我的HBS是没什么希望了,郁闷ing作者: Themangia 时间: 2004-1-17 08:17
keep your faith, good things can happen.