
标题: OG153 求助 [打印本页]

作者: lingxia    时间: 2003-12-25 02:17
标题: OG153 求助
153. A recording system was so secretly installed and operated in the Kennedy Oval Office that even Theodore C. Sorensen, the White House counsel, did not know it existed.
(A) A recording system was so secretly installed and operated in the Kennedy Oval Office that
(B) So secret was a recording system installation and operation in the Kennedy Oval Office
(C) It was so secret that a recording system was installed and operated in the Kennedy Oval Office
(D) A recording system that was so secretly installed and operated in the Kennedy Oval Office
(E) Installed and operated so secretly in the Kennedy Oval Office was a recording system that

E awkwardly inverts the order of the subject and predicate in the main clause and thus cannot be logically connected to the remainder of the sentence .


so  that, such  that 引导的句子中可以倒装吗?

作者: ssss    时间: 2003-12-25 09:56
E的错误在于将主语和宾语的位置搞错了,因为在主句后有一个it, it指代的应该是a recording system而不是Installed and operated so secretly.

作者: lingxia    时间: 2003-12-25 10:30
可是Installed and operated 在这不是宾语啊,是谓语动词的一部分

而且it就近指代a recording system,应该是可以的啊


[此贴子已经被作者于2003-12-25 10:34:32编辑过]

作者: ssss    时间: 2003-12-25 11:14

我通常凭感觉做题,感觉如果E改成了So secret a recording system was  in the Kennd
edy Oval Office that和原句的含义就一致了,但是少了两个含义:installation 和operation,如果加上这两个词用A是最清楚的。

我们可以讨论讨论 :)
作者: lingxia    时间: 2003-12-25 11:32
So secretly  installed and operated in the Kennedy Oval Office was a recording system that even Theodore C. Sorensen, the White House counsel, did not know it existed.

是不是因为so that ,such that 倒装时,so,such必须放句首,才把E排除的?


作者: ssss    时间: 2003-12-25 11:51
以下是引用lingxia在2003-12-25 11:32:00的发言:
So secretly  installed and operated in the Kennedy Oval Office was a recording system that even Theodore C. Sorensen, the White House counsel, did not know it existed.
是不是因为so that ,such that 倒装时,so,such必须放句首,才把E排除的?


好像是的,so that 倒装,So应该在句首。
作者: Snazzy    时间: 2003-12-25 13:38
1, i can't understand why u want to use reverse, making it tedious. normally, when the subject is too long to be clear, reverse is preferred.

2, the subject is 'the recording system', very simple, no modifier. when it's reversed, it becomes really awkward 画蛇添足
作者: halcyon    时间: 2003-12-29 22:39
up !!!
i have the same question
作者: lingxia    时间: 2003-12-29 23:49
以下是引用Snazzy在2003-12-25 13:38:00的发言:
1, i can't understand why u want to use reverse, making it tedious. normally, when the subject is too long to be clear, reverse is preferred.

2, the subject is 'the recording system', very simple, no modifier. when it's reversed, it becomes really awkward 画蛇添足


作者: tianwan    时间: 2004-5-30 22:37

E改成:So secretly was a recording system installed and operated in the Kennendy Oval Office that....应该可以吧。


So secretly  installed and operated in the Kennedy Oval Office was a recording system that even Theodore C. Sorensen, the White House counsel, did not know it existed.
这种全倒装,被动助动词was和被动的主动词 installed and operated 分割开不知道行不行?

作者: tianwan    时间: 2004-5-30 23:58
作者: wxw    时间: 2004-6-26 23:20
以下是引用tianwan在2004-5-30 22:37:00的发言:

E改成:So secretly was a recording system installed and operated in the Kennendy Oval Office that....应该可以吧。

我覺得還是不正確 so secretly 是形容installed and operated 不可以分開

So secretly  installed and operated in the Kennedy Oval Office was a recording system that even Theodore C. Sorensen, the White House counsel, did not know it existed.
这种全倒装,被动助动词was和被动的主动词 installed and operated 分割开不知道行不行?

當然可以 這是正確的句子(如果需要倒裝的話)


分詞提前  (participle proposing) ,be動詞後面的分詞可以連同補語或修飾語一起提前移到句首。分詞提前結果會使be動詞留在句尾,因此主動詞必須倒序


177. So poorly educated and trained are many young recruits to the United States work force that many business executives fear this country will lose its economic preeminence.

作者: hanson_luo    时间: 2004-7-16 19:07

需不需要用so+adj的倒装我觉得主要看是不是特别强调adj所表达的程度,而不是看主语是长是短。如 abundant has capital been for commercial real estate that investors regularly scour the contry for areas in which to build.所以,需不需要用倒装主要看句意是不是突出强调adj的意思。

这题如果倒装的话我觉得应该是So secretly  installed and operated was a recording system in the Kennedy Oval Office that even Theodore C. Sorensen, the White House counsel, did not know it existed.

作者: 携隐    时间: 2004-9-20 16:11

只有倒装问题吗?可是OG的解释说E是cannot be logically connected to the remainder of the sentence啊,为什么不能跟后面的内容向连接?


作者: rhod    时间: 2004-9-20 20:05

只有倒装问题吗?可是OG的解释说E是cannot be logically connected to the remainder of the sentence啊,为什么不能跟后面的内容向连接?

我觉得E把倒装和so ... that结构拆得乱七八糟,所以逻辑读不通.



作者: 携隐    时间: 2004-9-20 20:41
可不可以这样理解:E里面Installed and operated so secretly in the Kennedy Oval Office was a recording system 这就完成了一句话了,不可以再用that连接另一句完整的话?
作者: agk99    时间: 2004-9-20 21:43

我的看法是還是得加that 吧,唸起來(我純粹是用感覺)如果只有so卻沒有that ,是很怪的


作者: jjihh    时间: 2004-11-1 15:55

thus cannot be logically connected to the remainder of the sentence.仍然不理解,还请那位NN再帮忙讲一下,非常感谢

作者: jjihh    时间: 2004-11-1 21:33


作者: wwwhahchn    时间: 2004-12-5 11:41

只有倒装问题吗?可是OG的解释说E是cannot be logically connected to the remainder of the sentence啊,为什么不能跟后面的内容向连接?


作者: ford424    时间: 2004-12-10 10:44
作者: ford424    时间: 2004-12-12 20:58
作者: bryan0806    时间: 2004-12-14 18:13
我觉得15楼rhod  已经说了

基本上 E 的Installed and operated so secretly in the Kennedy Oval Office was a recording system that  

这样的结构已经不是  so.....thant 的结构了  倒装的话应该是

So secretly installed and operated was a recording system in ....that 而且也没有倒装的必要

所以E中的THAT 已经不是 强调SO 的结果  而成了定语从句形容 a recording system "White House counsel 所不知道的一个录音系统"



大家意见呢 ?

作者: mahyar    时间: 2005-1-29 00:09


把原来的谓语动词变成分词并提前到句首,倒装后原来的主语变成宾语,使原来指代主语的it 不知指代谁

作者: hncsxj    时间: 2005-8-9 00:11
og153,  the White House counsel, did not know it existed.
know it existed.--这里怎么不要that?

作者: amiaoma    时间: 2006-7-15 20:07
作者: amiaoma    时间: 2006-7-15 20:17
以下是引用hncsxj在2005-8-9 0:11:00的发言:
og153,  the White House counsel, did not know it existed.
know it existed.--这里怎么不要that?

作者: lez9664    时间: 2006-8-7 18:12

这道题OG11的解释也是 the inverted word order does not grammatically fit into the rest of the sentence. 请注意是 grammatically,所以 我觉得E 的倒装 根本不应有that 的内容。因为之前已经是完整的一句话了。 而凭空多出了一个that ,以为会是修饰system。多出了that 从句,显得很突兀。就算是so ...that 结构,但是中间插入了is , 已经打破了原有的so that 结构。 这是我的理解。

作者: beichenxuans    时间: 2009-8-22 14:53
以下是引用bryan0806在2004/12/14 18:13:00的发言:
我觉得15楼rhod  已经说了

基本上 E 的Installed and operated so secretly in the Kennedy Oval Office was a recording system that  

这样的结构已经不是  so.....thant 的结构了  倒装的话应该是

So secretly installed and operated was a recording system in ....that 而且也没有倒装的必要

所以E中的THAT 已经不是 强调SO 的结果  而成了定语从句形容 a recording system "White House counsel 所不知道的一个录音系统"



大家意见呢 ?

接着兄弟的继续说 E中that 不是强调SO 的结果

这里的that 引导的是定语从句(was a sysytem that even T.C did no konw it existed)

定语从句中 that 必需充当成分 而这里的it已经补出了that 充当的宾语  (T.C did no konw system existed)因而不能用that连接这两个句子

所以GMAC 会说 that 从句 cannot be logically connected to the remainder of the sentence.

作者: seaner    时间: 2017-8-7 00:17
Snazzy 发表于 2003-12-25 13:38
1, i can't understand why u want to use reverse, making it tedious. normally, when the subject is to ...

作者: AMBER513    时间: 2019-9-28 10:01

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