情况是这样的,今年申请到purdue的MSHRM, 这个项目在HR里算top5的,purdue的商学院排名20多吧。 拿到这个录取确实挺以外,因为本人的背景并不好,国内一般本科电子工程毕业,GPA2.8(虽然ranking还不错), 暑期在sony实习,现在在另一家规模一般的日本公司实习,做国际贸易的工作,今年六月本科毕业。没有hr相关工作经验。 T:83, GMAT:710. 这样的背景申到这个项目已经很满意了,现在知道的这个项目就录取了两个中国人,包括一个台湾的。其他拿的两个offer都是排名8,90的会计项目,小奖。剩下的项目全部被拒绝,包括UT-Austin, Gatech,和Vanderbilt.
我知道读hr,没有相关工作经验几乎是不可能在美国找得到工作的。毕业后一般是回国,但借着这个项目的reputation应该还是找得到好一点的工作的。现在的问题是有人给我建议让我放弃这个AD,两年以后申请MBA. 如果我继续在这个公司工作,两年以后我的工作经历是一年international trading加一年sales。还是2.8的GPA, 710GMAT,这样的话我不知道还能不能申请到和purdue同一档次的学校的mba。如果读完mba,是否能留在美国工作也是未知数。
in my opinion, you should go to Purdue.Can you have unusual work ecperiences two years later?
If not , it is hard for you to get the offer like Purdue MBA.
And also it depends on the finance status. 30-40w is easy for you ,go .It is helpful to your future.
considering the US economy, if age is not a problem, would recom delay
W/E is more important than GPA or GMAT
我记得LZ关于Purdue HR Ad的帖子,我还问你是不是你那种versatil的人,呵呵。
这个项目在HR里不算top 5的,虽然在大陆招的人很少。并且这个Program对于没有工作经验的人来说是很吃力的,应届生能从中吸收到的不多。
Agree with Darwei. LZ's issue is to find what's your real passion. Looks like you don't know yet.
HR is a supporting function. It's much easier to get in than to get out, coz your HR experience won't help much in the main functions like marketing/sales/operation etc. Unless you want to do headhunting.
Also from what I understand, in China, HR is not about whether you have a Master or not, it's more about your experience. Which make sense I think. Coz the entry level for HR is about recuriting, compensation, training etc, it doesn't require a master degree. Communication skill is by far the most important factor.
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