
标题: [求助]Duke vs UNC [打印本页]

作者: zenggfl    时间: 2008-3-20 04:46
标题: [求助]Duke vs UNC

Got admitted to both schools. I can save $35,000 if I go to UNC. My after MBA goal is to work at a consulting firm, focus on pharmaceutical/biotech industry, perferably in China. Anybody has any suggestions? Thanks a lot.

作者: hiddychen    时间: 2008-3-20 05:05
If you are pretty determined about healthcare, you should go to Duke. They have the largest and the best healthcare program within an MBA degree. It is highly valued in the healthcare sector.
作者: zenggfl    时间: 2008-3-20 05:06
Thanks. Yes, I'm in the HSM program.
作者: Whitney    时间: 2008-3-20 05:42

作者: hope08    时间: 2008-3-20 06:37


作者: Friskies    时间: 2008-3-20 06:43
以下是引用zenggfl在2008-3-20 4:46:00的发言:

Got admitted to both schools. I can save $35,000 if I go to UNC. My after MBA goal is to work at a consulting firm, focus on pharmaceutical/biotech industry, perferably in China. Anybody has any suggestions? Thanks a lot.


作者: jeffpan    时间: 2008-3-20 08:07



以下是引用zenggfl在2008-3-20 4:46:00的发言:

Got admitted to both schools. I can save $35,000 if I go to UNC. My after MBA goal is to work at a consulting firm, focus on pharmaceutical/biotech industry, perferably in China. Anybody has any suggestions? Thanks a lot.

作者: zenggfl    时间: 2008-3-20 09:05
以下是引用Friskies在2008-3-20 6:43:00的发言:


也许是JJ :-) G740, T111, biotech research >10 ys.

作者: zenggfl    时间: 2008-3-20 09:08
以下是引用jeffpan在2008-3-20 8:07:00的发言:



都是Jan. Round 的。DUKE是r2, UNC是R3。

作者: soniashi    时间: 2008-3-20 09:08
Duke la
作者: dorisflying    时间: 2008-3-20 11:38
Duke dear.
作者: small_head    时间: 2008-3-20 12:18
Think about the people you met and the schools you have visited, which one do you like better?
作者: rock2007    时间: 2008-3-20 12:33
Vote for Duke, of course.
作者: brianyeah    时间: 2008-3-20 13:15
除了名气以外, UNC真的那么差吗? 我上学校的网站看了一下, 学生们找的工作似乎都不错, TOP的投行,顾问以及HELTH CARE都在那里招不少于3个的学生, 粗略一算这些公司就招了100多人了, 而考虑到 每届UNC只有280人, 我觉得这个成绩一点也不差.
作者: icbcwjm    时间: 2008-3-20 16:37
Of course, Duke! Reputation, alumi networks (very important in US), faculty quality, future job prospect, etc.. In all respects, Duke is far better than UNC. Donot just think of $35,000 more tuition you pay now, you will get it back soon when you land a dream job by Duke MBA degree. I have personal experience studying at both Duke and UNC. Duke is far superior to UNC. I got offers from both. I defintely will go to Duke. See you all Dukies there!!!
作者: Lynn_EC    时间: 2008-3-20 16:51

我的interviewer就是UNC毕业以后去了DTT Consulting,然后转做GE healthcare,目前在中国。。。。


作者: Friskies    时间: 2008-3-20 22:20
以下是引用zenggfl在2008-3-20 9:05:00的发言:

也许是JJ :-) G740, T111, biotech research >10 ys.


作者: hhfts    时间: 2008-3-20 22:40

of course duck

作者: crazystupid    时间: 2008-3-21 09:45
If I were you, I would choose UNC.
作者: Drakedirect    时间: 2008-3-21 10:17
Duke for sure....

作者: DC2000    时间: 2008-3-24 08:00
I visited both schools. Chinese students in both schools are pretty respectful to each other as they sometimes partied together. Due to the close location, most companies interviewed students from both schools on-campus. Students from UNC admited, if one got offers from both schools without scholarship, definitely choose duke. with scholarship, you should balance by yourself. While I was in UNC for interview, I was surprised to meet a Duke first-year MBA student who was taking a portfolio management class in UNC as students from both schools could apply for each other's course sometimes.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-24 8:19:56编辑过]

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