
标题: 请教GWD6-14 [打印本页]

作者: chenyq12    时间: 2008-3-8 22:31
标题: 请教GWD6-14

Not one of the potential investors is expected to make an offer to buy First Interstate Bank until a merger agreement is signed that includes a provision for penalties if the deal were not to be concluded.

    A    is expected to make an offer to buy First Interstate Bank until a merger agreement is signed that includes a   provision     for penalties if the deal were 

    A    is expected to make an offer to buy First Interstate Bank until a merger agreement is signed that includes a   provision     for penalties if the deal were 

      B     is expected to make an offer for buying First Interstate Bank until they sign a merger agreement including a provision for penalties if the deal was

   C     is expected to make an offer to buy First Interstate Bank until a merger agreement be signed by them with a provision for penalties if the deal were

   D     are expected to make an offer for buying First Interstate Bank until it signs a merger agreement with a provision for penalties included if the deal was

   E      are expected to be making an offer to buy First Interstate Bank until they sign a merger agreement including a provision for penalties if the deal were


[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-14 9:36:26编辑过]

作者: bigskings    时间: 2008-3-9 00:26



作者: dianecarton    时间: 2008-3-9 00:37



作者: xlyun    时间: 2008-3-9 00:50

THE anwser is A

C错,因为主句的主语是单数.(one of .....)从句中的代词优先指代主句主语.而C中用的是THEM,所以错!

作者: chenyq12    时间: 2008-3-9 10:30

如果选C,其中be signed中be 是什么用法呢?

作者: neo1001    时间: 2008-3-9 10:59

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