Why not ask the school directly for a sample exam and the other information that you're looking for? Good luck!
楼主,我也早就收到了,一直没有给学校回复,我也有很多问题要问阿.和我联系吧 msn: cold2100@msn.com
我有朋友cbt 247就被要求上語言課了
我有朋友cbt 247就被要求上語言課了
我今天也收到了fordham条件式入学的EMAIL. EMAIL说要给我寄的I-20是:
"In order to process and send you your I-20 for your student visa, please
let us know if you will be attending Fordham’s Graduate School of Business
as an ESL Conditional Student, starting in the Fall 2008 term (start date:
Sept 20th, 2008)."
我关心的是, 如果拿了这种I-20, 签证会不会有问题呀? LZ MM决定去FORDHAM了吗?
我今天也收到了fordham条件式入学的EMAIL. EMAIL说要给我寄的I-20是:
"In order to process and send you your I-20 for your student visa, please
let us know if you will be attending Fordham’s Graduate School of Business
as an ESL Conditional Student, starting in the Fall 2008 term (start date:
Sept 20th, 2008)."
我关心的是, 如果拿了这种I-20, 签证会不会有问题呀? LZ MM决定去FORDHAM了吗?
不會有問題阿 有多少學生是條件試入學去美國唸書的 怎會有問題
雖然是條件式 他們還是會讓你修mba課的 只是同時可能要修英文課
谢谢LZ MM的答复. 我联系了给我ESL CONDITIONAL ADMISSION的人, 他说需要先修完英文, 通过考试, 才能念MBA. 我搞得一头雾水了...
是嗎 怎麼和我的答案不太一樣 我分別問了兩個人 供你參考囉
1. Irene Badaracco
Q: If I accept this conditional acceptance and want to study MBA for Fall 2008, when should I start my English classes at your school and pass the exam administered by IALC.
A: If you decide to attend Fordham's MBA program you should plan to arrive in New York by July 1st. Our second summer sessions runs from July 7th to August 15th.
A placement exam will determine your English proficiency level. (It is not a pass/fail exam.) After the second summer session has ended it will be determined whether additional ESL coursework is necessary in the fall, concurrent with the start of your MBA program.
2. Cynthia Perez
Q: If I accept this conditional acceptance and want to study MBA for Fall 2008, when should I start my English c! lasses at your school and pass the exam administered by IALC.
Many thanks to LZ MM. 因为我4.30才收到他们的条件式入学, 所以对方一上来就告诉我ESL的COURSE是在9.20(FALL TERM). 以下是给我录取的那个叫Meghan的人的回信:
IALC will test you and determine your level of proficiency. They will
decide which classes you should take and for how long, it isn't something
that can be determined ahead of time. Once they feel you are at a level
where you can get the most out of the MBA classes, you can begin
You will need to contact them to set up your exam. If you want to begin
early, the second session for summer begins of July 7th-August 15th. Please
visit their website (www.fordham.edu/esl) for further information and to
see about scheduling your exam.
所以我该做的是以下几个步骤: 拿到签证, 到学校先TEST英文水平, 再接受ESL课程, 再考试, 再看是不是可以开始念MBA或者要继续接受ESL课程.
而我担心的是以下问题: 1.如果我还来得及在7.1之前到美国, 或许可以上SUMMER COURSE; 如果赶不上, 只能上9月的FALL COURSE. 然后我可以上哪个学期的MBA课呢( 或许就像MM从第二个人那里的回复一样, 边学英语边上MBA课--都怪自己考IBT屡不争气 )? 2. 拿到的学校ADMISSION是作为"as an ESL Conditional Student, starting in the Fall 2008 term (start date: Sept 20th, 2008). "而不是FULL TIME MBA STUDENT, 我恐怕对我签证会有影响吧.
对了,MM决定去哪家了吗, 预约签证了吗? 我还是属于很茫然那种, 突然收到ADMISSION, 有点天上掉陷饼的感觉...
badaracco@fordham.edu |
你写信给这两个人问问看 你把那个人email给我 我也问问看
请问你托福几分 会不会是我们托福分数上的差异所以我可以一边上课而你要先过考试?? 我是cbt 237
我拿到i-20了 可是上面不是写condition offer 他是这样写
English proficiency:
This school requires English proficiency. The student is not yet proficient. English instructions will be given at the school.
我不知道这样算不算condition offer
因为和fordham要i-20不用缴订金 我觉得你现在要做的事就是赶快和他拿i-20 请他尽快寄 并且要时时体醒他 因为他们效率有点差
拿到之后再考虑好要不要去 如果决定上7/7的课 机票方面也要尽快买
我不清楚为什么不是FULL TIME MBA STUDENT, 对你签证会有影响 那是大陆的规定吗?? 因为我是台湾人 我只知道在台湾不会有影响 =)
我联系的那位是: mmehta@fordham.edu
我IBT才93, 我看FORDHAM的网页上说, TOEFL没到100, 600或者250的, 都必须先上他们家的英语课的.
我会尽快联系你所说的2位的, 谢谢哦. 请问你等了多久才拿到I-20? 关于签证的事情, 因为美国对大陆的签证非常严, 所以如果不是FULL-TIME MBA的话, 我恐怕签证就凶多吉少了...心里惴惴的.
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