Most household appliances use electricity only when in use. Many microwave ovens,
However, have built-in clocks and so use some electricity even when they are not in
Use. The clocks each consume about 45 kilowatt-hours per year. Therefore, house
Holds whose microwave oven has no built-in clock use 45 kilowatt-hours per year
Less. On average, than do comparable households shoes microwave oven is other-
Wise similar but has a built-in clock.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
A Households that do not have a microwave oven use less energy per year, on
average, than do households that have a microwave oven.
B Microwave ovens with a built-in clock do not generally cost more to buy than
microwave ovens without a built-in clock.
C All households that have a microwave oven also have either a gas oven or a
Conventional electric oven.
D Households whose microwave oven does not have a built-in clock are no more
likely to have a separate electric clock plugged in than households whose
microwave oven has one.
E There are more households that have a microwave oven with a built-in clock
than there are households that have a microwave oven without a built-in clock.
D选: 相较于本来有built-in clock, 没有built-in clock微波炉的家庭,也不可能会再放一个要另外要接电的clock。
因为本来就没built-in clock了!表示当初就认为没有使用的必要,于是也不会想再用外接的clock,而刚好符合题目的first sentence 其它后面,都只是要影响思考的废话。
A Households that do not have a microwave oven use less energy per year, on average, than do households that have a microwave oven.->非文章讨论范围
B Microwave ovens with a built-in clock do not generally cost more to buy than microwave ovens without a built-in clock.->明显与文章论述相反
C All households that have a microwave oven also have either a gas oven or a Conventional electric oven.->IR
D Households whose microwave oven does not have a built-in clock are no more likely to have a separate electric clock plugged in than households whose microwave oven has one.
E There are more households that have a microwave oven with a built-in clock than there are households that have a microwave oven without a built-in clock.->比较microwave oven with a built-in clock与without a built-in clock拥有人数多寡NONSENSE
Therefore, households whose microwave oven has no built-in clock use 45 kilowatt-hours per year less, on average, than do comparable households whose microwave oven is otherwise similar but has a built-in clock.
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