
标题: 请问 885/4-14.23 [打印本页]

作者: catherine11    时间: 2003-12-16 01:26
标题: 请问 885/4-14.23
23.    A huge flying reptile that died out with the dinosaurs some 65 million years ago, the Quetzalcoatlus had a wingspan of 36 feet, believed to be the largest flying creature the world has ever seen.
(A) believed to be
(B) and that is believed to be
(C) and it is believed to have been
(D) which was, it is believed,
(E) which is believed to be

A 有什么不对?为什么选c?

14.    Several senior officials spoke to the press on condition that they not be named in the story.
(A) that they not be named
(B) that their names will not be used
(C) that their names are not used
(D) of not being named
(E) they will not be named

在这里应强调的是their name, 所以为什么不选C?

作者: catherine11    时间: 2003-12-16 07:03
作者: ca3ltoys    时间: 2003-12-16 07:26
14. here omitted should
23. as for A, you 've no idea about which is believed to ..., the Quetzalcoatlus or wingspan?

I am a newer too, hope veterans show us some feedbacks
作者: catherine11    时间: 2003-12-17 00:15
where are the veterans?
作者: gmatchenaimin    时间: 2003-12-20 03:09
显然, 这道题目有很多疑问:
1) believed to be the ... 在逻辑上修饰"Quetzalcoatlus", 语法上可做状语表结果. 这点应该是肯定的.
2) 用And来连接两个分句, 不能表达前后因果联系:"因为 ...有那么大的wing, 人们以为...." A的表达比C准确
3) 感觉 C 中 to+完成时态语与后面 "has ever been seen" 语意重复, 是分别扭. 有谁见过这种类似的表达?
作者: mariezhu    时间: 2004-1-26 05:06

以下是引用gmatchenaimin在2003-12-20 3:09:00的发言:
显然, 这道题目有很多疑问:
1) believed to be the ... 在逻辑上修饰"Quetzalcoatlus", 语法上可做状语表结果. 这点应该是肯定的.
2) 用And来连接两个分句, 不能表达前后因果联系:"因为 ...有那么大的wing, 人们以为...." A的表达比C准确
3) 感觉 C 中 to+完成时态语与后面 "has ever been seen" 语意重复, 是分别扭. 有谁见过这种类似的表达?

作者: tricat10    时间: 2004-2-15 02:18
I found a question similiar to question 23.

It is 补充250 - 177

177. Believed to originate from a small area on their foreheads, elephants emit low-frequency sounds that may be used as a secret language to communicate with other members of the herd.

(A) Believed to originate from a small area on their foreheads, elephants emit low-frequency sounds that may be used

(B) Elephants emit low-frequency sounds that are believed to originate from a small area on their foreheads, and they may use this

(C) Elephants emit low-frequency sounds, believed to originate from a small area on their foreheads, that they may use

(D) Originating, it is believed, from a small area on their foreheads; elephants emit low-frequency sounds they may use

(E) Originating, it is believed, from a small area on their foreheads, low-frequency sounds are emitted by elephants that may be used

The answer is (C)


Besides,    to use "simple tense" seems at leaset as good as to use 完成时态 here, cuz this is a fact, no matter whether this creature is exist currently or not.

I'm puzzled...

作者: 橙子    时间: 2004-2-16 11:56
same question. help!!!
作者: ecsniffer    时间: 2004-2-16 12:31


                         (1)it明确地指代the Quetzalcoatlus

                                (2)to have been时态上使用正确与后面的the world has ever seen对应

                                 A错在believed to be修饰对象模糊,过去分词放在句末,优先做定语就近修饰前面的名词。在这里believed to be就近修饰a    wingspan    。

177、believed to originate就近做定语修饰sounds


[此贴子已经被作者于2004-2-16 12:57:56编辑过]

作者: jnlvo    时间: 2004-2-16 15:18
14n condition that一般用虚拟,如不用,也要用过去时,且B,C中their names的用法没有A中name 作动词表达得好,准确。

23:C并列从句中的主语代词it应首先指主句主语Quetzalcoatlus,而A省略it后believed首先指前面名词a wing span,177为证。to have been比to be好to be 感觉有Quetzalcoatlus现在还存在的意思to have been表过去。

177按照believed的用法只有c。B中that are 多余,this不能单独指代,并且主从改变。

                         (1)it明确地指代the Quetzalcoatlus

                                (2)to have been时态上使用正确与后面的the world has ever seen对应

                                 A错在believed to be修饰对象模糊,过去分词放在句末,优先做定语就近修饰前面的名词。在这里believed to be就近修饰a    wingspan    。

177、believed to originate就近做定语修饰sounds

作者: tricat10    时间: 2004-2-17 02:10
23.应无指代不清的问题. believed to be the largest flying creature 已明确指出这是Quetzalcoatlus,因为wingspan不会是creature.

Besides, why "it明确地指代the Quetzalcoatlus"? 我也可说是指代wingspan啊?皆为单数

"to have been" is present perfect. It has noting to do with "表过去"

分词就近修饰要在没有岐义下才成立吧?. 另一个例子 OG49

49.     The cameras of the Voyager II spacecraft detected six small, previously unseen moons circling Uranus, doubling to twelve the number of satellites now known to orbit the distant planet.

这里doubling指的是moons, 不是Uranus, 因为有satellites在后面

So...still puzzled....

作者: 麻集爱    时间: 2004-4-5 17:13


作者: tianwan    时间: 2004-4-6 23:20

23:1,OG49的例子,moons circling Uranus中moon是中心词,但23,Q是主语,和believed隔了谓语和宾语,肯定够不到,所以A肯定是错的。

2,至于and it is中的it肯定是主语,主语对主语,没有问题,非要对宾语,必需重复该宾语并在重复的宾语前加定冠词。C的问题是模糊指代,但这种模糊指代在ETS里不是完全错。


作者: jnlvo    时间: 2004-4-6 23:52

49.  The cameras of the Voyager II spacecraft detected six small, previously unseen moons circling Uranus, doubling to twelve the number of satellites now known to orbit the distant planet.
这里doubling指的是moons, 不是Uranus, 因为有satellites在后面



作者: zhouhaichen    时间: 2004-7-5 13:55

23:C并列从句中的主语代词it应首先指主句主语Quetzalcoatlus,而A省略it后believed首先指前面名词a wing span,177为证。to have been比to be好to be 感觉有Quetzalcoatlus现在还存在的意思to have been表过去。
177按照believed的用法只有c。B中that are 多余,this不能单独指代,并且主从改变。

       (1)it明确地指代the Quetzalcoatlus

        (2)to have been时态上使用正确与后面的the world has ever seen对应

         A错在believed to be修饰对象模糊,过去分词放在句末,优先做定语就近修饰前面的名词。在这里believed to be就近修饰a wingspan 。

177、believed to originate就近做定语修饰sounds


作者: 携隐    时间: 2005-2-26 10:08



虽然白勇书里说,ed分词在句尾,优先作定语修饰就近的名词。但是这个“就近”到底要多近?一般来说,OG中出现的就近修饰的例子,这个名词都在逗号之前。本题则两个名词离believed都有一段距离,所以我认为是dangling modifier的问题(修饰歧义)而不是就近修饰的问题。



jnlvo说C之所以对还有一个原因是to be的时态不对,不能和后面的has ever seen对应。这一点我有疑问。见OG9:

9. Astronomers at the Palomar Observatory have discovered a distant supernova explosion, one that they believe is a type previously unknown to science.

(A)  that they believe is

(B)   that they believe it to be

(C)   they believe that it is of

(D)  they believe that is

(E)   they believe to be of

答案是E,解释中说: In the context of this sentence, the infini­tive to be is more appropriate than the limited present-tense is in referring to an event that occurred long ago but has been discovered only recently. 本题中to be就用的是现在时表达发生在过去并且一直持续到现在的事情。如果说对应,那么本题也有previously(持续到到目前为止),可以对应完成时。


dangling modifier、which从句修饰对象错误、that指代词错误。

作者: lilyzy    时间: 2005-2-26 14:08

同意携隐对C的it在语法上有指代歧义的嫌疑. 不过逻辑上还是可以接受的. A中的believed, 优先做定语就近修饰前面的名词, 所以问题更大. 我觉得选项是比出来的. 在没有别的更好的答案的情况下, 只能选C.

关于believe to的时态, GEMJ和一些前辈曾经有过精彩的分析, 不过也还是没有一个肯定的结果

携隐参考一下这些贴子. 也欢迎大家讨论


作者: bigmouse    时间: 2005-3-12 17:42
作者: xxiaoyan    时间: 2005-10-17 16:01
作者: swenet2000    时间: 2006-7-27 18:35

§ 個人認為這一題主要是在時態問題,

● OG 9 裡的
   believed to be (
previously unknown to science. (題目中)呼應

OG 的解釋
In the context of this sentence, the infini­tive to be is more appropriate than the limited present-tense is in referring to an event that occurred long ago but has been discovered only recently.


很久以前但不知道確切何時就出現了, 但卻是現在才發現……


所以時間上不重疊處用to be 來說是最好的表達方式~~~

● 而此題 sec04-23 & 大全 8
believed to have been ( 選項裡)
has ever seen ( 題目中

說明the Quetzalcoatlus 在時間上以前就被認為是世界上最大的飛行生物,


為什麼說直到現在還認為, 因為題目中用的是 has ever seen.

§ 此外, 關於修飾歧義問題, 常常看到許多NN 說明再指代上沒有限定哪一條規則說

誰放哪就是修飾誰誰誰…..規則上出現難以解釋時, 則仍是必須依句意靈活應用才是最上策.



1)      最近修飾

2)      或是修飾主語. 該依句義而定才是~  




[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-28 9:35:35编辑过]

作者: realme923    时间: 2008-10-19 23:56


A huge flying reptile that died out with the dinosaurs some 65 million years ago, the Quetzalcoatlus had a wingspan of 36 feet, believed to be the largest flying creature the world has ever seen.

       (A) believed to be

(C) and it is believed to have been


原本觉得排除C的原因是wordy,选A。但后来觉得不是这么回事。读下这句话,首先是独立主格A huge flying reptile that died out with the dinosaurs some 65 million years ago,来修饰主语。后面的believed虽然有修饰歧异,但通常可优先修主语(分词跳跃修饰),这样一来,整句话显得不伦不类,“独立主格,主谓宾,分词结构修饰主语”,不符合常规order。所以,为了结构清楚,易将一句话拆成并列句。



This is a period like none of us has ever seen before.

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-10-20 0:00:45编辑过]

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