
标题: linlin的lsat(4)谢谢! [打印本页]

作者: linlin315    时间: 2003-4-27 11:13
标题: linlin的lsat(4)谢谢!
2. Handwriting analysis—also known as graphology—is a poor way to predict personality types, even though it is used by 3,000 United States firms and by a majority of European companies. In a recent study, five graphologists scored no better than chance in predicting the occupations of forty professionals.

Which one of the following is an assumption necessary to the argument?

(A) People in the same occupation usually do not have the same personality type.

(B) Graphology is an effective means of predicting personality types in non-business contexts.

(C) There are more United States firms that do not use graphology than all the United States and European firms that do use it.

(D) There are several other techniques for predicting personality types that are more accurate than graphology.

(E) There is a correspondence between type of personality and choice of occupation.
我的问题:(1)In a recent study, five graphologists scored no better than chance in predicting the occupations of forty professionals.什么意思啊!!
4、The simple facts are these: the number of people killed each year by grizzly bears is about the same as the number of people killed by lightning on golf courses. And the number of people killed by lightning on golf course each year is about the same as the number of people electrocuted by electric blenders. All the horrible myths and gruesome stories aside, therefore, a grizzly bear is in fact about as dangerous as an electric blender or a game of golf.
Which one of the following, if true, would most effectively undermine the author’s argument?

(A) Although the number of people killed by lightning on golf courses each year is very small, the total number of lightning fatalities is many times greater.

(B) Electric blenders are among the safest household appliances; were the author to compare fatalities from electrical appliances in general, she would get a much higher figure.

(C) Most people would rather take their chances with blenders and golf games than with grizzly bears.

(D) Bears in general—including black, brown, and cinnamon bears, as well as grizzly bears—kill many more people than do electric blenders.

(E) Statistics show that the number of times people use electric blenders each year exceeds the number of times people play golf each year, which in turn far exceeds the number of contacts people have with grizzly bears each year.

6. No senator spoke at the convention unless he or she was a Democrat. No Democrat both spoke at the convention and was a senator

Which one of the following conclusions can be correctly drawn from the statements above?

(A) N one but senators spoke at the convention.

(B) No Democrat spoke at the convention.

(C) Only Democrats spoke at the convention.

(D) No senator spoke at the convention.

(E) Some Democrat senators spoke at the convention.


作者: siebel    时间: 2003-4-27 12:19
以下是引用linlin315在2003-4-27 11:13:00的发言:
2. Handwriting analysis—also known as graphology—is a poor way to predict personality types, even though it is used by 3,000 United States firms and by a majority of European companies. In a recent study, five graphologists scored no better than chance in predicting the occupations of forty professionals.
Which one of the following is an assumption necessary to the argument?
(A) People in the same occupation usually do not have the same personality type.
(B) Graphology is an effective means of predicting personality types in non-business contexts.
(C) There are more United States firms that do not use graphology than all the United States and European firms that do use it.
(D) There are several other techniques for predicting personality types that are more accurate than graphology.
(E) There is a correspondence between type of personality and choice of occupation.
我的问题:(1)In a recent study, five graphologists scored no better than chance in predicting the occupations of forty professionals.什么意思啊!!


4、The simple facts are these: the number of people killed each year by grizzly bears is about the same as the number of people killed by lightning on golf courses. And the number of people killed by lightning on golf course each year is about the same as the number of people electrocuted by electric blenders. All the horrible myths and gruesome stories aside, therefore, a grizzly bear is in fact about as dangerous as an electric blender or a game of golf.
Which one of the following, if true, would most effectively undermine the author’s argument?

(A) Although the number of people killed by lightning on golf courses each year is very small, the total number of lightning fatalities is many times greater.
(B) Electric blenders are among the safest household appliances; were the author to compare fatalities from electrical appliances in general, she would get a much higher figure.
(C) Most people would rather take their chances with blenders and golf games than with grizzly bears.
(D) Bears in general—including black, brown, and cinnamon bears, as well as grizzly bears—kill many more people than do electric blenders.
(E) Statistics show that the number of times people use electric blenders each year exceeds the number of times people play golf each year, which in turn far exceeds the number of contacts people have with grizzly bears each year.


作者: mindfree    时间: 2003-4-27 12:21
1. 假设题的类型不同, 但相同的是line of reasining有gap. 在读CR原文时,要做的一件事是找出文中所设计的事物, 包括名词, 概念, 数字(或比较), 时间等. 这些事物对排除答案也有很大帮助(我在我CR的总结中会提到).

你还要把握原文的推理过程(或叫逻辑关系). 第一句话:结论, 涉及概念: G, personality, companies. 第二句话:依据, 涉及概念: recent study, occupation. 你应该看到原文的逻辑关系: handwriting did poorly on predicting occupation-->handwriting is a poor way to predict personality. 两个概念不同, 中间有个gap, 既occupation<==>personality.

2. 典型的比较题. 同类题目出现多次. 100年里吃饭被噎死的人数和SARS两个月杀死的人数相同推出吃饭和SARS同样危险, 你说对吗?

3. 还是充分必要条件.
If A, then B, 则A(充分)-->B(必要)
A only if B, 则A(充分)-->B(必要)
not A unless B, 则A(充分)-->B(必要)

原文的逻辑关系为Senator spoke --> democrat; democrat-->not spoke at the convention and a senator at the same time
命题的逆否命题相同: not democrat-->not speak as a senator; both spoke and a senator-->not a democrat.

两个结合起来, 就是:不是民主党的参议员不在convention发言, 民主党不会又发言又是参议员. 则答案为D

我可能解释地不是很清楚. 希望其他人补充!
作者: tony9721    时间: 2003-4-28 08:59

No senator spoke at the convention unless he or she was a democrat
民主党人士(包括民主党兼议员和民主党),所以不仅是民主党兼议员,也有可能只是民主党人士。只要属于民主党 都可以发言)
No democrat both spoke at the convention and be was a senator

根据1-2结论推出, 议员不能发言。

作者: tony9721    时间: 2003-4-28 09:28
Linlin: 请问你是不是刚刚开始做LSAT,还是已经做了一阵了,
谢谢,如下是我昨天LSAT test 1 的两个section的情况,看得出我比较土。
CRITICAL REASONING 1    2003.4.27 morning, Sunday
1. no more属于误用, 因为原句就假设问了该捐赠人可以增加多少,而这个家伙说对捐赠钱的用处表示怀疑准备不捐了,但是因为原句假设了increase多少,所以错了!不是增加多少,而是一点多不捐了!
2. 不理解句意
3. 建立fatal与dangerous的关系,c,e都建立了这种关系,但是c更直接表达了这种关系
4. 建立三者的联系,通过频度的使用weaken答案
5. 做过的题目,类似于中文的一种表达有两种含义
6. 这个题比较典型,我是讨论记住的,我想我的这道senator的题目会记住一生
7. 本题主要是要看清题目中的major,另外可以看到正确答案的minor,两者对应,正好weak,这就说明看题一定要仔细
8. 本题属于举例来反对,通过存在含量少的人同样得病来否认原文的说protein deposit可以沉积致病的论点
9. 必要充分条件误用,原文属于循环图例,即用论据来证明论点,又用论点来证明论据,很典型
10. 这个大案没有什么好说的,直接否定,原文担心20%粮食转换肉,说养的人少,而答案说养的人多来weaken, perfect
11. 我本题错误选了B,认为原文中K通过additional evidence来削弱H,其实原文没有additional evidence,都是从一个结果推来得,只是k又结合了一些新的东西,就是周末虽然骑自行车不容易出事,但是从单位路程上算就更容易出事,why,因为起的少,所以单位路程出事率高,注意,这个新的东西就是我认为的additional evidence,其实不是evidence,(还是有些不太理解).答案所evaluate不同.
12. will not 没有may的含义,而E的may or mayn’t比较全面,说明了两种情况,好
13. 讲的是现在地学生不如20年前受欢迎,因为20年前的好学生只有10%,考,现在有50%,于是雇主不相信了,所以学生不好找工作,因为学校现在授予的荣誉特别多,所以要减少以从树雇主信心.问如下的那个假设可以支持答案A 说 today’s students are not higher achiever than the students of 20 year ago. 有些道理,如果今天的学生和以前授予荣誉的一样优秀,雇主就没有必要挑剔了,因为水平提高了吗!但是我选的是B awarding too much honor degrees causes colleges to inflate degree. 我觉得也不错,难道不对吗,如果不是今天的授予了那么多的honor degrees提高了inflate,你即使采取措施也不能从树雇主信心啊!
14. D项正确,但是我选择了c,主要是看错了both的位置就是必要充分条件,a成立可以推出b成立,但是b成立不一定a成立,a有可能成立,也可能不成立,d就表达了这个含义!
15. 类似assume题
16. 不理解
17. the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error.意思就是如果这里和错误碰撞的越狠,也就是讨论的越厉害,那么真理就越明确和鲜明.难道这句话还是讲silence rob human race,也就是开篇的论点,但是其他的好像更不好
18. 简单
19. D的fewer应该为much,但是b,c到底是怎么推论出来的呢,我现在明白了,b 和c不一定能够推论出来,但是d肯定推不出来,所以d肯定错误,碰到这种can’t be conclude 的题目切记一定要找给明确给原文不一致的,也就是肯定可以推出错误的,不一定可以推出错误的不选
20. 提供相关的解释,一个结论的几个相关的解释,正确
21. 原句的推理为if A, then B, because A cause C, and C cause B,
那么我们来看(A)  A was caused by B, because B cause C and C cause A
(B) if A then B, If B then C, so if A then C
22. 符合推理
23. 不难,其中注意unless的用法
24. 读题十分困难,读懂题也很难解出来
25. 不难
CRITICAL REASON 2   2003.4.27 night Sunday
1. E,考虑到喝酒喝吸烟的类比
2. E 我认为充要条件搞混淆 ,但答案B,不知道logical err是什么/
3. D prepare for war and prepare for peace 根本就是不同于war and peace
4. C,关键是对双重否定的理解,题目有些么没有读懂,但还是选了C
5. E我是根据意思判断地,医生肯定为自己辩解,所以E正确
6. A, a relationship of a head start 记住这个短语,这体选A有些牵强,如果E没有more我肯定选E
7. A,直接weaken,好
8. D,最convincing 的人肯定可以当好处理好与patient的关系
9. D,本题读题很难,我有一个单词不认识,就是parity,表示双方势力势均力敌的含义,另外hierarchical这个单词我也不是很熟,能够读懂题应该可以解出来
10. D 读懂题目好难啊,方针即使所政府不透明,搞什么派系,不过factional political system还是不好理解的,答案是c,考攻击中国政府,我是党员,放弃看它!
11. B,阅读理解,however表示装着,强调后者,就是b了
12. E,关键时tyrant和subject的含义,前者表示暴君,后者表示国民,我怎么把tyrant理解成了沙皇了,作题时还在郁闷沙皇和亚里士多德的关系,怎么他这么牛,连沙皇都知道,厉害,考,原来是暴君,郁闷!tzar or tsar才是沙皇的含义,答案是确是a,不懂,望高手指教
13. B 原文的暗示就是如果gadget毁的快,就可能是某地造的
14. B 第一句的改写,答案是确是c,不错,这个我错了,没有理解清楚关系,b包括的范围比第一句广泛多了!
15. A exploit 这个单词双方理解存在差异,一个时剥削,一个是开发,其中还有一个单词,就是indispensable,务必要记住,它表达“必不可少的”含义
16. B, a应该是sometimes受到affected,但是答案却选了
17. C,晕,to what end are all arts of life如何翻译
18. E,晕
19. D,如果D成立,那么题设at most two people in the room recognize each other 就不成立了
20. C注意要both
21. C建立thundershower与low pressure的关系,答案是b,不知?
22. E,答案是确是A,两题带logical err的都错了,看来这个不行啊
23. D,我认为是比喻,但答案是B,我晕
24. D指出自行车的chain在高压下还可以工作effectively,人就不行了,从而否定其可比性
25. A推不出,因为最好的戏剧家不幸的比例是100%,所以肯定最大
26. D例子和原因就没有关系呀!
作者: linlin315    时间: 2003-4-28 14:03
以下是引用mindfree在2003-4-27 12:21:00的发言:
1. 假设题的类型不同, 但相同的是line of reasining有gap. 在读CR原文时,要做的一件事是找出文中所设计的事物, 包括名词, 概念, 数字(或比较), 时间等. 这些事物对排除答案也有很大帮助(我在我CR的总结中会提到).

你还要把握原文的推理过程(或叫逻辑关系). 第一句话:结论, 涉及概念: G, personality, companies. 第二句话:依据, 涉及概念: recent study, occupation. 你应该看到原文的逻辑关系: handwriting did poorly on predicting occupation-->handwriting is a poor way to predict personality. 两个概念不同, 中间有个gap, 既occupation<==>personality.

作者: linlin315    时间: 2003-4-28 14:11
以下是引用mindfree在2003-4-27 12:21:00的发言:
2. 典型的比较题. 同类题目出现多次. 100年里吃饭被噎死的人数和SARS两个月杀死的人数相同推出吃饭和SARS同样危险, 你说对吗?

作者: linlin315    时间: 2003-4-28 14:43
有个疑问:A only if B, 则A-->B吗?我只知道only if A,then B 则A-->B,这两个命题等价吗?(哥哥别打我!我对这种逻辑关系总是搞不太明白)
以下是引用mindfree在2003-4-27 12:21:00的发言:

3. 还是充分必要条件.
If A, then B, 则A(充分)-->B(必要)
A only if B, 则A(充分)-->B(必要)
not A unless B, 则A(充分)-->B(必要)

原文的逻辑关系为Senator spoke --> democrat; democrat-->not spoke at the convention and a senator at the same time
命题的逆否命题相同: not democrat-->not speak as a senator; both spoke and a senator-->not a democrat.

两个结合起来, 就是:不是民主党的参议员不在convention发言, 民主党不会又发言又是参议员. 则答案为D

我可能解释地不是很清楚. 希望其他人补充!

作者: linlin315    时间: 2003-4-28 15:05
以下是引用tony9721在2003-4-28 8:59:00的发言:

No senator spoke at the convention unless he or she was a democrat
民主党人士(包括民主党兼议员和民主党),所以不仅是民主党兼议员,也有可能只是民主党人士。只要属于民主党 都可以发言)
No democrat both spoke at the convention and be was a senator

根据1-2结论推出, 议员不能发言。

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-4-28 15:36:27编辑过]

作者: linlin315    时间: 2003-4-28 15:08
谢谢siebel,free,tony9721 三位哥哥的帮忙!!
作者: linlin315    时间: 2003-4-28 15:10
TO:   tony9721
作者: tony9721    时间: 2003-4-28 16:39
作者: mindfree    时间: 2003-4-28 21:31
only if和if是不同的.
If A, then B中, A是充分条件, 既A-->B
Only if A, B, A是必要条件, 既B-->A
If you go (A), I will go (B). A-->B 你去我就去. (你去我就一定去)
Only if you go(A), I go (B). B-->A 你去我才去. (你去了我也不一定去,但你不去我肯定不去)

作者: linlin315    时间: 2003-4-29 15:38
标题: 明白!
还有 if only=if 对吧!!only if 不等于if !!
以下是引用mindfree在2003-4-28 21:31:00的发言:
only if和if是不同的.
If A, then B中, A是充分条件, 既A-->B
Only if A, B, A是必要条件, 既B-->A
If you go (A), I will go (B). A-->B 你去我就去. (你去我就一定去)
Only if you go(A), I go (B). B-->A 你去我才去. (你去了我也不一定去,但你不去我肯定不去)

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