However, it should be true. first, why do they want to joke you? it is about the reputation of this university. so don't doubt it. second, make sure you didn't make mistake. sometimes, they mention that if there are some spaces left, you can apply and have the chance to be admitted.
only my opinion.作者: PTD 时间: 2003-12-14 21:29
some deadlines like that are for spring semesters, for example, INSEAD has both spring and fall semesters.作者: know0588 时间: 2003-12-15 02:41
对于加国国内的申请者或移民是可以到很晚的,不过一般都是Rolling的,即约往后名额越少.所以早申请好一点.作者: jennyguoguo 时间: 2003-12-15 03:13
只要学校没开学,都有可能继续招生,不过那一般都是本国学生,随时可以来的。作者: ringringbell 时间: 2003-12-15 06:27
I know someone who was admitted this year by some b-school. He applied all schools in June and received 6 offers. So it is not so late if you are in US or Canada.