“The owners of the Cumquat Cafe evidently made a good business decision in moving to a new location, as can be seen from the fact that the Cafe will soon celebrate its second anniversary there. Moreover, it appears that businesses are not likely to succeed at the old location: since the Cafe’s move, three different businesses—a tanning salon, an antique emporium, and a pet–grooming shop—have occupied its former spot.”
1. 在新地址庆祝第二个周年纪念日只能说明,搬到新地址之后咖啡店继续存活了下来但是不是比原来好了作者并没有给出足够的证据证明。
2. 导致另外三家店无法在那个地点经营下去的原因可能并表示不是地址而是其他因素
3. 那个地址就算不适合开那三种店打算内并没有证据证明也不适合开咖啡店
请问这篇argument的题目的最后一句 是说自从cafe move 了之后,就有三家不同的店占据了它(cafe)以前的旧地吗?
我觉得2和3 不是原文表达的意思吧
ding xia
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