标题: [求助]考試的時候有快速鍵嗎? [打印本页]
作者: kevinboss 时间: 2007-12-10 16:21
标题: [求助]考試的時候有快速鍵嗎?
請問考試的時候,在每答完一題,按完NEXT後,螢幕都會出現Yes or No.的視窗。
這時候可以用鍵盤上的Y 或N來選擇嗎?
因為NEXT鍵在右下角,YES OR NO卻跑到螢幕中央...有點浪費時間...
作者: beta2015 时间: 2018-12-14 13:05
1) TAB: scrolls among answer choices from top to bottom.
2) SPACE BAR: "clicks" on the answer choice that you have selected with the tab key.
3) ALT-N: “Next (Question)” = Press these two keys simultaneously after you have selected an answer choice with the mouse.
4) ALT-Y: “Yes” = Confirms your answer once you have selected “Next”, and again saves time by avoiding another mouse click.
5) ALT-N : “No” = Choose this if you’ve changed your mind about your answer and want to re-try the question.
Mac users take note: for GMATPrep on a Mac, use the "Command" button instead of the "Alt" button. However, the real GMAT will always be on a PC which uses the ALT shortcuts, so this will obviously not work on test day.
Bonus shortcut for GMAT Prep - Review Mode only: Simply press the space bar to move on to the next question.
AWA (Essay):
1) CTRL-X : Cut
2) CTRL-C: Copy
3) CTRL-V: Paste
4) CTRL-Z: Undo
5) CTRL-Y: Redo
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