
标题: Prep-1-68 请教大家~ [打印本页]

作者: heyii    时间: 2007-11-29 08:24
标题: Prep-1-68 请教大家~


68.   (35185-!-item-!-188;#058&007601)




Manufacturers sometimes discount the price of a
product to retailers for a promotion period when the product is advertised to
consumers.  Such promotions often result
in a dramatic increase in amount of product sold by the manufacturers to
retailers.  Nevertheless, the
manufacturers could often make more profit by not holding the promotions.




Which of the following, if true, most strongly
supports the claim above about the manufacturers' profit?




(A) The amount of discount generally offered by
manufacturers to retailers is carefully calculated to represent the minimum
needed to draw consumers' attention to the product.


(B) For many consumer products the period of
advertising discounted prices to consumers is about a week, not sufficiently
long for consumers to become used to the sale price.


(C) For products that are not newly introduced,
the purpose of such promotions is to keep the products in the minds of
consumers and to attract consumers who are currently using competing products.


(D) During such a promotion retailers tend to
accumulate in their warehouses inventory bought at discount; they then sell
much of it later at their regular price.


(E) If a manufacturer fails to offer such
promotions but its competitor offers them, that competitor will tend to attract
consumers away from the manufacturer's product.

其实当时做的时候觉得那个D长得蛮像正确答案的风格的。。。但是说服不了自己, 原因是我觉得D是在说retailer的profit,关Manufacture啥事情??所以我就在其他也看上去不爽的答案中选了B。- -
Nevertheless, the
manufacturers could often make more profit by not holding the promotions.
这句话我的理解是,Manufacurers即使不继续promotion也能make profit.不知道是不是理解错了,希望大家帮我解决一下这个思路


作者: apostlep43    时间: 2007-11-29 08:43

Logic is promotion leads to loss in profit. Only D contributes to the loss in profit.

作者: heyii    时间: 2007-11-29 08:49
Nevertheless, the
manufacturers could often make more profit by not holding the promotions.

作者: apostlep43    时间: 2007-11-29 20:37
作者: lift1217    时间: 2007-11-30 00:20


作者: hollygrail    时间: 2007-11-30 04:16

Nevertheless, the manufacturers could often make more profit by not holding the promotions.


降低价格 -> 销售量增加 -> profit 增加

利润提高的前提是retailers不会趁promotion囤积商品,而以regular price卖给customers.C说出了这个前提,支持了结论.

Curing such a promotion retailers tend to accumulate in their warehouses inventory bought at discount; they then sell much of it later at their regular price.


如果没有promotion,卖给retailers的价格会是regular price,同时量不会减少.因为最终商品的是终端用户.因为promotion的目的是扩大终端用户量,C的存在说明终端用户量并没有在promotion期间扩大.相同的终端用户量,更高的销售价格,导致更多的利润.

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