中金、中银有一定的竞争力,是我们的最大竞争对手作者: wslch 时间: 2003-12-10 15:20
国际投行最大的优势是:能为客户提供全方位的融资计划,再者就是实力雄厚的研发力量和强大的机构投资者客户。作者: usdusaj 时间: 2003-12-10 16:51
yes I think so. It is possible that soem person do not fully understnd IB and post to choose 德意志银行. My ranking, 高盛、摩根士丹利,美林,雷曼兄弟 作者: Emilydong 时间: 2003-12-10 17:21
兄弟们的口气好像是在国外投行作?作者: baobaobear 时间: 2003-12-11 17:01
I might wonder who are the respondents of this poll. Moreover, I don't satisfy with some options of the questions, which might mislead the respondents. For example, what does "哪家留给您的印象最深" mean? To be honest, I consider such question is only for someone who really don't know too much of IB. JUST like polling for some moive stars or popular singers... Hehe...
As for the top ranking bankers, I think, GS/ML/MS could be No. !, depending on what detail service field you are talking about. Say Bonds, M&A, Stock offering, or Trade/Brokerage...作者: chipmunk 时间: 2003-12-12 03:24
As we can see a next trend of Chinese company goes to NYSE or NASDAQ, just like ctrip.com did few days ago, which bank you think would win the most IPO deals?