下面两道题,是xdf OLD BOOK里面的,我一点感觉也找不到,请高人指教
12. After graduating form high school, people rarely
multiply fractions or discuss ancient
are confronted daily with decisions relating to home
economics. Yet whereas mathematics and history are
required courses in the high school curriculum, home
economics is only an elective, and few students choose to take it.
Which of the following positions would be best
supported by the considerations above?
(A) If mathematics and history were not required
courses, few students would choose to take them.
(B) Whereas home economics would be the most
useful subject for people facing the decisions
they must make in daily life, often mathematics
and history can also help them face these decisions.
(C) If it is important to teach high school students
subjects that relate to decisions that will
confront them in their daily lives, then home
economics should be made an important part
of the high school curriculum.
(D) Mathematics, history, and other courses that
are not directly relevant to a person's daily
life should not be a required part of the high
school curriculum.
(E) Unless high schools put more emphasis on
nonacademic subjects like home economics,
people graduating from high school will
never feel comfortable about making the
decisions that will confront them in their
daily lives.
15. Human beings can see the spatial relations among
objects by processing information conveyed by light.
Scientists trying to build computers that can detect
spatial relations by the same kind of process have so
far designed and built stationary machines.
However, these scientists will not achieve their goal
until they produce such a machine that can move
around in its environment.
Which of the following, if true, would best support
the prediction above?
(A) Human beings are dependent on visual cues
form motion in order to detect spatial relations.
(B) Human beings can often easily detect the spatial
relations among objects, even when those
objects are in motion.
(C) Detecting spatial relations among objects
requires drawing inferences from the infor-
mation conveyed by light.
(D) Although human beings can discern spatial
relations through their sense of hearing,
vision is usually the most important means of
detecting spatial relations.
(E) Information about the spatial relations among
objects can be obtained by noticing such
things as shadows and the relative sizes of
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