. Citizen of Mooresville: Mooresville's current city council is having a ruinous effect on
municipal finances. Since a majority of the incumbents are running for reelection, I am going to
campaign against all these incumbents in the upcoming city council election. The only incumbent I
will support and vote for is the one who represents my own neighborhood, because she has the
experience necessary to ensure that our neighborhoods interests are served. If everyone in
Mooresville would follow my example, we could substantially change the council's membership.
Assuming that each citizen of Mooresville is allowed to vote only for a city council
representative from his or her own neighborhood, for the council's membership to be changed
substantially, it must be true that
(A) at least some other voters in Mooresville do not make the same exception for their own
incumbent in the upcoming election
(B) most of the eligible voters in Mooresville vote in the upcoming election
(C) few of the incumbents on the Mooresville city council have run for reelection in previous
(D) all of the seats on the Mooresville city council are filled by incumbents whose terms are
(E) none of the cha1lengers in the upcoming election for seats on Mooresville's city council are
better able to serve the interests of their neighborhoods than were the incumbents
答案是a 里面是什么关系,大家给我指点一下吧 这最后一句make the same exception for their own incumbent in the upcoming election 是什么意思呢
作者: snow_mountain 时间: 2003-12-7 16:23
exception refers to "The only incumbent I
will support and vote for is the one who represents my own neighborhood"
如果每个人都向上面那人一样,那还不是换不了多少人? 作者: 番茄炒蛋 时间: 2003-12-7 19:11
恩,想清楚了 多谢bruony 我开始一直是在想make exception是什么意思,不过现在好像还只是意会,呵呵,有这个词组吗作者: 番茄炒蛋 时间: 2003-12-7 20:14
不对了,我又有一个新的问题 例如每个街区有两个候选人,一个是竞选连任的,还一个是新冒出来的 那么按照原文的逻辑,我是选谁都可以的,而且如果全市人民都选这个新的候选人,在议会里也会有很大的人事变动啊,这样就不需要a中的假设了 选举的时候总不能要选100个人,就把上一次议会的100个人全部当作候选人,而且没有其他的候选人了吧。 所以只要有新的候选人进来,那么他也可能是 represents my own neighborhood的啊,只要每个地区都选了新的人,the council's membership to be changed substantially, 这样我需要的前提就是每个区的人都要选新人而不是a中所说的必须有一些人是例外的 糊涂中。。。。。。 作者: snow_mountain 时间: 2003-12-7 20:29
"The only incumbent I will support and vote for is the one who represents my own neighborhood.
the incumbent means the one who is now in office, not the new face.
从原文的逻辑出发: 作者不想选其他的incumbents, 是因为前面提到的financial problems, 在接下来的选举中, 作者只投一个人的票,就是那个代表他自己neighborhood的那个人. 下面假设就开始了: 如果其他的votors都象作者一样, 只选代表自己的neighborhood的候选人, 那么membership就会大幅度变动. 从选项里找一个可以这样假设的前提: A, 意思是: 至少有一些votors不会象作者一样不会把代表他们自己的那个候选人给排除掉(exception 是指前面所说的"由于有些incumbents在financial 方面的问题,所以作者死活也不肯选他们", 这里的exception 指的是"不肯选"的意思). 这样就明白了吧?作者: 番茄炒蛋 时间: 2003-12-7 22:30
我觉得还是campaign against all these incumbents 和the council's membership to be changed substantially的问题需要解释,所以才有了a这个假设作者: 番茄炒蛋 时间: 2003-12-7 22:37
和小兔讨论了快一个多小时,受不了啦,ETS太变态了,这样的鬼题目 谢谢大家的关注作者: snow_mountain 时间: 2003-12-7 22:45
你转进去啦。出来了没?作者: 番茄炒蛋 时间: 2003-12-7 22:47
谁能给我翻译一下a, 到底这些其他的votor是明知道他们是贪官还选了这些贪官 还是这些voter和作者一样都不选这些贪官 帮帮我啊作者: 深海的小美人鱼 时间: 2003-12-8 02:03
这道题我解释过的。番茄搜索下吧、作者: 番茄炒蛋 时间: 2003-12-8 11:57
感谢小兔,小鱼,最主要还是bryony, 最终搞透了,谢谢 作者: rabbitbug 时间: 2003-12-8 12:01
at least some other voters in Mooresville do not make the same exception for their own
incumbent in the upcoming election 答案A的exception for...不能按照常规的except for 来理解, 而要把for 看成是后面的介词," 对于...", 或者"为了...". 也就是说: 其他的投票者对于自己的官员不会产生同样的因为贪污的排斥. 这样一来,other votors就不是在选贪官了. 弄明白了吗? 你的问题不在于逻辑不清,而在于阅读.