
标题: 请麻烦看一到真题,百思不得其解【小陈】 [打印本页]

作者: Ironpanda    时间: 2007-10-19 14:26
标题: 请麻烦看一到真题,百思不得其解【小陈】

Though viewed from a distance, Saturn's main rings may appear to be smooth and continuous, they are in fact composed of thousands of separate icy ringlets when viewed up close.


A --- Though viewed from a distance, Saturn's main rings may appear to be smooth and continuous, they are in fact composed of thousands of separate icy ringlets when viewed up close.

B --- Though Saturn's main rings may appear smooth and continuous when viewed from a distance, they are in fact composed of thousands of separate icy ringlets when viewed up close.

C --- Saturn's main rings, when viewed from a distance, may appear to be smooth and continuous, though when viewed up close they are in fact composed of thousands of separate icy ringlets.

D ---When viewed from a distance, Saturn's main rings may appear smooth and continuous, but closer viewing reveals them to be composed of thousands of separate icy ringlets.

E --- Though composed of thousands of separate icy ringlets if viewed up close, the main rings of Saturn may appear smooth and continuous when they are viewed from a distance



作者: Ironpanda    时间: 2007-10-19 14:28

Though research remains to be done into the reasons why the Civil War was triggered, scholars do not regard slavery to be the sole cause.


A --- Though research remains to be done into the reasons why the Civil War was triggered, scholars do not regard slavery to be the sole cause.

B --- Though research remains to be done into what triggered the Civil War, scholars do not regard slavery as the sole cause.

C --- Though the reasons that triggered the Civil War remain to be researched, slavery is not regarded by scholars to be the sole cause.

D ---Despite research remaining into the reasons why the Civil War was triggered, scholars do not regard slavery as the sole cause.

E --- Scholars do not regard slavery as the sole cause of the Civil War, though the reasons for it being triggered remain to be researched.



作者: aces    时间: 2007-10-19 16:42


A C appear to be 罗嗦

C E though的让步段位置错,改变原文意思

separate icy ringlets when viewed up close. 根据分词和从句就近修饰原则,被认为是修饰 ringlets,但从原文,应该是main rings被viewed的。所以错

作者: aces    时间: 2007-10-19 16:45


regard 后面接as;



作者: aces    时间: 2007-10-19 16:46


作者: Ironpanda    时间: 2007-10-19 17:01


第二题关于regard as你是对的,这个没有问题

我现在比较迷惑的是,如何从句子构成以及成分分析上判断这两题呢? 还是说though这种题目本来就不能用这种分析方法?现在做了OG,感觉平行和逻辑真的是大方向,但往往这样反而导致我选出错误答案;可能过度追求句子的平行结构了(我这边说的平行可能是指广义的那种大对称)

作者: stockall    时间: 2007-10-19 19:58
作者: 没了    时间: 2007-10-30 16:49




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