
标题: 某真题不知题号....... [打印本页]

作者: yuching730    时间: 2007-10-5 03:48
标题: 某真题不知题号.......


The sense of delayed gratification, of working now for later pleasure, has helped shape the economic behavior of our society. However, that sense is no longer nurtured as consistently in our children as it once was. For example, it used to take a bit of patience to put together the toys that children got in cereal boxes; now the toys come from the boxes whole.



Which of the following is an assumption of the passage above?



  1. The toys in cereal boxes have changed partly because the economic conditions of our society have improved.

  2. The influence of promotion gimmicks on the economic behavior of our society has increased over the years.

  3. The toys that used to come in cereal boxes were put together by the same children who played with them.

  4. Part of the pleasure of any toy lie in putting the toy together before playing with it.

  5. Today's children do not expect a single toy to provide pleasure for a long period of time.


[此贴子已经被作者于2007-11-25 4:14:01编辑过]

作者: lisy    时间: 2007-10-5 04:02

题干的意思是,先干活再享受,自己动手丰衣足食(大概这个意思)的意义对于我们社会的经济行为的shape有很大的意义,但是现在这种精神在我们孩子身上开始消失了(你中间少了几个字,补全的话可以更好的理解)。据个例子来说,以前在cereal box里面的玩具都是没有组装好的,孩子们要玩之前要先自己组装,这个组装过程就是一个先干活后享受的过程,可是现在的cereal box里面的玩具,都是组装好的,孩子拿到就可以玩了,没有了一个put together的过程,也不了解这个过程的辛苦。

A说cereal box里面的玩具因为经济条件改变而改变了,和题干没关系


C说原来cereal box里面的玩具的组装是由后来玩(享受)的那个孩子完成的,如果没有这个假设,那么也就是说,这个享受的孩子还是享受的别人的劳动成果,不管是原先就在工厂装好的,还是爸妈帮忙装的,都对此没有体验,那么原结论就缺了条件了,所以这个假设是必须的



作者: yuching730    时间: 2007-10-6 04:23
Thanks a lot!!!!!!!

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