
标题: 请教提高SC速度技巧 [打印本页]

作者: ocean368    时间: 2007-9-30 21:17
标题: 请教提高SC速度技巧

本人刚刚踏上GMAT征程,在做OG SC时,遇到一个较难解决的问题,请各位NN帮忙指点一二。




作者: ranning    时间: 2007-10-1 18:21
作者: ocean368    时间: 2007-11-9 23:06
作者: fisherrui    时间: 2007-11-11 02:01
要是英文偏弱的话应该美天多作Reading Comprehension保持10篇一天。。。SC和CR的大部分题是来自很多关于科学社会经济等等的文章. 多看文章的话就自然适应题目啦。。很多SC难题就是难在对它逻辑成分的理解。。我绝的GMATVerbal就是建立在阅读上。  水能载舟也能。。。。Reading就是水

Below is my SC solving process after one month of practice...
1) Read the entire sentence including the not underlined.  Look for clues in structure, tense, number and etc.
2) ****Comprehend the entire sentence. A great deal of choices are wrong because the choices have changed the original intent of the sentence.  How can you correct the sentence if you don't understand the sentence?
3) ****Determine the purpose of the sentence.  i.e., a comparison? a stated fact? etc...i.e., GMAT love comparisons...#1 test point
4) Look for the obvious mistakes first...Logic (Unlike cows, the food for pigs are...)Subject Verb Agreement, Parrelle Structure, Idioms, and Redundancies - Eliminate 3 wrong choices
5) Isolate the two choices and and take the choices back into the original sentence.
6) Pick or guess....

Hope this helps...

Good Luck

作者: 小破鹕    时间: 2021-12-1 14:48

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