
标题: [求助]OG11-89 反复地看不明白,大家帮忙 [打印本页]

作者: lsw    时间: 2007-9-18 23:06
标题: [求助]OG11-89 反复地看不明白,大家帮忙
89.      Presenters at the seminar, one who is blind, will demonstrate adaptive equipment that allows visually impaired people to use computers.

(A)            one who

(B)           one of them who

(C)           and one of them who

(D)           one of whom

(E)           one of which


The writer is trying to include information regarding one of the presenters at the seminar; the phrase must correctly refer back to
presenters. The pronouns who or whom should be used to refer to people. In this situation, the correct pronoun is whom because an objective case pronoun must be used following the preposition

A        One who could only be used after an introductory word such as including

B        One of them who is awkward and ungrammatical

C       And creates the impression that the blind presenter is not part of the group; one of them who is awkward and ungrammatical

D      Correct. This sentence uses the proper objective pronoun
whom; the phrase clearly conveys the
idea of one person out of a larger group.

E       The pronoun which can only refer to objects, events, or unnamed animals; it cannot be used to refer to people

The correct answer is D.

作者: xfwxiao    时间: 2007-9-19 07:04

有人说one of whom is blind,是主语presenters的限制性同位语。不过我没有查到过有关用法,从结构上看,one of whom is blind只能充当一个修饰成分,定义presenters,全句结构非常简单presenters will....

作者: lsw    时间: 2007-9-19 11:07
标题: [求助]
以下是引用xfwxiao在2007-9-19 7:04:00的发言:

有人说one of whom is blind,是主语presenters的限制性同位语。不过我没有查到过有关用法,从结构上看,one of whom is blind只能充当一个修饰成分,定义presenters,全句结构非常简单presenters will....

one of them is blind   是否正确呢?

作者: elinaqu    时间: 2007-9-19 11:22
以下是引用lsw在2007-9-19 11:07:00的发言:

one of them is blind   是否正确呢?

one of them is blind是句子在这里不能做同位语,没有同位于名词,D选项,one of whom则强调的是one,Choice D is best: one of whom best serves an appositive to the subject, presenters, because the phrase means "one from among several or many."

之前B错我也想不通,但是ETS说,如果用who就会存在到底是one is blind 还是who is blind的问题Choices B and C are ungrammatical because who competes with one as the subject of is

作者: lsw    时间: 2007-9-19 11:29
标题: Thanks
以下是引用elinaqu在2007-9-19 11:22:00的发言:

one of them is blind是句子在这里不能做同位语,没有同位于名词,D选项,one of whom则强调的是one,Choice D is best: one of whom best serves an appositive to the subject, presenters, because the phrase means "one from among several or many."

之前B错我也想不通,但是ETS说,如果用who就会存在到底是one is blind 还是who is blind的问题Choices B and C are ungrammatical because who competes with one as the subject of is


感觉用whom 语气要弱一些,符合“one of whom 强调的是 one”。

作者: paulyyb    时间: 2007-9-19 11:40
其实问题是,这句句子里只有一个主语,即the presenters;如果你用了one who这种方法,就意味着又加入了一个主语“one”,并用who引出一个从句对这个“one”进行修饰。一般说在一个句子里同时出现两个主语而又没有连词的话是很难令人接受的,所以不应选。
作者: lsw    时间: 2007-9-19 11:45
以下是引用paulyyb在2007-9-19 11:40:00的发言:
其实问题是,这句句子里只有一个主语,即the presenters;如果你用了one who这种方法,就意味着又加入了一个主语“one”,并用who引出一个从句对这个“one”进行修饰。一般说在一个句子里同时出现两个主语而又没有连词的话是很难令人接受的,所以不应选。



Presenters at the seminar, that one of them is blind, will demonstrate adaptive equipment that allows visually impaired people to use computers.

作者: paulyyb    时间: 2007-9-19 12:06




个人看法,将前面一个逗号去掉后从纯粹语法角度上来说没有问题;但是逻辑关系就体现不出来了:presenters at the seminar 和 one of them被看成了是两个不相关的主语。感觉就好像the sun that the flower is beautiful, is bright.这种样子,怎么看都不顺眼,你又不能说他语法错。

作者: lsw    时间: 2007-9-19 23:14
标题: I am understand.

Thank you very much for your patience explanation.

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