真厉害:)作者: oliversunray 时间: 2003-11-29 01:04
能不能借鉴下你的摸版。多谢!作者: Wei826 时间: 2003-11-29 02:11
请问大侠,用键盘输入的时候,如果大小写不分,如句子开头第一个字没有大写之类的问题会不会扣分呢?如果I写成了i, 有没有关系呢?作者: renwangbage 时间: 2003-11-29 04:17
我也想知道啊作者: lucyyyh 时间: 2003-11-29 04:19
我觉得还是要注意大小写的. 写完后最好检查一遍,否则这样丢分太可惜了.作者: canada 时间: 2003-11-29 07:26
正式的书信包括这样的考试肯定要求大小写,做机考作文打字时一定要快准狠的。 我的模板是比照reddragon的,就不在这里贻笑大方了。我认为一旦把模板敲上去,字数就不成问题了,所以理由段用句要简练。能用Firstly, 就不要用In the first hand之类的,呵呵。 作者: liuzhe 时间: 2003-11-29 10:25
强,能打500字 我也就打了330左右 不过不影响拿高分作者: redpassion 时间: 2003-11-29 15:12
呵呵,祝贺你作者: 脊椎 时间: 2003-11-29 15:18
在哪里能找到呀? 谢了作者: melodylau 时间: 2003-11-29 22:11
能不能借鉴一下你的摸板啊,谢谢. melody_lyj(A) hotmail.com作者: canada 时间: 2003-11-30 07:42
我的模板参考版主的,请大家看版主的帖子。我把我那天考试的作文大概给大家描述一下。129,关于一个中心。 Recently a university plans to develop a new research center in my country. For this news, there are some people who think they should build a research center for farming, but others hold the opinion that we need a center for business research. (以上抄题目,不用动脑子)。If I face with this issue, I would like to prefer the former one. In the follow discussion, I will give some reasons and evidence to support my selection.
Firstly, in this country which has the most serious problem of overpopulation, we need to build a center for research in agriculture in order to harvest more crops to support the population. (第一句话一定要用复杂句。但语法不要错)。。。。For example, in our country most farming families which have more than four people only have two acres farming land. So …
Secondly, we need to develop a farming research center to solve the globe problem of the poor soil quality. In this field our country were left behind of other advance countries so we need to keep pace with them………for example, in many areas people are used to cultivating soil by using artificial manure. As a result, the quality becomes more and more poor….
Thirdly, we need to own(和前两段的用词区别开) a research center for farming to devote the decreasing plant diseases……
Off course, everything in the world has two sides. Without exception, people who hold the opinion that we need a center in business also have some reasons. For example, with the development of modern society, many people tend to own their business……. However, comparing with their importance, I think to build a farming center is far more important than the latter one.
To sum up, with the reasons and examples above, I can safely reach the conclusion that……... Furthermore, I think we not only depend on this university but also need to make donation to build more farming centers……