
标题: [求助]费费逻辑24,29,45,请大家帮助我一下 [打印本页]

作者: janejane1009    时间: 2007-8-12 17:02
标题: [求助]费费逻辑24,29,45,请大家帮助我一下

24. The interstitial nucleus, a sub-region of the brain’s hypothalamus, is typically smaller for male cats than for female cats. A neurobiologist performed autopsies on male cats who died from disease X, a disease affecting no more than .05 percent of male cats, and found that these male cats had interstitial nuclei that were as large as those generally found in female cats. Thus, the size of the interstitial nucleus determines whether or not male cats can contract disease X.  

Which one of the following statements, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?  

A.       No female cats have been known to contract disease X, which is a subtype of disease Y.

B.        Many male cats that contract disease X also contract disease Z, the cause of which is unknown.

C.        the interstitial nuclei of female cats who contact disease X are larger than those of female cats who do not contract disease X.

D.       Of 1,000 autopsies on male cats that did not contract disease X, 5 revealed interstitial nuclei larger than those of the average male cat.

E.        The hypothalamus is known not to be causally linked to disease Y, and disease X is a subtype of disease Y.


是因为文中说的  whether or not male cats can contract disease X. 并没有表示一定大就一定会得的意思?

29. The price of a full-fare(全票价) coach ticket from Toronto to Dallas on Breezeway Airlines is the same today as it was a year ago, if inflation is taken into account by calculating prices in constant dollars. However, today 90 percent of the Toronto-to-Dallas coach tickets that Breezeway sells are discount tickets and only 10 percent are full-fare tickets, whereas a year ago half were discount tickets and half were full-fare tickets. Therefore, on average, people pay less today in constant dollars for a Breezeway Toronto-to-Dallas coach ticket than they did a year ago.

Which one of the following, if assumed, would allow the conclusion above to be properly drawn?

(A) A Toronto-to-Dallas full-fare coach ticket on Breezeway Airlines provides ticket-holders with a lower level of service today than such a ticket provided a year ago.

(B) A Toronto-to-Dallas discount coach ticket on Breezeway Airlines costs about the same in constant dollars as they did a year ago.

(C) All full-fare coach tickets on Breezeway Airlines cost the same in constant dollars as they did a year ago.

(D) The average number of coach passengers per flight that Breezeway Airlines carries from Toronto to Dallas today is higher than the average number per flight a year ago.

(E) The criteria that Breezeway Airlines uses for permitting passengers to buy discount coach

答案选B,我没有怎么弄懂文章意思,if inflation is taken into account by calculating prices in constant dollars是什么意思?




45. Commissioner: Budget forecasters project a revenue shortfall of a billion dollars in the coming fiscal year.
Since there is no feasible way to increase the available funds, our only choice is to decrease expenditures. The plan before you outlines feasible cuts that would yield savings of a billion dollars over the coming fiscal year. We will be able to solve the problem we face, therefore, only if we adopt this plan.

This reasoning in the commissioner’s argument is flawed because this argument

A.       relies on information that is far from certain

B.        confuses being an adequate solution with being a required solution

C.        inappropriately relies on the opinions of experts

D.       inappropriately employs language that is vague

E.        takes for granted that there is no way to increase available funds



思路:年度财务预算下一财年收入不足量one billion dollars,由于没有feasible way增加可得资金,只有削减开支。因而只是做了一个如何之间节省10亿美金的计划,it is just a required solution but not adequate maybe.

而我觉得意思刚好相反,是一个adequate solution, 但不是required solution(必须)。  only if 后面表示必要条件


[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-12 17:03:03编辑过]

作者: wslinfeng    时间: 2007-8-12 23:56

24. The interstitial nucleus, a sub-region of the brain’s hypothalamus, is typically smaller for male cats than for female cats. A neurobiologist performed autopsies on male cats who died from disease X, a disease affecting no more than .05 percent of male cats, and found that these male cats had interstitial nuclei that were as large as those generally found in female cats. Thus, the size of the interstitial nucleus determines whether or not male cats can contract disease X.  

Which one of the following statements, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?  

A.       No female cats have been known to contract disease X, which is a subtype of disease Y.

B.        Many male cats that contract disease X also contract disease Z, the cause of which is unknown.

C.        the interstitial nuclei of female cats who contact disease X are larger than those of female cats who do not contract disease X.

D.       Of 1,000 autopsies on male cats that did not contract disease X, 5 revealed interstitial nuclei larger than those of the average male cat.

E.        The hypothalamus is known not to be causally linked to disease Y, and disease X is a subtype of disease Y.

答案是E,可以理解,但是D为什么不对呢?(文中说1,000 autopsies 中有五个和femal一般大,所以得出the size of the interstitial nucleus determines whether or not male cats can contract disease X.的结论,d选项说有五个男猫的 interstitial nuclei比男猫平均大,根本就没有削弱原文根据男猫和女猫的比较得出的结论,所以是无关选项  )

是因为文中说的  whether or not male cats can contract disease X. 并没有表示一定大就一定会得的意思?

29. The price of a full-fare(全票价) coach ticket from Toronto to Dallas on Breezeway Airlines is the same today as it was a year ago, if inflation is taken into account by calculating prices in constant dollars. However, today 90 percent of the Toronto-to-Dallas coach tickets that Breezeway sells are discount tickets and only 10 percent are full-fare tickets, whereas a year ago half were discount tickets and half were full-fare tickets. Therefore, on average, people pay less today in constant dollars for a Breezeway Toronto-to-Dallas coach ticket than they did a year ago.

Which one of the following, if assumed, would allow the conclusion above to be properly drawn?

(A) A Toronto-to-Dallas full-fare coach ticket on Breezeway Airlines provides ticket-holders with a lower level of service today than such a ticket provided a year ago.

(B) A Toronto-to-Dallas discount coach ticket on Breezeway Airlines costs about the same in constant dollars as they did a year ago.

(C) All full-fare coach tickets on Breezeway Airlines cost the same in constant dollars as they did a year ago.

(D) The average number of coach passengers per flight that Breezeway Airlines carries from Toronto to Dallas today is higher than the average number per flight a year ago.

(E) The criteria that Breezeway Airlines uses for permitting passengers to buy discount coach

答案选B,我没有怎么弄懂文章意思,if inflation is taken into account by calculating prices in constant dollars是什么意思?



原价不变和打折后不变,有什么区别?(我觉得inflation你都不用看,这是出题者故意出的干扰词,因为他从头到为都是比较的constant dollars,文章意思说因为几年打折的比例多于去年,所以....


45. Commissioner: Budget forecasters project a revenue shortfall of a billion dollars in the coming fiscal year.
Since there is no feasible way to increase the available funds, our only choice is to decrease expenditures. The plan before you outlines feasible cuts that would yield savings of a billion dollars over the coming fiscal year. We will be able to solve the problem we face, therefore, only if we adopt this plan.

This reasoning in the commissioner’s argument is flawed because this argument

A.       relies on information that is far from certain

B.        confuses being an adequate solution with being a required solution

C.        inappropriately relies on the opinions of experts

D.       inappropriately employs language that is vague

E.        takes for granted that there is no way to increase available funds



思路:年度财务预算下一财年收入不足量one billion dollars,由于没有feasible way增加可得资金,只有削减开支。因而只是做了一个如何之间节省10亿美金的计划,it is just a required solution but not adequate maybe.

而我觉得意思刚好相反,是一个adequate solution, 但不是required solution(必须)。  only if 后面表示必要条件


我觉得按照only if 的字面意思理解“只有“的话,b的解释的确有问题,adopt this plan只是 solve the problem 的必要条件,不能保证其成立,请大侠解或,因为新东方老师也说only if 表后面的是必要条件

作者: janejane1009    时间: 2007-8-13 12:01




we adopt this plan应该是We will be able to solve the problem we face的充分条件,而不是必要条件

作者: 水色    时间: 2007-9-20 18:16

24题 B选项,可以认为是他因削弱吗?(由Z引起,而非X)

作者: windychen0089    时间: 2010-11-12 00:24
我觉得这题解决的关键恰是"INFLATION"这个词。 第一句话的意思就是:去年的价格+INFLATION的不变货币值=今年的价格。 作者的CONCLUSION: 今年的价格比去年的价格便宜, 因为打折的数量增加(90%>50%, 注意没有讲价格的打折幅度)。 A起削弱CONCLUSION的作用, D和E无关。 C和第一句话矛盾, 即全价的不变货币值是不可能相等的。 就剩下B, 考验一下, 打折扣后的价格和去年相同, 可以证明今年的价格还是便宜, 因为顾客赚了INFLATION 这一块。 这是我的思路,大家继续讨论...
作者: sdcar2010    时间: 2010-11-12 00:46
45. Commissioner: Budget forecasters project a revenue shortfall of a billion dollars in the coming fiscal year.
      Since there is no feasible way to increase the available funds, our only choice is to decrease expenditures. The plan before you outlines feasible cuts that would yield savings of a billion dollars over the coming fiscal year. We will be able to solve the problem we face, therefore, only if we adopt this plan.

This reasoning in the commissioner’s argument is flawed because this argument

A.       relies on information that is far from certain

B.        confuses being an adequate solution with being a required solution

C.        inappropriately relies on the opinions of experts

D.       inappropriately employs language that is vague

E.        takes for granted that there is no way to increase available funds



思路:年度财务预算下一财年收入不足量one billion dollars,由于没有feasible way增加可得资金,只有削减开支。因而只是做了一个如何之间节省10亿美金的计划,it is just a required solution but not adequate maybe.

而我觉得意思刚好相反,是一个adequate solution, 但不是required solution(必须)。  only if 后面表示必要条件


The argument confuses (the proposed budget cut) being an adequate solution with being a required solution.

Apparently you were right and the bible was wrong. The proposed budget cut is a sufficient solution, not a necessary solution (as claimed by commissioner).
作者: windychen0089    时间: 2010-11-19 01:32
我是这样理解的:这道题的条件是-Adopt the plan which means feasible cuts,结论是:We will be able to solve the problem。 因为是资金缺口, 而且文中说了, 没有其他的feasable ways to increase the available funds, 所以可以Carry on this plan(也就是我们所说的必要条件)。 但是呢, Adopt this plan can resolve what the problem we are facing, obviously, it can't! 很简单举个例子, 比如我开个花店, 销售量下滑, 你说我削减开支就能解决这个问题吗? 这是经营管理上的问题, 而不是数字匹配的问题。

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