
标题: 做题做得好困,发道题上来讨论提提神,PREP1-37题 [打印本页]

作者: tinyblue2004    时间: 2007-8-7 22:36
标题: 做题做得好困,发道题上来讨论提提神,PREP1-37题

Capuchin monkeys in Venezuela often rub a certain type of millipede into their fur.  Secretions of these millipedes have been shown to contain two chemicals that are potent mosquito repellents, and mosquitoes carry parasites that debilitate the capuchins.  The rubbing behavior is rare except during the rainy season, when mosquito populations are at their peak.  Therefore, the monkeys probably rub the millipedes into their fur because doing so helps protect them against mosquitoes.


Which of the following would it be most useful to determine in order to evaluate the argument?


(A) Whether the two chemicals provide any protection for the millipedes against their own predators

(B) Whether the type of millipede used by the capuchin monkeys in Venezuela is found in other parts of the world

(C) Whether animals other than capuchins rub insects of any kind into their fur

(D) Whether the only time the millipedes are readily available to the capuchins is during the rainy season

(E) Whether secretions of any other insects accessible to the capuchins contain chemicals that repel mosquitoes

评价题是对结论做评价,那么这个结论是因为要防止蚊子才去rub the milipedes,而不是为了别的,那么重点就是在防止蚊子上,那么是否milipedes只出现在rainy season可以判断是否是为了防止蚊子,这么说我还是有点不convinced。我选了E

作者: tangzimo    时间: 2007-8-7 22:58


B的意思是,如果milipedes只出现在rainy season,那么必然导致“The rubbing behavior is rare except during the rainy season”。这就是说,有可能不是protect them against mosquitoes导致“The rubbing behavior is rare except during the rainy season”。异因也可以同果,当然就削弱了。

如果milipedes并非只出现在rainy season,就不能得到上述异因同果的推断。所以B的不同回答会影响对结论的判断,应该选。



[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-7 22:58:34编辑过]

作者: tinyblue2004    时间: 2007-8-8 10:35



作者: tangzimo    时间: 2007-8-9 22:30
以下是引用tinyblue2004在2007-8-8 10:35:00的发言:






作者: lanseb8ma    时间: 2007-8-10 14:12
以下是引用tinyblue2004在2007-8-7 22:36:00的发言:

Capuchin monkeys in Venezuela often rub a certain type of millipede into their fur.  Secretions of these millipedes have been shown to contain two chemicals that are potent mosquito repellents, and mosquitoes carry parasites that debilitate the capuchins.  The rubbing behavior is rare except during the rainy season, when mosquito populations are at their peak.  Therefore, the monkeys probably rub the millipedes into their fur because doing so helps protect them against mosquitoes.

 Which of the following would it be most useful to determine in order to evaluate the argument? 

 Which of the following would it be most useful to determine in order to evaluate the argument? 

(D) Whether the only time the millipedes are readily available to the capuchins is during the rainy season

评价题是对结论做评价,那么这个结论是因为要防止蚊子才去rub the milipedes,而不是为了别的,那么重点就是在防止蚊子上,那么是否milipedes只出现在rainy season可以判断是否是为了防止蚊子,这么说我还是有点不convinced。我选了E


     用这个思路再回看这题,应该就很清楚了:题目是由雨季的Behavior少和蚊子数量达到顶峰这两个在发生时间上重合的事件作为事实论据来推出结论的。那么,我们可以很自然地想到:what if it is merely a coincidence?


作者: mimixiaxia    时间: 2007-9-4 10:24
作者: snowofjune    时间: 2007-12-17 04:01
作者: qxlsh    时间: 2007-12-23 20:47



[此贴子已经被作者于2007-12-23 20:50:15编辑过]

作者: allln123123    时间: 2007-12-25 16:52


作者: eileenmu木    时间: 2008-4-8 16:46
作者: sausau    时间: 2008-11-26 04:44
作者: audreyzhang2    时间: 2009-8-17 14:00


作者: CD用户363773    时间: 2009-11-16 17:13
作者: cynthia628    时间: 2011-7-14 08:56
E 是无关选项,E讨论的是other insects,而原文结论讨论的是猴子用竹节虫擦毛能不能驱蚊。所以E是无关选项,即使退一步来说,其他有虫子也可以起到相同功能,只要竹节虫能驱蚊,猴子还是可以用它来擦毛的啊。关键看讨论信息是否一致啊。
作者: Vivian1091    时间: 2013-6-19 05:54
如果虫子全年都有,猴子只在雨季蚊子多的时候抓虫子,则说明是为了防止蚊子;虫子全年都有啊,猴子可以全年都抓虫子,然为啥他只在雨季抓?因为雨季有其他季节不具备的特点--蚊子多。所以 猴子 在特定季节(雨季)的特定行为(抓虫子) 是对 特定季节(雨季)特定特征的反应。这种抓虫子的特定行为是发自内心的,是有需求的,而不是受了季节限制。 同样一个结果(猴子抓虫子)可能有两个原因,一个是 题目中假设的 防蚊子;还有一个是 季节原因。

如果虫子只在雨季有,猴子在雨季蚊子多的时候抓虫子,这种行为是迫不得已的,猴子其他时候说不定也想抓虫子,但是虫子木有啊,并不是他想在雨季抓虫子,是虫子只在雨季有。所以猴子的这种特定行为(抓虫子)的动机跟季节没有关系。从而,跟季节的 特定特征(蚊子多)没有关系。结论是,特定行为(抓虫子)和特定特征(蚊子多)没关系。
作者: chasefood    时间: 2013-10-10 19:37
作者: rainnieeeee    时间: 2015-6-20 00:48

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