
标题: OG142 [打印本页]

作者: joywzy    时间: 2003-11-23 11:00
标题: OG142
142. In one of the most stunning reversals in the history of marketing, the Coca-Cola company in July 1985 yielded to thousands of irate consumers demanding that it should bring back the original Coke formula.
demanding that it should
demanding it to
and their demand to
who demanded that it
who demanded it to
Choice D, the best answer, uses the grammatically correct expression demanded that it bring back, in which demanded that it is followed by the subjunctive verb bring. Choice A incorrectly uses should bring rather than bring: demanding that already conveys the idea of "should," and at any rate a modal auxiliary verb, such as should or must, cannot gram­matically follow the expression demanded that. Similarly, B and E use the ungrammatical expression demanding/demanded it to. In C, the expression yielded to... customers and their demand to bring... unnecessarily states that the company yielded to the customers as well as to their demand. This expression also fails to specify that the company is expected to bring back the original formula.

D/E的用法都对啊?为何OG说:Similarly, B and E use the ungrammatical expression demanding/demanded it to.

作者: gemj    时间: 2003-11-23 12:57
字典上只有demanded that,而没有demanded sb to do的用法:

Angry demonstrators demanded the resignation of two senior officials. demand to

know/see/have etc something
I demand to know what's going on.

demand that
They demanded that the military government free all political prisoners.

demand something of somebody
It seemed that no matter what she did, more was demanded of her.
'Where are you going?' she demanded angrily.
作者: nikema    时间: 2003-11-23 13:37
We wish you still give us a hand. thk very much!
作者: gemj    时间: 2003-11-23 15:51
作者: joywzy    时间: 2003-11-26 12:19
以下是引用gemj在2003-11-23 12:57:00的发言:
字典上只有demanded that,而没有demanded sb to do的用法:

Angry demonstrators demanded the resignation of two senior officials. demand to

know/see/have etc something
I demand to know what's going on.

demand that
They demanded that the military government free all political prisoners.

demand something of somebody
It seemed that no matter what she did, more was demanded of her.
'Where are you going?' she demanded angrily.

作者: tyghbn    时间: 2004-3-21 07:01
in D, the "it" doesn't agree with "bring". if D is right, it should say "... who demanded that it brings back..."


am i missing something here?

作者: JerryGuan    时间: 2004-3-21 19:37
以下是引用tyghbn在2004-3-21 7:01:00的发言:
in D, the "it" doesn't agree with "bring". if D is right, it should say "... who demanded that it brings back..."

am i missing something here?

作者: tyghbn    时间: 2004-3-22 00:25

so the next logical question will be: are all the "从句" which follow word "demand" using "虚拟语气", irredardless of what context are?

作者: cmtn    时间: 2004-5-21 07:03
as I know yes.
作者: sunshining    时间: 2004-7-5 02:10



I demand that one of you (should) go there at once. 我要求你们中间一人立即到那里去! (美国用法省略should)


作者: bloodcherry    时间: 2004-8-23 23:23
以下是引用sunshining在2004-7-5 2:10:00的发言:



I demand that one of you (should) go there at once. 我要求你们中间一人立即到那里去! (美国用法省略should)


作者: wendywheel    时间: 2004-11-27 12:24
In OG, it says that Choice A incorrectly uses 'should bring' rather than 'bring': 'demanding that' already conveys the idea of 'should', and at any rate a modal auxiliary verb (情态动词), such as 'should' or 'must,' cannot grammatically follow the expression 'demand that.' It is the same with 'require that,' as OG-138 (A).  
作者: besideMars    时间: 2005-7-20 17:29

我想问的是:A/Bdemanding有没有修饰对象的歧异,是修饰consumer or Coca-Cola Co.

这种分词修饰名词那些算歧异那些服从就近原则,一直比较晕,NN HELP!!

作者: besideMars    时间: 2005-7-22 19:18
作者: 曼天飞舞    时间: 2005-7-22 19:51
OG说他WORDY她就WORDY,OG说的都是对的,OG说得都是要遵守的。其他的仙暂时忘了,考完了再说。我们这么辛苦不就是为了GAOFEN 嘛!
作者: ustoday    时间: 2005-8-16 11:55

我覺得這題是限定修飾 所以應該修飾最近的(N)   難道限定修飾也有跳躍修飾S的機會媽


作者: momoyu    时间: 2005-9-20 21:51
is A corret if without shoud?
作者: julia_ggw    时间: 2005-10-21 04:38
作者: huaxinzhu    时间: 2006-1-3 02:18


作者: jchen924    时间: 2006-8-10 18:13
作者: sue2006    时间: 2006-8-14 04:38

can you tell me wherethe gemj的解释 is ?

作者: liuyang1984    时间: 2006-9-22 12:03







作者: FlowerJay    时间: 2006-9-22 17:52
我觉得demanding用的也不好,可是OG没有提。。demanding表示的是强调一个持续性状态,但是这里customer后面应该跟的是解释说明。 大家认为呢?
作者: KATIEUS    时间: 2006-12-29 16:26


作者: ghostzpy    时间: 2007-3-3 01:55
为什么不选C. OG的解释是 consumers and their demand is redundant. Why?
作者: goyce36    时间: 2008-7-14 22:19
作者: zjpopo    时间: 2008-8-10 12:27
标题: 有关分词、定从、介词短语修饰问题的疑惑?
以下是引用liuyang1984在2006-9-22 12:03:00的发言:










体会区别: 三个表示限制修饰的形式

1.       thousands of irate consumers demanding that

2.       thousands of irate consumers with the demand that

3.       thousands of irate consumers who demanded that


作者: 小烟    时间: 2009-6-6 19:17


In one of  ——OG11

Choice D——OG10


55  In one of the most stunning reversals in the history of marketingthe Coca-Cola company in July 1985 yielded to thousands of irate consumers demanding that it should bring back the original Coke formula.

(A)  demanding that it should

(B)  demanding it to

(C)  and their demand to

(D)  who demanded that it

(E)  who demanded it to

Verb form + Grammatical construction

The use of the subjunctive is relatively infrequent in Englishthis sentence is an instance when it must be used.
When a that clause follows a verb such as ask, recommend
requestor demand, the subjunctive (formed from the base form of the verbsuch as be or bring) is used in the clauseThusthe correct use of the subjunctive here is consumers who demanded that it bring....

A  The construction requires the subjunctivethe use of should is incorrect

B  Demanding it to bring is not a grammatically correct construction

C  Using both consumers and their demand is redundant

D  CorrectIn this sentencethe subjunctive bring correctly follows demanded that it

E  Demanded it to bring is not a grammatically correct construction

The correct answer is D

OG10TH的解释——Choice D, the best answer, uses the grammatically correct expression demanded that it bring back, in which demanded that it is followed by the subjunctive verb bring. Choice A incorrectly uses should bring rather than bring: demanding that already conveys the idea of "should," and at any rate a modal auxiliary verb, such as should or must, cannot gram­matically follow the expression demanded that. Similarly, B and E use the ungrammatical expression demanding/demanded it to. In C, the expression yielded to... customers and their demand to bring... unnecessarily states that the company yielded to the customers as well as to their demand. This expression also fails to specify that the company is expected to bring back the original formula.


1, yield to  demand [n]

2, demand [v]

3, demanding & who demanded 现在分词作定语
4, deamnd

1, yield (up) sth to sb; In C, the expression yielded to... customers and their demand to bring... unnecessarily states that the company yielded to the customers as well as to their demand. C  Using both consumers and their demand is redundant因为consumer and the demand 在逻辑上是一回事。This expression also fails to specify that the company is expected to bring back the original formula.因为consumer demanded company company is expected by customers 才是最终点明the stunning reversals 的关键。

2demand 作动词三种用法:demand sth

                                                                to do sth

                                                                that sb (should) do sth

    demand sb to do sth.

3, A.B中的demanding 属于非谓语动词中的现在分词作在名词后面做定语。作用相当于定语从句,还原成定语从句时,谓语动词有两种时态:一般现在时和现在进行时。就是说如果此处demanding 是成立是则要么可以还原成consumers who demand 要么可以还原成consumers who is demanding. 但是主句中的时间状语July 1985 和谓语动词yield to 都说明这个地方如果用定语从句应该用一般过去时who demanded.所以A.B不成立。

4,如果说OG10还没有点明这道题的主考点的话,其实在OG11中已经说的很明确了。The use of the subjunctive is relatively infrequent in Englishthis sentence is an instance when it must be used. When a that clause follows a verb such as ask, recommendrequestor demand, the subjunctive (formed from the base form of the verbsuch as be or bring) is used in the clause我们最不能理解的是,高中英语中说“should”在这里是可要可不要的。但是在美国人的用法里面一般是省略“should”的。如果还不能接受,OG10 给出的美国人的理解demanding that already conveys the idea of "should," and at any rate a modal auxiliary verb, such as should or must, cannot gram­matically follow the expression demanded that.即情态动词的已经包含在上述一系列词语的义素中了,如果再使用就重复了。这一点张道真实用英语语法中10.3.1-3)也给出了说明。扩张一下这一类词包括:suggest demand insist ask advise propose urge vote request command desire move order recommend require decree intend pertition

[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-6 19:18:20编辑过]

作者: LALI    时间: 2010-10-27 09:40
弱问一句~这里的it指代什么啊?是coca-cola company吗?
作者: princesue    时间: 2011-4-17 21:48
引用27楼,A.B中的demanding 属于非谓语动词中的现在分词作在名词后面做定语。作用相当于定语从句,还原成定语从句时,谓语动词有两种时态:一般现在时和现在进行时。就是说如果此处demanding 是成立是则要么可以还原成consumers who demand 要么可以还原成consumers who is demanding. 但是主句中的时间状语July 1985 和谓语动词yield to 都说明这个地方如果用定语从句应该用一般过去时who demanded.所以A.B不成立。

这个解释有些误导,demanding 本身是没有错的,只是容易引起歧义——即不知道demanding的主语是the Coca-Cola company还是consumers,所以改为从句会更清楚一些。


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