1 art history 说艺术受地域影响(气候,地形等),因此在某特定地域内会出现相似的艺术形式,然后这些艺术形式聚集在一起,density高(它用了某生物的hypo- blabla即某生物的高聚集度来类比,这儿有题),就出现了代表这地域的艺术。它比较了因纽特人和北美南部(东南部?)的某个州,说它们的艺术当然不同,然后教授说,好,我们接下去的课会逐一分析每个地域的艺术,但我们现在先来看看我们所在的这个地域的艺术(有题,问教授接下去会讲什么,回答本地域的艺术)
附1月JJ: 版本一: There are several opinions. But the best one is that the moon was originated from the crust of the earth. 版本二: 一个教授和一男一女讨论 第一个理论是说月球是被地球引力吸来的,可是无法解释为什么月球跟地球的地质结构相近 第二个理论是说月球跟地球一起形成,可是..(忘了) 第三个理论说月球是因为地球遭受慧星撞击而从地球跑出来的…教授PREFER这个理论 题目都跟他们的理论有关 有一题双选月亮为什么不是被地球吸引来的.
4、海底的生态结构 SALT WATER 分两种,说第一种时的有图,画了一个岸边,分4个区域,然后讲解各个区域的特点。问题大多也是照图答的,就是选哪个区域对应什么名字和用途 , 有一个题的选项是这个图中那类的平均高度(到时候听要记住)
5、Psychology discussion A teacher ask the assignment about the research from one group about Humor. The group explained some about humor , give some example about it. 说了一个笑小话, 忘了,有双选:那两个用这个幽默的场合的例子 6、Lecture about the soil corrosion 以前殖民者 用完了一块土地就移到另一块, 但现在没那么多地了(有题)。解决SOIL CORROSION 有两个办法1,种WEED 2 忘了 BLA BLA BLA。。。
6、 architecture------本月高频 一种房子,非常hyper**, 不记得这个单词了。教授先举个生物的例子,解释这个词的意义,就是会在消失一段时间后再现(就像我们爱说的,潮流又回来了。)然后说一种房子,就有这个特点,非常popular. (给出房子的照片)。特点是价钱低,矮,挡风,可以后续的造些小的再接上.”, 我听到的Q: WHAT DOES THE hyper** mean here? 还有一道是与风有关的~~~~, SORRY, I FORGOT
5、选课 女的想选 OIL PAINTING , 问题在最后一句, 说男的IMPLY 啥, 好像是他早抱了, 因为那科很热, (I am not sure, be careful on the last sentence if you have this question)
6、学生要让老师帮他寄啥东西, 好像是成绩, 但要他的 PERMISSION , 要他填个表, Q。 What the student will do next? – fill up the form
long lecture: 1 about rememberance at the beginning ,you need to listening carefully,there is a question.( i forget the detail of the question, about a finch , a bird for experiment) .question2 ,what songs will be remembered easlily by finch,2 choices , i chose the importance of the songs and the time of the songs repeating.
2 about the nonnative plant q1 the main idea of the speech. q2 why some plant ,which is like bamboo grow so rapidly in california. q3 how the plant affect the environment. q4 what will the student do next.
3 about logic there will be a format in the screen.something like that:" all are A (premise1), a dog is one of all(premise2), a dog is A(conclusion) q1 why a conclusion is incorrect , my key is the premise is incorrect. q2 what the statement is logical (i forgot the detail of the question.)two keys.
特别感谢以下JJ提供者: Asir miyatali Long007 Habebe Saadi 草原小英雄 livefuture Legendbb Rockey Tingschu f wuming 1357 青红苹果 xwjhjb
机委:skysky 2月15日~28日
1.一个学生去看音乐会,给SINGER改了一些错误. 其中有一题问:WHAT CAN BE INFERED FROM THE SPEAKERS? 我选他们看的是同一个PLAY. 版本二----见2月12日 两个学生路上碰见, 男的说昨天晚上音乐会和 singer 说话.因为Singer要求谁能指出她歌里的错误. 版本三----见2月9日 长对话: 男的说在一个seminar遇到一个西班牙的著名歌唱家,歌唱家还印了歌词本给他们看,可是他发现里面很多词用错了,于是歌唱家请他帮忙改一改。(长对话),问男的干什么。 弹簧注:这好象是一个笔试题中段子
2.关于印地安人的RELEASE RITUAL( I CANNOT FIGURE OUT WHAT'S MEANING THE PHASE).在举行RITUAL过程中用到MASK.但这捆印地安人的MASK与众不同(有题,有什么不同),该MASK是用活树皮BARK做的(有题问为什么),因为这样做可以保存ENERGY(估计可能是是带该面具的人获得能量).具体制作过程是这样的, 先举行一个仪式(大概是对着活树和仓天先祈祷)(有题,问为什么要这样做), 这个仪式的目的是为了SEEK TO FORGIVE FOR INJURY TO THE LIVING TREE. 然后 在树上找一个合适的皮开始雕刻,涂一些颜色什么的, 有2道重要的工序(有题多选),好象是在MASK的FOREHEAD涂些什么东西,另一个东西好象是TOBACCO. 最后将MASK从树上取下来,好象还要放到FIRE上去烤...这以后没题.
5. 关于月球那个(前人有JJ) 请参考1月JJ总结如下: ***3、the origin of moon. 版本一: There are several opinions. But the best one is that the moon was originated from the crust of the earth. 版本二: 一个教授和一男一女讨论 第一个理论是说月球是被地球引力吸来的,可是无法解释为什么月球跟地球的地质结构相近 第二个理论是说月球跟地球一起形成,可是..(忘了) 第三个理论说月球是因为地球遭受慧星撞击而从地球跑出来的…教授PREFER这个理论 题目都跟他们的理论有关 有一题双选月亮为什么不是被地球吸引来的. 4、月球表面亮与暗,和岩石有关系
2, we have a party tonight, care to join us? I would but I have a paper and ....due to tomorrow.
3, excuse me, could you tell me where is the ...building? Sorry, I would like to help you, but I am new ...
4, man: my roommate always has different arguments with me, we can not get along. woman: I think you should change roommate. man: I will look for. question: what the man will do next?
6, discuss the advantage about individual curriculum and standard curriculum The main idea is individual curriculum's teaching content is decided by the teacher who teaches the class, it is flxible to different level students. The standard curriculum will according to the education standard, every teacher will obey this standard to teach his student. It is not flexible but is has the same pace and standard.
8,about planets.such as Jupiter, meteorolite, meteors, gravity,sun system, 这是一个有关太阳系星体之间的关系,好不容易听懂了一个地方,说陨石是流星drop to the earth.但没考。好象是说太阳系中有些什么星,moon,Jupiter, meteorolite, meteors 还有几个,之间在什么轨道orbit上,gravity大小,问这段讲什么。我答太阳系中不同星体之间的difference.到时候,好好听,总结一下和astronomy有关的术语。
2, 一男一女讨论买手机的的事,男的告诉她因一本magazine才买的(好像),女的要借这本。答: The woman borrow the man's magazine.
3, 长对话:一男的碰到一女的,女的说要去找history professor,她有个trip要去WashingtonD.C 可能耽误课或作业,我没听清。有题:为什么找? The man want to go with her,but the woman said she need to ask someone if there is room for him. She would tell him later.
PITCH is the perceived highness or lowness of a sound. Variations in frequency are what we hear as variations in pitch. The greater the number of sound waves produced per second, the higher the sound we hear; the fewer sound waves per second, the lower the sound.
INTERVAL is the distance between two different pitches. ? A tone (or a "note") is a musical sound of definite pitch.
MELODY is the element that in many musics makes the most direct appeal to the listener. It is often what moves us emotionally, what we remember and whistle, and hum. A melody is a succession of single pitches or tones perceived by the mind as a unity. Just as we hear the words of a sentence not singly but in relation to the entire thought, so do we perceive the pitches of a melody in relation to each other.
INTENSITY (amplitude, dynamics, volume) is the amount of energy affecting the vibrating body, and is heard as the loudness or softness of a sound.
Terms to Describe Intensity: 1. Very Loud --------------fortissimo 2. Loud --------------------------- forte 3. Medium Loud ------ mezzo forte 4. Medium Soft ------- mezzo piano 5. Soft ---------------------------- piano 6. Very Soft ---------------- pianisimo 7. Gradually getting louder 8. Gradually getting softer 9. Suddenly loud 10. Suddenly soft
TIMBRE is the tonal quality or color of a sound. This quality is determined by the wave shape, which is determined in turn by factors such as the shape of the vibrating body, its material (metal, wood, human tissue), and the method used to put it in motion (striking, blowing, plucking). 1. Vibrating Stimulus (Drum Stick, Bow, fingers, pick) 2. Vibrating Body (Drum Head, String, Metal, Air) 3. Resonator (Body of Drum, body of violin or guitar) 4. Other (Snares, guitar distortion, spider-web casing on balafon)
Each tone we hear is actually a composite of tones called the harmonic series. The pitches produced simultaneously by the vibrating sections are called partials, overtones, or harmonics.
The first partial, often called the fundamental, is the lowest frequency and is perceived as the loudest. This is what the ear identifies as the specific pitch of the musical tone.
Instruments made of naturally sonorous materials not needing any additional tension as do strings or drumskins. The basic question is how they are set into vibration.
Aerophones include what are usually called “wind instruments,” with the addition of a few instruments with a different acoustical principle called free aerophones. There are two essential factors: a tube enclosing a column of air, and a devise for setting that air into vibration.
Membranophones produce sound by stretching a membrane over an opening. Most, but not all, membranophones are called drums. They are classified according to the following features:
material shape skins (head) fastening of the skins playing positions manner of performance
Chordophones are instruments with strings. The number of stringed instruments can be reduced to four functional types:
zither lute lyre harp
Instruments where vibrations are produced mechanically or reproduced mechanically.
DURATION is the length of time a pitch or tone is sounded. Musical time is usually organized in terms of a basic unit of length, known as a BEAT or regular pulsation. Three terms related to duration are meter, rhythm, and tempo. Meter refers to regularly recurring pulses of equal duration, generally grouped into patterns of two, three, four, or more, with the first pulse in each group accented. These patterns of strong and weak pulses are called beats. Rhythm is sometimes used, like duration, to refer to all phenomena related to the sounding of a tone through time. Specifically, it can refer to the uneven durations of particular notes, overlaying or operating within the meter. Tempo: speed of the pulse or meter.
MONOPHONIC, or single-voiced. (Voice refers to an individual part or line, even when we are talking about instrumental music). HETEROPHONY usually results in a melody combined with an ornamented version of itself. POLYPHONY occurs when two or more lines are combined, distributing the melody among the voices. HOMOPHONY, where a single voice takes over the melodic interest, while the accompanying voices take a subordinate role.
1, 在一个课堂上,又两个学生在争论在某个(不记得了)星球上是否有生物
2, 本月热门题: 办证。男学生丢了学生证,去补办,女老师问他是要 yellow or blue, 男学生说他以为blue只能用于graduate student. 问题是男学生是undergraduate student。
3,男女两同学做作业,女同学抱怨要看的东西太多,男说你搞错了,只要看前面的一部分就可以了,女抱怨教授讲的太快,跟不上,没法作笔记,男说他的手都写酸了,女说班里其它同学可能也有困难作笔记,他们应该photocopy and share 男的笔记与大家。问题:他们接下来要干什么?(share the notes with others)
4, 学生要找教授,但没有made an appointment。他问女receptionist 他能不能见教授,女说可以,但教授现在有会,你的事情很紧急吗?男的想了想说不紧急,女说你还是回去打电话made an appointment去吧。问题:女的建议男的干什么?
1, 有一道题记的比较清楚,说一个英国女作家,第一个专职女作家,最开始做过spy,后来做专职作家,钻了很多钱(有题),当时也有woman writer,but they do not rely writing to earn money.And at that time, the king 支持 戏剧,对这个作家的影响很大,但批评家对这个女作家的批评主要集中在两点,大家注意听。据了个例子说这个作家以海伦纳做小说主人公但重新赋予了她强悍的性格。利用以前的故事来重新构造自己的小说也是这个女作家的特点,也是被批评的地方,但作者还提到莎士比亚,说他也这样干过,不过这没出题。
6, 老师和学生讨论在小孩子小的时候,应该给他一点刺激,来促进她的成长,有一题问对小孩子说,"where is the toy bear"会造成什么影响。
对话: not hard,very clear,not harder than pp at all! 1,(the first one) M:I lost my ID card ,can I get a new one? Wf course,pay $5,and take a few minuts you should come back to check if it is ready or not. M:That's all?I think it might get(lots of things to do) what's M imply? too easy.
2, 女的分期付款买了个电脑,男的电脑太慢,也想买。 3, 男得 说chapter太难,建议study group 多花时间,女的说要大家一起商量。
长对话: 1, two students conversation(da gai qi) Wur study group should set up a time to meet together for the presention M:yeah,but (someone's name)'s family have something,she can't make time to join us. W:we could go ahead to review what we have learned without her. M:but..but I'm not good at art XXX,(means that girl is good at that"I can't insead to prepare the that part. W:well,I can do that.so you do history part,I know you good at it. Mk W:what is time good to you?saterday or sunday? M:I prefer saterday.
段子: 1,Comparison with the Bathtic Sea(I can't guarantee the spelling),Red Sea is very saulty.Because enclosured by the continent,no fresh water comes in such as rivers,and vaporation is so much.this is why saulty. (have a picture there,clearly)