想请教大家,how boring can it be?
It is like hell, baby.
It is like hell, baby.
How miserable I am!
And even worse, I lost a lot of money (~10%) these days in China stock market, wuwu, the bailor(my father-in-law) is going to kick me to death if it continues to crash.
How miserable I am!
And even worse, I lost a lot of money (~10%) these days in China stock market, wuwu, the bailor(my father-in-law) is going to kick me to death if it continues to crash.
you are doing pretty well. Average loss is about 20%.
Not bad.
I have not met a lawyer that is good at investment, so you will be just fine.
能不能具体一点,what kind of paperwork it is? could it be more boring than translating government documents?
btw, my condolences to neohawk~~~~~~~~
能不能具体一点,what kind of paperwork it is? could it be more boring than translating government documents?
btw, my condolences to neohawk~~~~~~~~
you are doing pretty well. Average loss is about 20%.
Not bad.
I have not met a lawyer that is good at investment, so you will be just fine.
If one were well-versed in money-investment, why the hell would he steer onto the lawyer profession?!
If one were well-versed in money-investment, why the hell would he steer onto the lawyer profession?!
The reason is not about that. Lawyers know too much of downside of the business.
sometimes, it is much easier for the less knowledged people to make my money.
That is why, wall street wants undergraduate people to be traders and Phd to do quant analysis.
The reason is not about that. Lawyers know too much of downside of the business.
sometimes, it is much easier for the less knowledged people to make my money.
That is why, wall street wants undergraduate people to be traders and Phd to do quant analysis.
Fortunately the market seems to be a little bit stable now although I believe it still needs quite a few days to recover my loss.
I am dreaming to make some money to pay the tuition, LMAO.
Applying for a J.D in US does not require you having a legal background. As long as you are keen on studing American law, you may give it your best shot. Besides,you might have some kinda avantage in LSAT due in large part that you have beening working for MS where the official working language is English. It is worth noting that tuition for J.D. programme is kinda unaffordable for an ordinary Chinese applicant.
想请教大家,how boring can it be?
某项PAPERWORK做多做熟了以后, 就不需要大脑了. 在我看来是种休息.
为钱而作法律一般不会后悔,如果本来就兴趣在其中就更不会感到无聊了。所以根本就没必要问how boring can it be?这样的问题
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