
标题: PREP2-18 [打印本页]

作者: kitebird    时间: 2007-5-21 23:27
标题: PREP2-18

Although the first pulsar, or rapidly spinning collapsed star, to be sighted was in the summer of 1967 by graduate student Jocelyn Bell, it had not been announced until February, 1968.


(A) Although the first pulsar, or rapidly spinning collapsed star, to be sighted was in the summer of 1967 by graduate student Jocelyn Bell, it had not been announced until February, 1968.

(B) Although not announced until February, 1968, in the summer of 1967 graduate student Jocelyn Bell observed the first pulsar, or rapidly spinning collapsed star, to be sighted.

(C) Although observed by graduate student Jocelyn Bell in the summer of 1967, the discovery of the first sighted pulsar, or rapidly spinning collapsed star, had not been announced before February, 1968.

(D) The first pulsar, or rapidly spinning collapsed star, to be sighted was observed in the summer of 1967 by graduate student Jocelyn Bell, but the discovery was not announced until February, 1968.

(E) The first sighted pulsar, or rapidly spinning collapsed star, was not announced until February, 1968, while it was observed in the summer of 1967 by graduate student Jocelyn Bell.

不知道to be sighted was observed 作为句子的什么成分??C这样before的表达是不是一定不可以?还有C的过去完成时??

作者: Zeldaw    时间: 2007-5-23 11:35


The first pulsar (to be sighted定语修饰pulsar) was (谓语)observed



作者: kitebird    时间: 2007-5-23 23:14


但是,D中to be sighted做定语,好像哪里看到过不可以的,只有ing、ed两种形式???

作者: stride    时间: 2007-7-8 22:53
以下是引用kitebird在2007-5-21 23:27:00的发言:

Although the first pulsar, or rapidly spinning collapsed star, to be sighted was in the summer of 1967 by graduate student Jocelyn Bell, it had not been announced until February, 1968.


(A) Although the first pulsar, or rapidly spinning collapsed star, to be sighted was in the summer of 1967 by graduate student Jocelyn Bell, it had not been announced until February, 1968.

(B) Although not announced until February, 1968, in the summer of 1967 graduate student Jocelyn Bell observed the first pulsar, or rapidly spinning collapsed star, to be sighted.

(C) Although observed by graduate student Jocelyn Bell in the summer of 1967, the discovery of the first sighted pulsar, or rapidly spinning collapsed star, had not been announced before February, 1968.

(D) The first pulsar, or rapidly spinning collapsed star, to be sighted was observed in the summer of 1967 by graduate student Jocelyn Bell, but the discovery was not announced until February, 1968.

(E) The first sighted pulsar, or rapidly spinning collapsed star, was not announced until February, 1968, while it was observed in the summer of 1967 by graduate student Jocelyn Bell.

不知道to be sighted was observed 作为句子的什么成分??C这样before的表达是不是一定不可以?还有C的过去完成时??

same question not solved:C这样before的表达是不是一定不可以?

作者: brass20y    时间: 2008-7-22 13:33
作者: 恰恰问问1    时间: 2011-4-26 23:55
为什么是TO BE SIGHTED?不定式作定语不是表示未发生吗??
作者: 恰恰问问1    时间: 2011-4-26 23:56
为什么是TO BE SIGHTED?不定式做 定语不是表示未发生吗 ?、、
作者: mengdong    时间: 2011-5-18 12:38
From Ron of

Gellar wrote:
The OA is D. Is "sighted plusar" better than "to be sighted", since the pulsar has alreadly been sighted?

Ron answer:

'to be sighted' is better  for at least two reasons.

(1) 'first NOUN to be VERBed' is generally the preferred form in discussing the results of human efforts/actions/interference/perception/etc., while 'first VERBed NOUN' is generally used to indicate inherent qualities of the noun.
for instance, the following sentence is preferred:
henry bishop was the first musician to be knighted by a british monarch. --> knighting is performed by humans
the following is NOT preferred:
henry bishop was the first knighted musician in britain. --> this makes it seem as though being 'knighted' is an inherent quality with which henry bishop was born, or that he acquired it naturally/accidentally in some other way

(2) the word 'sighted' means 'having the sense of sight', so this sentence also contains the amusing alternative interpretation of referring to a pulsar that can actually see.

tathagat wrote:
To be sighted is not redundant because "the first pulsar to be sighted was observed"  has a different meaning from "first pulsar was observed"
Reread and you will know :-)

Ron answer:
yes.  it's essential to state that this is the first pulsar to be sighted; there were certainly lots and lots of pulsars before it, but none of those pulsars had the good luck to be sighted.  if you just say "the first pulsar", then you mean that it's literally the first one.
作者: YvaineDing    时间: 2014-5-18 03:14
mengdong 发表于 2011-5-18 12:38
From Ron of wrote:The OA is D. Is "sighted plusar" better than "to be sight ...

作者: Harper姚    时间: 2017-12-9 11:02
mengdong 发表于 2011-5-18 12:38
From Ron of wrote:The OA is D. Is "sighted plusar" better than "to be sight ...

作者: Harper姚    时间: 2017-12-9 11:04
mengdong 发表于 2011-5-18 12:38
From Ron of wrote:The OA is D. Is "sighted plusar" better than "to be sight ...

作者: hongdoumuachi    时间: 2018-8-27 04:12
太喜歡這段解釋了 翻譯一下
From Ron of

Gellar wrote:
The OA is D. Is "sighted plusar" better than "to be sighted", since the pulsar has alreadly been sighted?
官方答案(official answer) 是D 問題: "sighted plusar" 的說法有比 "to be sighted"好嗎?因為pulsar脉冲星已經被看到了?

Ron answer:

'to be sighted' is better  for at least two reasons.
因為兩個原因 'to be sighted'  比較好

(1) 'first NOUN to be VERBed' is generally the preferred form in discussing the results of human efforts/actions/interference/perception/etc., while 'first VERBed NOUN' is generally used to indicate inherent qualities of the noun.
"'first NOUN to be VERBed' 這樣的形式通常在 討論關於人類的 艱難嘗試/行為/干涉/認知見解等 是較為偏好的
而'first VERBed NOUN' 通常是用來指 名詞本身生而存在的特質

for instance, the following sentence is preferred:
henry bishop was the first musician to be knighted by a british monarch. --> knighting is performed by humans
the following is NOT preferred:
henry bishop was the first knighted musician in britain. --> this makes it seem as though being 'knighted' is an inherent quality with which henry bishop was born, or that he acquired it naturally/accidentally in some other way

(2) the word 'sighted' means 'having the sense of sight', so this sentence also contains the amusing alternative interpretation of referring to a pulsar that can actually see.

"sighted" 這字代表 "擁有視覺力的/能被看見的" 所以這句話包含隱藏的另一個解釋是 脈衝光確實可以被看見

tathagat wrote:
To be sighted is not redundant because "the first pulsar to be sighted was observed"  has a different meaning from "first pulsar was observed"
Reread and you will know :-)

所以to be sighted並不冗贅 因為 "the first pulsar to be sighted was observed" 和 "first pulsar was observed"擁有不同的意涵 重讀一遍 你便能了解了

Ron answer:
yes.  it's essential to state that this is the first pulsar to be sighted; there were certainly lots and lots of pulsars before it, but none of those pulsars had the good luck to be sighted.  if you just say "the first pulsar", then you mean that it's literally the first one.

沒錯 這是”第一個被看見的“脈衝光 是很重要去被陳述的
勢必有很多很多的脈衝光 存在在題幹所說的脈衝光之前, 但沒有任何一個有這樣的好運被看見
如果只說"the first pulsar" 那意味著這確實是(世界上存在的)第一個

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