
标题: 请教 OG174 [打印本页]

作者: Samson2004    时间: 2003-11-16 21:19
标题: 请教 OG174
A letter by Mark Twain, written in the same year as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn were published, reveals that Twain provided financial assistance to one of the first Black students at Yale Law School.
(A) A letter by Mark Twain, written in the same year as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn were published,
(B) A letter by Mark Twain, written in the same year of publication as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,
(C) A letter by Mark Twain, written in the same year that The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was published,
(D) Mark Twain wrote a letter in the same year as he published The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn that
(E) Mark Twain wrote a letter in the same year of publication as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn that

Explanation of OG: In this sentence, the relative pronoun that should introduce the clause The adventures... published to make a relative clause modifying year
... Only C, the best choice...

我的问题是:在C中,written in the same year that The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was published, 总感觉应该把that 改为when才对;而且这里似乎应该用关系副词,
我错在哪儿啦? 请各位指点一下。
作者: Samson2004    时间: 2003-11-17 22:55
作者: dxwei2008    时间: 2003-11-18 01:01
这个题目的考点是then same . . . as的用法,其中as可以被that替换掉。根据这个原则就可以筛选出C和A两个答案。可是又由于从句的主谓一致的问题,就可以得到C。

你的想法是正确的,你怀疑这里用关系副词是有道理的。因为前面是一个表示时间的名词,所以看上去似乎应该用关系副词不用关系代词。可是,你在the same year前面也应该看到了一个in。所以从句就变成了如下结构:
  . . . . . in the year ( ) . . . was published
  It was the year when . . . was published.

作者: Samson2004    时间: 2003-11-18 09:38
讲解的很清楚,xd, 非常感谢。
作者: 小女公子    时间: 2005-4-13 21:43



作者: 薰衣紫草    时间: 2005-4-14 12:57
查一下longman吧, 一般用法都有
作者: giantbaby    时间: 2005-6-16 21:44

to dxwei2008:我觉得还是用when啊,为什么用that能,不管year前面有什么介词,year在从句中还是做时间状语啊?e.g. he was born in year of 1949,when P.R.C was founded.

to Samson2004:在张道真语法中查到表示时间的定语从句有时不用when引导,但也没有说能用that引导啊,请问你在哪儿查到的?

作者: imvc    时间: 2005-6-16 22:18

我这里有一个老版本的章振邦语法,里面谈到关系副词和关系代词的交替使用,特别提到why 在 the reason why, when 在 the time when 结构中都能被that所取代.

eg. That is the time (that )he arrives.

    That is the reason (that) he cames.


[此贴子已经被作者于2005-6-16 22:19:23编辑过]

作者: giantbaby    时间: 2005-6-19 19:25
作者: KATIEUS    时间: 2007-10-5 21:38

作者: Kate200815019    时间: 2010-9-29 23:48

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