Found throughout central and south america, solths hang form trees by long rubbery limbs,
and sleep 15 hours a day, moving infrequently enough that two species of algae grow on its
coat and between its toes.
d. the sloth hangs from trees by its long rubbery limbs, sleeping 15 times a day, and moving soo infrequently
e. the sloth hangs form trees by its long rubbery limbs, sleeps 15 hours a day, and it moves infrequently enough
is hangs, sleeping, moving parallel?
if option e removes it ,is it better than option d?
一:D那里是不能有逗号的,如果有就错了,LZ打错了呵呵,就是这里(sleeping 15 times a day, and moving soo infrequently)
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