毕业已经很多年, 想去读博士了. 刚考完G, 还没有考托福
成绩不理想 680(M51, V30) Percentile 89/ AWA 4.0, 很郁闷
想过二战, 但因为还没有考托福, 想先把托福给考掉.
我想问的是如果不重考, 这个成绩申美国的博士可以申到什么样的学校?
本科硕士是在北大读的, 成绩还行不算太好. 没论文, 工作是在五百强企业里, 不过不读MBA应该关系不大吧.
毕业已经很多年, 想去读博士了.
Why? You have to give a more precise answer to your career change. This type of questions will be asked in the interview, normally.
想读 management/strategy
Why? You have to give a more precise answer to your career change. This type of questions will be asked in the interview, normally.
总体感觉management 比起金融相对好申请点,不太清楚细节,硬件情况可参考精华区申请management 成功的人员的背景。如下几点想法供参考:
1. Gmat比较难看吧,建议重考。考个高分对你很有好处的,请你相信这一点。这个时间的回报一般来说是值得的,而且这是你目前能提高自己的比较显著和简单易行的方法。象点样的research 学校(top 50)貌似现在入门门槛是700+吧,未确认这一点。而且GMAT又不难考。你要知道,现在中国人申请的多,大家的分数都比较高,统共一个学校招没几个人的,而且一般每个人都会申请个15所左右的学校,假如大家都700+,那么你的分数确实会给你拖后腿,很容易直接把你挤掉。
2. 其他背景怎么样?口语,RA/TA之类,还有你的推荐信里有没有牛人,和你对相关研究领域课题的自己的想法?这些都蛮重要的。
3. 为什么不搞个MBA呢你工作这么多年了?除非你是researcher/teacher fan.不然这么多年ph.d.,何苦。从金钱的角度讲,MBA会比你这个Ph.D.的回报大,大很多,这点我很make sure. 你重新考个GMAT,申请top 20的北美MBA. 绝对时间短,回报高。做faculty 很轻松么?可别这么想,从你入学后到拿tenure前会很辛苦的,除非你一毕业只想去个teaching school.光想teaching school,又何苦那么多年ph.d....
4. 最后一点,铁心要读博士的话,要是有时间,好好准备吧,建议争取申请名校,学校排名在找工作时候非常重要,甚至超过你自己的research 能力。
Normally, GMAT should be at least 700. Moreover, your writing is not good enough. Strategic management focuses on conceptual writing.
The ranking of universities is not so important for your future job hunting. Your publications are the most important factor for you to find a job in research universities. Some suggestions:
First, get a higher GMAT and good TOEFL.
Second, try to read academic papers, about 20 papers in top tier journals, and find out your research interests.
After gettting some research interests in your mind, you can try to approach professors related to your research interests.
Normally, GMAT should be at least 700. Moreover, your writing is not good enough. Strategic management focuses on conceptual writing.
The ranking of universities is not so important for your future job hunting. Your publications are the most important factor for you to find a job in research universities. Some suggestions:
First, get a higher GMAT and good TOEFL.
Second, try to read academic papers, about 20 papers in top tier journals, and find out your research interests.
After gettting some research interests in your mind, you can try to approach professors related to your research interests.
Well said.
Sometimes applicatns with lots of work experience but none research background may face a tough situation: schools may doubt your determination, motivation and your understanding of research. Be sure to read at least some academic papers before you apply, and try to articulate your reserach questions in the SOP.
BTW, top strategy/ management journals include: Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Strategic Management Journal and Organization Science.
Good luck!
谢谢大家了, 我渐渐倾向于重考GMAT了, 先把托福考掉再考一次!
我还想再问一下...我的目标是读博士, 然后留在学校教书(纯属个人爱好)
但听说直接申商学院Phd很难, 有人说可以考虑先申master, 再申Phd
到底应该先申master, 还是直接申phd, 主要应该考虑什么方面呢? 哪个胜算大一些?
如果先读了master, 到时候在美国申Phd是不是还要再读五年呢?
如果是这样的话, 这时间就太长了, 我已经老大不小了...怕怕
我还想再问一下...我的目标是读博士, 然后留在学校教书(纯属个人爱好)
但听说直接申商学院Phd很难, 有人说可以考虑先申master, 再申Phd
到底应该先申master, 还是直接申phd, 主要应该考虑什么方面呢? 哪个胜算大一些?
如果先读了master, 到时候在美国申Phd是不是还要再读五年呢?
如果是这样的话, 这时间就太长了, 我已经老大不小了...怕怕
我觉得你的情况可以直接申的,先把GT考了,争取考的高一点. 另外, 在申请前争取发表一两篇论文.
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