
标题: 请问大全914题,单复数,弱弱地问! [打印本页]

作者: fdkbaby    时间: 2003-11-14 22:56
标题: 请问大全914题,单复数,弱弱地问!
914.    Virtually undisturbed for the last three centuries on their starkly beautiful islands near the edge of the Arctic Circle, the inhabitants of the Lofotens have evolved folkways and a life-style that bring warmth to their harsh environment.
(A) the inhabitants of the Lofotens have evolved folkways and a life-style that bring warmth
(B) the inhabitants of the Lofotens have evolved folkways and a life-style that brings warmth
(C) evolving folkways and a life-style were evolved by the Lofotens inhabitants to bring warmth
(D) evolving folkways and a life-style brought warmth to the Lofotens’ inhabitants as well as
(E) warmth-bringing folkways and life-styles have been evolved by the inhabitants of the Lofotens


这道题目我先通过逻辑主语的方法排除C、D、E。当我在A和B中做选择的时候,我把后面的定语从句理解为仅修饰a life-style,因此认为谓语动词应该用单数。但是,答案是A。很明显答案认为此定语从句修饰folkways and a life-style。在这种情况下我应该如何判断后面的定语从句究竟修饰谁呢?当然,如果意思上很清楚,那还比较好办。如果从意思上两者都解释得通的话,我就胡涂了。

是不是如果仅修饰后者应该写成a life-style that bring warmth to their harsh environment and folkways呢?


[此贴子已经被作者于2003-11-14 23:11:51编辑过]

作者: lixiaoyang    时间: 2003-11-14 23:13
如何判断:that要紧跟修饰的东东,然后根据具体的意思.具体到这道题,最好用复数,因为老美喜欢句子结构的平衡, 如果是a life style that brings.....那么,前面的folkways一般也要修饰一下.不然,会有头重脚轻的 感觉
作者: fdkbaby    时间: 2003-11-14 23:20
作者: Snazzy    时间: 2004-2-12 06:58
anybody else has some idea?
作者: 橙子    时间: 2004-2-12 08:34
ETS基本上把用"and"连接的两个名词看作"compound nouns"
作者: turtlechen    时间: 2004-2-12 14:51
ZM p21
A along with B         Va
   as well as
   accompanied by
   combined with
   in addition to
   rather than
   no less than
   together with

Either A nor B       VB
Neither A nor B
not only A but also B

there beV +N
(half, rest, plenty, part, fifty, percent ) of N + V
(all, some , none, most, any) of N + V
No + N + V

a large sums of N
quantities of   N + 复数V

A and B V複數
A or B   VB
作者: flora_wang    时间: 2004-2-22 07:19

是不是如果仅修饰后者应该写成a    life-style    that    bring    warmth    to    their    harsh    environment    and    folkways呢?


27. Published in Harlem, the owner and editor of the Messenger were two young journalists, Chandler Owen and A. Philip Randolph, who would later make his reputation as a labor leader.

(A) Published in Harlem, the owner and editor of the Messenger were two young journalists, Chandler Owen and A. Philip Randolph, who would later make his reputation as a labor leader.

(B) Published in Harlem, two young journalists, Chandler Owen and A. Philip Randolph, who would later make his reputation as a labor leader, were the owner and editor of the Messenger.

(C) Published in Harlem, the Messenger was owned and edited by two young journalists, A. Philip Randolph, who would later make his reputation as a labor leader, and Chandler Owen.

(D) The Messenger was owned and edited by two young journalists, Chandler Owen and A. Philip Randolph, who would later make his reputation as a labor leader, and published in Harlem.C

(E) The owner and editor being two young journalists, Chandler Owen and A. Philip Randolph, who would later make his reputation as a labor leader, the Messenger was published in Harlem.

Choices A and B present dangling modifiers that illogically suggest that Owen and Randolph, rather than the Messenger, were published in Harlem. In D, the phrase and published in Harlem is too remote from the Messenger to modify it effectively. In E, being produces an awkward construction, and the placement of the main clause at the end of the sentence is confusing. Only in C, the best answer, is Published in Harlem followed immediately by the Messenger. Also, C makes it clear that the clause beginning who refers to Randolph.


作者: tania    时间: 2005-8-19 10:43

从og这道题看,我觉得如果结构为 n1 and n2 +that/who clause, 则n1和n2应该是个整体,定语从句修饰n1和n2,即从句中谓语动词用复数;如果定语从句修饰其中一个名词的话,应将被修饰的名词和从句放在另一个名词前面,避免歧义。


作者: Rayakawr    时间: 2007-9-2 18:26
以下是引用tania在2005-8-19 10:43:00的发言:

从og这道题看,我觉得如果结构为 n1 and n2 +that/who clause, 则n1和n2应该是个整体,定语从句修饰n1和n2,即从句中谓语动词用复数;如果定语从句修饰其中一个名词的话,应将被修饰的名词和从句放在另一个名词前面,避免歧义。


本题a,b选项bring的单复数形式就可以很好的避免修饰歧义,所以不存在tania所说的歧义. 我比较赞同lixiaoyang的观点.
作者: Rayakawr    时间: 2007-9-2 18:36

A.the inhabitants of the Lofotens have evolved folkways and a life-style
            that bring warmth
to their harsh environment.

B.the inhabitants of the Lofotens have evolved folkways and a life-style that brings warmth to their harsh environment


作者: amorela    时间: 2008-8-24 23:50
作者: happyshows    时间: 2008-10-7 14:45


我第一秒就把A排除掉了。 因为我看到virtually undisturbed for the last three centuries


作者: sausau    时间: 2008-10-16 03:26

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