除非经济很充裕, 而且有非常好的背景, 例如国内名校法律,或者理工科的, 否则还是三思吧.
Honestly speaking, without these conditions, unless you end up top 1-5% in a tier 3 school AND want to work in the same area, future job prospect would be bad.
如果国内不是读法律的,或者学校一般, 找派回国的工作就会有明显的DISADVANTAGE. 而在美国直接找工作, TIER3 本身的弱势就不用多说了吧.
昨天问了一个uncle(原来是US的judge trainer,现在退休了),他的意见是,无论什么学校毕业的,只对你找的第一份工作有影响;只要是JD文凭,ABA approved,能拿到手总是没错的。
What is the position of a judge trainer, by the way?
Yes, green card helps.
The question is the costs v. benefits. If you don't mind taking a job that pays less than large firm rates, don't mind taking longer in job search, and don't mind taking cases like immigration, etc, there are opportunities to find jobs. And of course, if you are financially free, getting an education is a personally enriching experience.
不过, 最好找这版上真正的牛人咨询一下. 我这只是抛砖引玉罢了.
哪有 还是要谢谢你
What is the position of a judge trainer, by the way?
Yes, green card helps.
The question is the costs v. benefits. If you don't mind taking a job that pays less than large firm rates, don't mind taking longer in job search, and don't mind taking cases like immigration, etc, there are opportunities to find jobs. And of course, if you are financially free, getting an education is a personally enriching experience.
i guess he is talking about a public sector position that got fed by government. His word may be true if you work for a government agent, but it is wrong when you are talking about private law firm.
When you are looking for your second, third, fourth job, firms will ask you for your school transcripts and LSAT score in some cases. This does not happen often in other industries.
I see. kinda frustrated......
but my lsat is super low, compared to the others; even if I take the exam again, and apply again, it's still hard.......
The differenct is:
In T14, 80% people will get job offer from BigLaw. These days, the number should be higher than 95%
in good average schools, 50%
T2, 10%
T3, 3%???
The biggest question here: are you sure you can be a top-of-class student in an average school?
I have seen Chinese student who scored straight A and got Coif and other honors. I have also seen Chinese students who barely survived.
Which group do you belong to?
讲难听点就是要对自己有个了解。 就我自己的例子, 我自己知道自己不行, 所以即使average good school给我了奖学金我也没敢要。结果证实我是对的, 就我这点本事到了t-2也不一定能到25%。
讲难听点就是要对自己有个了解。 就我自己的例子, 我自己知道自己不行, 所以即使average good school给我了奖学金我也没敢要。结果证实我是对的, 就我这点本事到了t-2也不一定能到25%。
你转校需要两样东西: 一个更高的lsat, 还有全部A的成绩单。
1L是很苦的, 在这个基础上你要达到这两个目标, 不是不可能, 但是希望比较小。
没有美国身份, 又没有什么特长的话, 读这样的学校对你的前途帮助不大
困难我都知道 只是不甘心。。。。
绿卡应该在JD毕业时会拿到 再等等看了
有新的消息再向tiger版主请教 谢先!
不好意思问一下,"Tier 3的法学院"是指什么?
还有上面提到的 T2 T14 难道是指Top2 Top14吗?
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