nyc的firm都已经调了快半年了吧, 现在各个主要的西岸公司也都调了。
160K - 菜鸟级 - Before Bonus
there are two types of positions open in China:
China Associates: very nice pay but not comparable to US salary. You are being treated as second class people by your collegue in US.
Associates: Global pay, current going rate is 160K-170K USD a year for the first year.
The issue here is: majority of the firms are hiring "China Associates". You have to be very lucky or have worked in US office before to get the other one.
there are two types of positions open in China:
China Associates: very nice pay but not comparable to US salary. You are being treated as second class people by your collegue in US.
Associates: Global pay, current going rate is 160K-170K USD a year for the first year.
The issue here is: majority of the firms are hiring "China Associates". You have to be very lucky or have worked in US office before to get the other one.
Dear Tiger, do you know whether most of the Chinese graduating from JD programs who go back to work in China (or the Big China Area) are hired as "associates" or as "China associates"? How "lucky" (or maybe excellent) do you need to be to get a global pay?
If you work as a China associates, will the income high enough to afford the law school loan?
Most JD for top tier schools will at least try to work in US for a couple of years before they return/transfer to china as the third year associate. (global pay put them at 200K+ USD).
Most of the job openings are in HK, however there is growth in associates number in mainland after several years of decline.
I am not sure how lucky you have to be. but most people need a good degree from a prestige school to even be considered (not necessary the law degree)
After being here for 6 months, I am totally lost on how much "China associates" get paid as well. I know it is around 70-80K USD for good big law. But other people are saying either this number is too high or too low. I am not in China right now. it is hard for me to say.
JD 不是必要,也不是充分条件.
知道有几个国内GOOD, BUT NOT BEST本科毕业, 工作两三年, 直接读完LLM, 立刻派回国内拿GLOBAL PAY (160,000刀加补贴加奖金). 这比大多数名校JD的待遇还要棒.
楼上提供的信息很详细, 不错!
顺便说一下, 我并没有说我知道的那几个LLM就代表了大多数LLM. 而且, 他们并非"极个别", 也非北大+YALE/HARVARD LLM, 5年外所经验的程度. 问题在于, 在美国名校的华人JD和LLM就那几十上百口人. 一定要说"客观", 除非有具体的统计数字, 不然很难做到.
中国人JD在美国就好混? 我所知道的不少名校JD, 在"纽约一线律所工作"一到三年后, 不少还是回了国, 和名校LLM拿差不多的工资.
JD要留在美国的谈何容易? 拿PARTNER比中彩票还难. 回国说不准还有戏.
llm的朋友的背景实在太广了,有已经很有经验的, 来美国就是方便升partner,也有法本刚毕业没多久的, 这两种人很难比较哦。
上个礼拜碰到一个llm, 人家在香港做了10多年, 圈子里名气不小, 来美国读了个llm, 直接回去转2-year-track partnership. 由于还有其他所要他, 原所还提了不少工资。 这样的人是大家羡慕和努力的方向, 但是不能当作自己情况的折射。
JD确实比LLM接受了更系统的美国法学教育,但JD一般没有接触过中国市场,而LLM大多在国内做过一段时间的律师,那么就在中国市场做律师而言,JD相对于LLM是否缺少了中国市场的经验与人脉? 美国系统的法学教育对在中国工作的JD来说,又比LLM有多大的优势?
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