AWA(the second trial),target 5.0~5.5, real score 6.0 / My first trial is about three years ago, the score is only 4.5.
Every man has his own way, here below is mine.
- Read randomly some samples of the good articles (the white book)
- Pay attention to SC practice
- Pay attention to the structure of some related RC articles
- Practice every email in your daily working (the assumption is that you use English as working language (written)
- Try to do writing practice when you are doing simulated test (e.g. PowerPrepare)
- My experience, the week before the testing, I practiced six articles (AI and AA in pair) every morning time(9:00~10:00)
- My experience, type three good or sample articles
- On the day, I met with the topics that I read before (the probability is high when your reading all the topics through)
- I did not think too much before I typed
- My experience, say what you want to say, in my AI, the first flash of the idea is that I'd like to take one side but the
reality is that I did take a balanced view of point
- The number of words does not that matter. My idea is that over 350 can be okay.
- The balanced of each paragraph can play a good role in your scoring.
- My experience, please spend as least 2 minutes to read the article through -- I picked up at least three spelling errors and two unnecessary repeats there
- The last but not least important, believe that you did a good job before your entering into the Math section
Good luck to all GMATer !
valuable experience!
Very good idea!
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