
标题: [讨论]USC还是UT? [打印本页]

作者: neohawk    时间: 2007-4-24 02:41
标题: [讨论]USC还是UT?


毕业后可能做patent,so far觉得最喜欢的地方就是芝加哥,但这两个学校都不在芝加哥。据说UT的national reputation比USC好点,可能在芝加哥的名气比USC更大点?不过看这两个学校毕业生去向,都是大于70%留在各自的州,所以就要考虑如果无论去哪个学校都找不回芝加哥的话哪个更好的问题了。个人感觉LA可能比Texas好在生活上对华人来说,但是texas的优势就是房子便宜而且不需要交州税(LA估计有10%了吧)



从两个学校的统计看进大所的几率差不多,UT稍微高一点38.6%, USC 36.8%。但不知道两个在芝加哥的名气差别有多大。现在的问题就是值不值得为了UT好一点的national reputation以及每年一万去UT,毕竟LA也不错。


作者: 千寻的神隐    时间: 2007-4-24 03:20
austin is a fun place and cost of living is low. one of the best in US.  i heard that people stand a pretty good chance to transfer to other top programs if they want to.
texas has a lot of chinese too, especially in houston. and the population is ever growing. people who can't afford a house in CA move to TX. hehe.

作者: scicrap    时间: 2007-4-24 03:59
Texas for sure。

作者: neohawk    时间: 2007-4-24 05:33
以下是引用scicrap在2007-4-24 3:59:00的发言:
Texas for sure。

作者: zhyue    时间: 2007-4-24 06:36
what does your wife do? Texas is one of the fastest growing state with a fairly balanced mix of industries. I heard (not 1st hand) that pay in houston the same as in NYC.  I would vote for Texas. After all, longhorns beat trojans for the national championship.

作者: funnytiger    时间: 2007-4-24 07:08

加州去不的, 去了之后, 你是回不了chicago的了。 三年下来, 你会怀疑自己以前脑子是不是出问题了, 那么喜欢chicago. 不是我瞎说的, 我的好朋友就是这么说的。

做patent的话, 美国有三块宝地, california, texas and DC. 你的学校一下就盖了两个地方, 不赖啊。 我个人觉得我会选UT austin.

1. 毕业回chicago不会觉得自己脑子有问题。

2. 老婆不工作, 安顿好大后方, 你才能没日没夜加班

3. 没有州税现在可能不入你的法眼, 但是当你收入超过18万的时候, 呵呵, 很多啊, 同学。

4. 你在德州工作三年, 你可以过着皇帝一样的生活, 你知道在nyc,这样的人在dating scene只能是second tier啊。

作者: neohawk    时间: 2007-4-24 09:27
以下是引用zhyue在2007-4-24 6:36:00的发言:
what does your wife do? Texas is one of the fastest growing state with a fairly balanced mix of industries. I heard (not 1st hand) that pay in houston the same as in NYC.  I would vote for Texas. After all, longhorns beat trojans for the national championship.

我太太是LLM,应该很快就会有NY bar,现在在芝加哥一家移民所上班, 考虑做一些移民相关的工作,这也是我希望去华人多的地方的缘故。不知道我太太有没有可能在houston找到工作。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-24 9:33:44编辑过]

作者: neohawk    时间: 2007-4-24 09:33
以下是引用funnytiger在2007-4-24 7:08:00的发言:

加州去不的, 去了之后, 你是回不了chicago的了。 三年下来, 你会怀疑自己以前脑子是不是出问题了, 那么喜欢chicago. 不是我瞎说的, 我的好朋友就是这么说的。

做patent的话, 美国有三块宝地, california, texas and DC. 你的学校一下就盖了两个地方, 不赖啊。 我个人觉得我会选UT austin.

1. 毕业回chicago不会觉得自己脑子有问题。

2. 老婆不工作, 安顿好大后方, 你才能没日没夜加班

3. 没有州税现在可能不入你的法眼, 但是当你收入超过18万的时候, 呵呵, 很多啊, 同学。

4. 你在德州工作三年, 你可以过着皇帝一样的生活, 你知道在nyc,这样的人在dating scene只能是second tier啊。


另外UT austin会不会有location上的劣势呀,虎哥一直强调location的

作者: funnytiger    时间: 2007-4-24 09:33

做移民赚钱, 不是赚那些高学历的知识技术移民, 而是那些你根本不知道他们怎么到美国的人的钱。

这个在加州和纽约最多, houston也不少。如果你老婆的llm是在chicago拿的, 在加州和德州都很难执业, 搞不好只能做paralegal。

建议她将来去读个一般的jd, 出来可以做移民。 反正身份和钞票有你顶着, 应该没有问题。 德州和加州都是只要你交了一年税, 你老婆就能交州内学费的地方

唉, llm真是浪费钱的东西。 呵呵, 砸吧。

作者: xoxoacura    时间: 2007-4-24 11:50
以下是引用funnytiger在2007-4-24 7:08:00的发言:

加州去不的, 去了之后, 你是回不了chicago的了。 三年下来, 你会怀疑自己以前脑子是不是出问题了, 那么喜欢chicago. 不是我瞎说的, 我的好朋友就是这么说的。

做patent的话, 美国有三块宝地, california, texas and DC. 你的学校一下就盖了两个地方, 不赖啊。 我个人觉得我会选UT austin.

1. 毕业回chicago不会觉得自己脑子有问题。

2. 老婆不工作, 安顿好大后方, 你才能没日没夜加班

3. 没有州税现在可能不入你的法眼, 但是当你收入超过18万的时候, 呵呵, 很多啊, 同学。

4. 你在德州工作三年, 你可以过着皇帝一样的生活, 你知道在nyc,这样的人在dating scene只能是second tier啊。

"你在德州工作三年, 你可以过着皇帝一样的生活,"

-- Totally agreed with Tiger based on my experience in Texas. Strongly recommend Houston if you don't mind humid heat. Although the Asian restaurants in Houston are not as good as those in Toronto, Vancouver, or LA/SF, they are much better than their peers in most of the cities in US. High salary, no state income tax, amazingly low housing prices, and tons of IT/Energy-related job opportunities. Man, Texas is the place to go!

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-24 11:52:08编辑过]

作者: evita    时间: 2007-4-24 12:50


我建议UT,你做专利的只要想回芝加哥一定能回的去的,我1L 的时候还有一个Austinoffer呢,那时候连第一学期的成绩还没出来呢。当然要去个便宜排名又高的学校。我去interview的时候好像行情还只有11万,现在好像都涨到14万五了,Houston 中国人很多的,我不敢说移民律师的行情比LA好,但竞争肯定是没有LA激烈的。


作者: Lilac29    时间: 2007-4-24 23:41



作者: Lilac29    时间: 2007-4-24 23:43
以下是引用evita在2007-4-24 12:50:00的发言:



作者: funnytiger    时间: 2007-4-25 02:56

大家都是太注重读书了, 这么多玩的东西, 都没开发啊。

东岸的树和小山可以看看, 但是比起西岸还是有点差距。 玩自然的, 西岸的山高多了, 滑雪的地方多多了, 有湖有海。而且一年大部分时间不下雨, 而且又不湿不热。

玩室内的中国老三样 (卡拉ok, 吃饭, 泡bar), 东岸除了纽约和波士顿,实在是找不到一个地方是reasonable的。

没有攻击的意思, 在费城住过, 中国饭那个难吃啊, 亚洲人口少, 老三样没什么玩的, 当时是夏天, 把我热坏了。

作者: scicrap    时间: 2007-4-25 04:12
作者: lynnxiao    时间: 2007-4-25 11:56
哎呀我怕热, 所以打死都不去Texas.

作者: chinesecheese    时间: 2007-4-25 18:58
    LZ LSAT多少?

作者: 况天佑    时间: 2007-4-25 23:56


作者: Lilac29    时间: 2007-4-26 04:11
以下是引用funnytiger在2007-4-25 2:56:00的发言:

大家都是太注重读书了, 这么多玩的东西, 都没开发啊。

东岸的树和小山可以看看, 但是比起西岸还是有点差距。 玩自然的, 西岸的山高多了, 滑雪的地方多多了, 有湖有海。而且一年大部分时间不下雨, 而且又不湿不热。

玩室内的中国老三样 (卡拉ok, 吃饭, 泡bar), 东岸除了纽约和波士顿,实在是找不到一个地方是reasonable的。

没有攻击的意思, 在费城住过, 中国饭那个难吃啊, 亚洲人口少, 老三样没什么玩的, 当时是夏天, 把我热坏了。

作者: funnytiger    时间: 2007-4-27 03:32
以下是引用scicrap在2007-4-25 4:12:00的发言:

的确是这样, 所以德州学校毕业的人可以回费城啊。 至少天气上没有留恋的

作者: mmmxxtt    时间: 2007-4-27 19:48
作者: xoxoacura    时间: 2007-4-28 07:37
以下是引用mmmxxtt在2007-4-27 19:48:00的发言:


(毛博士) : )

作者: mmmxxtt    时间: 2007-4-28 12:39
作者: monitorzhe    时间: 2007-4-28 19:10


The Eastern District of Texas has the largest number of patent litigations in US because of its handling speed. This probably will last for years, which might reflect the prosperity of patent jobs to some extent.

作者: neohawk    时间: 2007-4-30 06:44
以下是引用monitorzhe在2007-4-28 19:10:00的发言:


The Eastern District of Texas has the largest number of patent litigations in US because of its handling speed. This probably will last for years, which might reflect the prosperity of patent jobs to some extent.

会不会大部分都是些Patent Litigation的职位呀。

做了点research,发现虽然Texas没有state tax以及Cost of Living比较低,但是Property tax比较高而且收入比较低,尤其是做到3,4年后。

Baker Botts


At a Glance

Total Offices (2006):10Headquarters:Houston, TX
Total Attorneys (2006):UnknownFirm Website:
Vault Rank (2007):40 Total Revenue (2005):$434,500,000
Revenue Per Lawyer (2005):UnknownProfits Per Partner (2005):Unknown

Salary Chart
OfficeClass of 2007*Class of 2006Class of 2005Class of 2004Class of 2003Class of 2002Class of 2001Class of 2000
New York$160000 $160000 $170000 $185000 $210000 $230000 $250000 $265000
Washington, DC$140000 $140000 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Houston, TX$140000 $140000 $145000 $150000 $160000 $170000 $180000 $185000

作者: chinesecheese    时间: 2007-5-1 02:22

作者: lynnxiao    时间: 2007-5-2 04:42
Texas估计和Illinois政治气氛很不一样. 我就受不了周围的人说bush好. 还是Chicago好人人都骂他.

所以可能这一点也要考虑上去. 想想bush退了休还不天天待他老家, 周围都是一帮他的人.

看看最近AT&T v. Microsoft的supreme court ruling 吧, 感觉patent这一块 (尤其是litigation) 形势就要大变了.

作者: neohawk    时间: 2007-5-2 04:49
以下是引用lynnxiao在2007-5-2 4:42:00的发言:
Texas估计和Illinois政治气氛很不一样. 我就受不了周围的人说bush好. 还是Chicago好人人都骂他.

所以可能这一点也要考虑上去. 想想bush退了休还不天天待他老家, 周围都是一帮他的人.

看看最近AT&T v. Microsoft的supreme court ruling 吧, 感觉patent这一块 (尤其是litigation) 形势就要大变了.

我pro bush,不在乎这个


作者: Expert123    时间: 2007-5-2 11:31


作者: neohawk    时间: 2007-5-2 12:26
以下是引用Expert123在2007-5-2 11:31:00的发言:




作者: Expert123    时间: 2007-5-2 13:09

的确,你是这论坛上我见过的第一个偏向共和党的. 这自然无可厚非.

事实上, 从减税和市场经济的理论来说,共和党占优势. 但是民主党比较保护少数民族的权益.

不过, 极端种族主义的大多数是保守派(未必是共和党).

作者: neohawk    时间: 2007-5-2 13:41

呵呵,咱们国人亲左派我可以理解的,毕竟是社会主义国家出来的。我右倾并不意味着我反华,反共什么的,我纯粹是从经济角度看问题,不赞成DEM的养懒汉政策,GOP在刺激经济尤其是中小企业方面更加在行,clinton时期的繁荣在我看来纯粹是正好碰上了IT bubble罢了,GOP虽然不怎么照顾少数民族的利益,但在美国咱们华人无论是在DEM的眼里还是GOP的眼里都排不上号,双方都不会来保护我们的利益。华人在经济上其实都不错,GOP的政策应该在这方面对我们更有利。

GOP非常pro energy industry, nuclear power,致使他在我们这个行业有绝对的支持,可能我也是常年受到影响。

作者: Lilac29    时间: 2007-5-2 22:16

奇怪了。伊力诺依也是蓝州啊。而且通常在学校里还是民主党的居多, 想想布什同学整得多少基金都被缩减了。:-(

作者: Lilac29    时间: 2007-5-2 22:31

纯粹个人观点。我觉得美国东西海岸还不错。当然我个人倾向东部。中部太闷, 南方那些保守派简直不可理喻,再加上种族歧视。


One history professor in Harvard said he had a job offer in west texas before and he didn't take it. So that everyday he wakes up and is glad that at least he is not living in West Texas.  "105F, angry people with guns."

(BTW, he was from California, and is currently in Mass. )

作者: Expert123    时间: 2007-5-3 04:25

 有枪有错吗? 美国宪法第二修正案就是允许老百姓有枪支的.

没枪遇到VT那样的事情只有做牺牲品的份. 有枪就不一样了,可以自卫也可以保护无辜的人.

作者: mmmxxtt    时间: 2007-5-3 09:30

作者: yls2006    时间: 2007-5-3 09:52
i grew up in a big city in china and lived in a small texas town for four years. i really like texas. people here are extremely kind and friendly. they are always there to help. it gets hot in summer but it's dry (except for houston), so it's better than the sultry weather in philly. and snobs and cold faces seem to be everywhere in the northeast.

作者: Expert123    时间: 2007-5-3 10:42
Are you a current Yale student?
作者: xoxoacura    时间: 2007-5-3 22:33
以下是引用Lilac29在2007-5-2 22:31:00的发言:

纯粹个人观点。我觉得美国东西海岸还不错。当然我个人倾向东部。中部太闷, 南方那些保守派简直不可理喻,再加上种族歧视。


One history professor in Harvard said he had a job offer in west texas before and he didn't take it. So that everyday he wakes up and is glad that at least he is not living in West Texas. (BTW, he was from California, and is currently in Mass. )

" "105F, angry people with guns." "

-- Texans are cheerful and warm-hearted. Although lots of Texans like GWB, it was not difficult for me to find somebody who likes to bash that clown. : )

作者: Lilac29    时间: 2007-5-3 23:30
以下是引用Expert123在2007-5-3 4:25:00的发言:

 有枪有错吗? 美国宪法第二修正案就是允许老百姓有枪支的.

没枪遇到VT那样的事情只有做牺牲品的份. 有枪就不一样了,可以自卫也可以保护无辜的人.

Constitutions are evolving. It may be amended. And also the interpretation whether one thing is constitutional might be different from different era.


Gun control is in hot debate in United States. Rumor has it that Al Gore lost his home state Tennessee in 2000 election because of gun control issues.


Personally, I hope there will be more restrictions on gun purchasing etc.

I don't think one single gun law will prevent monsters from committing crimes but it will make harder.

作者: Lilac29    时间: 2007-5-3 23:33
以下是引用xoxoacura在2007-5-3 22:33:00的发言:

-- Texans are cheerful and warm-hearted. Although lots of Texans like GWB, it was not difficult for me to find somebody who likes to bash that clown. : )

That's good. Should be more people there to change Texas to blue.


作者: Lilac29    时间: 2007-5-3 23:38
以下是引用xoxoacura在2007-5-3 22:33:00的发言:

-- Texans are cheerful and warm-hearted.




作者: Expert123    时间: 2007-5-4 00:17
以下是引用Lilac29在2007-5-3 23:30:00的发言:

Constitutions are evolving. It may be amended. And also the interpretation whether one thing is constitutional might be different from different era.


Gun control is in hot debate in United States. Rumor has it that Al Gore lost his home state Tennessee in 2000 election because of gun control issues.


Personally, I hope there will be more restrictions on gun purchasing etc.

I don't think one single gun law will prevent monsters from committing crimes but it will make harder.

作者: Expert123    时间: 2007-5-4 00:18
以下是引用Lilac29在2007-5-3 23:30:00的发言:

Constitutions are evolving. It may be amended. And also the interpretation whether one thing is constitutional might be different from different era.


Gun control is in hot debate in United States. Rumor has it that Al Gore lost his home state Tennessee in 2000 election because of gun control issues.


Personally, I hope there will be more restrictions on gun purchasing etc.

I don't think one single gun law will prevent monsters from committing crimes but it will make harder.

Certainly, gun control is an issue in hot debate in the U.S, and reasonable minds can differ on whether gun control will reduce crime. However, the fact the Constitution "may be" amended does not change where the law stands currently. After all, even the First Amendment may be repealed but no one doubts the freedom of speech for now. So far, it is also extremely unlikely the Supreme Court will change the interpretation of the Second Amendment.

If you are familiar with the history of the Constitution, you would know that the 18th Amendment ("Prohibition Amendment) was ratified in 1919 to forbid the manufacture, transportation and sale of alchohol. It did not manage to control the perceived ills caused by alchoholism. Instead, since it made alchohol hard to obtain and more desirable to the average man, a lot of illegal businesses started dealing with alchohol and caused crime rates to increase. In the book and movie Godfather I, illegal dealing of alchohol was the main "business" Vito Corleone engated in.  In the end, the 18th Amendment was repealed by the 21th Amendment, and the people )(21 and above) regained rights to have alchohol as they wish.

Similar illegal dealing of firearms would also likely to take place if "gun control" takes pace in the U.S. in the form of a legal restriction.

Also, I think it is too simplistic to think Chinese should prefer "Blue" state over "Red" state. I do not see a "Blue" area treat Chinese more favorably than "Red" area. Just remember, even Orange County is "Red".

作者: 千寻的神隐    时间: 2007-5-4 02:22
one major problem on the capitol hill is partisan polictics. i don't see the point of blindly follow "red" or "blue". vote based on the issue at hand rather than along the party line, if you have the right to vote.

作者: Lilac29    时间: 2007-5-4 02:23
以下是引用Expert123在2007-5-4 0:18:00的发言:

However, the fact the Constitution "may be" amended does not change where the law stands currently.

With the same token, the fact the law protects gun purchase and use does not change people's opinion toward it and also doenot make it right or wrong. There was the time the enslavement of the blacks were protected by law. And women were not allowed to vote by law. We all see how wrong it was.

作者: Expert123    时间: 2007-5-4 02:48
以下是引用Lilac29在2007-5-4 2:23:00的发言:

With the same token, the fact the law protects gun purchase and use does not change people's opinion toward it and also doenot make it right or wrong. There was the time the enslavement of the blacks were protected by law. And women were not allowed to vote by law. We all see how wrong it was.


The current gun laws are not necessarily "right" in everyone's opinion. Citing previous instances that the law was wrong or even immoral does not change the "rightness" or "wrongfulness" of the gun laws today. It is more helpful to see concrete evidence supporting gun control instead of bold assertions of it being right or wrong.

As a Chinese woman, you might see more restrictions on guns as protections of your safety. However, given the difference in physical strength and fighting abilities between you and an average violent criminal, it is hard to refute the argument that, at least with a gun, you will have a fighting chance against criminals who may threaten your personal safety and property. This is especially true since criminals are already armed with guns in the states. If law-abiding citizens suddenly lose such rights, it will only give criminals a huge advantage and do whatever they want without fear of effective self-defense.

You are most certainly entitled to your point of view even if half of the country disagrees with you. However, keep in mind that this very right is based on the "freedom of speech," the scope of which is still debated today.

Let's take Roe v. Wade as an example. As of today, women have rights to abortion (with certain restrictions). Many Americans "all see how wrong it is," but it does not change the validity or enforcement of the law. It is necessary to respect the law without giving up rights to disagree with it. Otherwise, if everyone does whatever he wants, only anarchy would remain.

作者: Lilac29    时间: 2007-5-4 02:51
以下是引用Expert123在2007-5-4 0:18:00的发言:

Also, I think it is too simplistic to think Chinese should prefer "Blue" state over "Red" state. I do not see a "Blue" area treat Chinese more favorably than "Red" area. Just remember, even Orange County is "Red".

I agree that " it is too simplistic to think Chinese should prefer "Blue" state over "Red" state."  In fact, it is hard to even define that since it is dynamic. And in every state, there are Rep and Dem. Differences are just which one prevails.

"I do not see a "Blue" area treat Chinese more favorably than "Red" area". I think the reasons for that might be that 1) Americans still view Asians as foreign; 2) Asians usually live a good life especially the immigrants since 1980s with good education; 3) Chinese usually have not much interests in politics. (可能每个人都在想,梁园虽好,不是久留之地;但还是一年一年,滞留此处。)


作者: Expert123    时间: 2007-5-4 02:53
以下是引用千寻的神隐在2007-5-4 2:22:00的发言:
one major problem on the capitol hill is partisan polictics. i don't see the point of blindly follow "red" or "blue". vote based on the issue at hand rather than along the party line, if you have the right to vote.

This is the problem of a bi-partisan system. You have to choose the party you agree with more, or at least disagree with less.

If my vote would actually count, I'd rather vote for the Libertarian Party in most cases. (

But no, it won't count unless it is in a very local election. So I will pick the major party that I have most agreements on issues more important to me.

作者: Expert123    时间: 2007-5-4 03:00
以下是引用Lilac29在2007-5-4 2:51:00的发言:

I agree that " it is too simplistic to think Chinese should prefer "Blue" state over "Red" state."  In fact, it is hard to even define that since it is dynamic. And in every state, there are Rep and Dem. Differences are just which one prevails.

"I do not see a "Blue" area treat Chinese more favorably than "Red" area". I think the reasons for that might be that 1) Americans still view Asians as foreign; 2) Asians usually live a good life especially the immigrants since 1980s with good education; 3) Chinese usually have not much interests in politics. (可能每个人都在想,梁园虽好,不是久留之地;但还是一年一年,滞留此处。)


Very insightful observations.

Asians tend to be view as the "model minority" that have certain "advantages" over other groups. LIke you said, Asians who are immigrants since 1980 tend to be highly educated professionals. Asians are also more likely to believe "hard work," "family values" and do not often involve in politics or civic activities. In fact,  many greencard holding Chinese do not want US citizenship, and many Chinese immigrants with US citizenshps do not even vote.

I personally prefer a smaller city and a Red State. I especially do not like New York City. I'd be OK with Boston if it is not so dominated by biases of "liberal elites." But again, each is entitled to his own opinion.

作者: 千寻的神隐    时间: 2007-5-4 04:37
to #49: libertarian party? haha. i lived with a whole bunch of "libertarians" last summer and couldn't stand it.
do you like Ayn Rand by the way?

作者: Expert123    时间: 2007-5-4 05:01

Why can't you stand them, I am curious?

I like some of Ayn Rand's ideas, but not all of them. I find some of her positions disturbing, and some of her followers' actions ironic.

作者: 千寻的神隐    时间: 2007-5-4 05:32
libertarians are economically conservative (like the republicans) and socailly liberal (like the democrats), which i probably agree to in theory. but when they take their freedom to an extreme with no regard to the responsibility one bears to the society, it got on my nerves. there are several sub-divisions in that party, such as anarcho-capitalists and anarchists, whom i found most difficult to come to terms with.
Ayn Rand is worshipped among libertarians, at least quite a few of them. but i can't finish atlas shrugged. it's merely moralizing in my opinion.
Ron Paul is running for the president. you might want to check it out if your vote is going to the libertarian party.

作者: Expert123    时间: 2007-5-4 06:31
Thanks for the suggestion. But I would never vote for any Liberitarians in major elections  because they have no chance of winning. I would rather vote for a moderate candiate who has a reasonable chance of winning, provided I agree with most of his/her positions on issues
作者: Lilac29    时间: 2007-5-4 23:09
以下是引用Expert123在2007-5-4 6:31:00的发言:
Thanks for the suggestion. But I would never vote for any Liberitarians in major elections  because they have no chance of winning. I would rather vote for a moderate candiate who has a reasonable chance of winning, provided I agree with most of his/her positions on issues

我觉得,仅以这点而言,美国就比中国民主。来美国之后,我就觉得对政治有兴趣多了。在这儿,ballot question确实很贴近日常人的生活。去年,麻省的其中一个问题就是超市可不可以卖葡萄酒。支持方从公平竞争和方便人民生活而言,反对方认为一旦同意卖酒,可能无法限制街边小店也卖酒,这样会增加酒后驾驶。这种问题每个人都可以衡量利弊。像每次大选的热点问题,也挺亲民的。呵呵。我觉得自己倾向于民主党,因为我支持堕胎(这一点我很极端,我认为所有反对堕胎的人根本不尊重女人),支持同性恋婚姻 (结婚真的主要是爱和承诺,如果人家同性恩恩爱爱,举案齐眉一辈子,我觉得没什么不好的。), 痛恨战争 (就光这一点,我就希望布什同学赶快下课。)还有,我觉得,布什把宗教引入政府太多,这可能是违宪的(Expert123,你是学法律的,可不可以给解释一下)。

作者: 千寻的神隐    时间: 2007-5-5 02:30
"支持堕胎": is an embryo or a fetus a form of life?
"结婚真的主要是爱和承诺": is marriage, as opposed to civil union, a religious institution and thus strictly between a man and a woman?
"把宗教引入政府": some of his decisions are based on his religious belief but it's not against the constitution. it's the voters that brought religion into the congress. don't blame G.W.
i am actually on your side on abortion and gay rights but there are some more questions for us to answer.

作者: Expert123    时间: 2007-5-5 02:44

About these issues:

1. Very tough issue. There is no medical conclusion on this and it is the heart of the debate, especially since fetus are able to live on their own (with medical support) at 6-7 months of "age."

Supporters of Roe v. Wade view abortion as

a. women's bodily integrity

b. the inequity of gender roles/power struggle

c. government's interference in private affairs

Dissenters view abortion as

a. killing of a human being (unborn=human)

b. implicit assumption that women who seek abortion are sexually immoral, irresonposible, and selfish

2. Same Sex Marriage

Supporters: view it as an issue of state, not an issue of religion

Also see it as homosexual's freedom to enjoy the legitmacy and benefits (tax credits, pension, etc) heterosexuals have always enjoed

Dissenters: view it as an issue of religion and morality. Their argument: if "loving" is enough, what if 1 man and 2 women..(or 10 women) honestly love each other? Can they get married if homosexuals can?

3."In God We Trust"

That is on the US currency and in courtrooms

However, here is one debate about freedom of religion:

It has been argued that separation of church of state meant all branches of *Protestant* beliefs are treated equally. e.g. a Lutheran cannot decide that all Baptists are *wrong*.

At most, that means members of major religions are treated equally, e.g. Jews and Catholics

However, some would argue Atheists, Budhists..or even Muslims were not conceived as "legitmate" religions in the late 1700's. And since majority rules, and US is over 90% Christian, those "Fringe religions (or lack thereof)" simply mean immorality and should not be treated equally.

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-5-5 2:45:34编辑过]

作者: 千寻的神隐    时间: 2007-5-5 02:54
"In God We Trust"
it reminded me of a post on my professor's office door: in God we trust, all others pay cash.

作者: Expert123    时间: 2007-5-5 02:59

In my opinion, all these debates center on one issue: whether the government should embody and promote any "moral" values, even if these values are held by the majority of the population.

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-5-5 5:10:56编辑过]

作者: Expert123    时间: 2007-5-5 04:06
神隐小姐 ;) 你的教授应该是蓝州的吧.
作者: Lilac29    时间: 2007-5-5 05:09
以下是引用千寻的神隐在2007-5-5 2:54:00的发言:
"In God We Trust"
it reminded me of a post on my professor's office door: in God we trust, all others pay cash.

Reminded me a book I read a couple of years ago. House of God. It begins with " we come here to serve God and also become rich."
作者: Lilac29    时间: 2007-5-5 05:35

"Life is like a xxxxx, when it's soft you can't beat it, and when it's hard you get fucked." --- House of God



[此贴子已经被作者于2007-5-5 6:30:37编辑过]

作者: eqw529    时间: 2007-6-8 08:54
以下是引用lynnxiao在2007-5-2 4:42:00的发言:
Texas估计和Illinois政治气氛很不一样. 我就受不了周围的人说bush好. 还是Chicago好人人都骂他.

所以可能这一点也要考虑上去. 想想bush退了休还不天天待他老家, 周围都是一帮他的人.

看看最近AT&T v. Microsoft的supreme court ruling 吧, 感觉patent这一块 (尤其是litigation) 形势就要大变了.

谁说的, 我就在Austin分校, 上厕所, 门上全是骂bush的"反动"标语.

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