
标题: OG 146 [打印本页]

作者: joywzy    时间: 2003-11-9 10:12
标题: OG 146
146.    A patient accusing a doctor of malpractice will find it difficult to prove damage if there is a lack of some other doctor to testify about proper medical procedures.
(A) if there is a lack of some other doctor to testify
(B) unless there will be another doctor to testify
(C) without another doctor’s testimony
(D) should there be no testimony from some other doctor
(E) lacking another doctor to testify

OG的解释: lacking 无法逻辑地修饰damage?为什么啊?

作者: 天山    时间: 2003-11-9 11:13
本题意思是:如果病人缺少医生有关正确医疗步骤的证词,就....,故lacking 的逻辑主语应该是paitent,(E)选项错在lacking 紧跟在damage后面,好象damage就是lack 的逻辑主语一样,其实有违题意,造成修饰歧义,换句话讲:lacking 无法逻辑地修饰damage,不知我说清楚了没有?
作者: joywzy    时间: 2003-11-9 12:36
作者: christinahong    时间: 2003-12-9 12:41
OG中解释:A. the unidiomatic phrase lack of some other doctor.请问a lack of some other doctor为什么不合习语呢?
C.without another doctor’s testimony该副词词组修饰谁?前面有两个动词:find与 prove。

作者: christinahong    时间: 2003-12-9 12:45
请问牛牛,some other是否可以接单数名词 doctor 呢?:)
作者: 天山    时间: 2003-12-11 13:02
some other doctor
中的some 是“某一个,某一些”的意思,是特指,故可以接单数名词 doctor 。
作者: 天山    时间: 2003-12-11 13:08
以下是引用christinahong在2003-12-9 12:41:00的发言:
OG中解释:A. the unidiomatic phrase lack of some other doctor.请问a lack of some other doctor为什么不合习语呢?
C.without another doctor’s testimony该副词词组修饰谁?前面有两个动词:find与 prove。

a lack of some other doctor to testify 该变了句子的中心, 重心应该是 testimony,而不是doctor. 另外 there is 不是ETS的preference .用if 固然好,但是有there is a lack 等,非常累赘,故要删除此选项。

without 短语可以这样理解:作为条件状语修饰整个主句。

作者: atasl    时间: 2003-12-11 18:42
请问天山NN,那为什么lacking another doctor to testify不可以象without another doctor's testimony一样作状语修饰整个句子,或作patient的定语呢?

作者: 天山    时间: 2003-12-12 19:20
lacking 紧跟在damage后面,好象damage就是lack 的逻辑主语一样,其实有违题意,造成修饰歧义
作者: atasl    时间: 2003-12-14 11:55
作者: cmtn    时间: 2004-5-24 16:03

那为什麽without 就没有修饰damage的歧义呢。 with/without完全可以修饰名词啊。


作者: 我爱宝宝    时间: 2004-5-25 03:49





[此贴子已经被作者于2004-5-25 3:56:43编辑过]

作者: juan    时间: 2004-6-4 00:01


而且这里也还是没说明清楚 为什么lack of some other doctor是unidomatic? 既然some other 后可跟单数名词doctor,而lack做名词时也可以用lack of,那么为什么 ETS说lack of some other doctor 是unidomatic呢?



作者: juan    时间: 2004-6-4 23:42
作者: caterpillar    时间: 2004-6-29 02:27

OG里说:Choice E introduces a dangling modifier: the lacking... phrase cannot logically modify damage, the nearest noun. 不明白什么叫做dangling modifier?好象类似的解释在OG中还出现了很多次。

作者: caterpillar    时间: 2004-6-29 23:34
作者: paopao    时间: 2004-6-30 06:44
以下是引用cmtn在2004-5-24 16:03:00的发言:

那为什麽without 就没有修饰damage的歧义呢。 with/without完全可以修饰名词啊。


with/without放在句末 根据句意 表状语 修饰的是谓语动词

这一题表示一种条件  OG113 表示伴随或结果

如果放在句中 如果作定语的话 一般修饰前面的名词

作者: goodgoodstudy    时间: 2004-7-27 02:15
作者: 爱维的天    时间: 2004-10-27 15:20

some other后面接单数 不可计算名词,故some other doctor不可以。

作者: wwwhahchn    时间: 2004-12-4 19:43


Can we discuss this some other time?

And they need some other role models to know other ways of being an adult.

Certain drugs given for some other disorder may cause temporary impotence, so that is something to check with the doctor.

Intention movements are activities that tend to precede some other activity, which is presumably why they often evolve into signals.

Oxidation is simply the reaction of oxygen with some other compound.

The results for some other questions on calendars have already been considered in the section on time.

The toll that this took was probably greater upon Stephen than it might have been upon some other children.

Then it became apparent that she was holding to some other lodestar.

Was Catch 22 really called Catch some other number before it was published?

由此可见,some other后面的名词单数、复数、可数、不可数均可


作者: bryan0806    时间: 2004-12-14 01:08
关于lack of some other doctor 的 unidiomatic

我是这样觉得  lack of 后面通常接比较抽象的东西


- new parents suffering from lack of sleep  

- Too many teachers are treated with a lack of respect.  

-  comments based on a   total lack of   information   

-  Does their   apparent lack of  
progress mean they are not doing their job properly?   

-  tours that are cancelled   for lack of   bookings   

- There was  no lack of  willing helpers.  

- health problems linked to poor diet and a   relative lack of  exercise  

it wasn't for lack/want of trying

lack confidence/be lacking in confidence

lack of ambition

lack of compassion

lack of confidence

lack of experience

lack of foresight

lack of funds

lack of imagination

lack of interest

lack of moral fibre

lack of pretension

lack of respect

lack of sleep

lack of trust

lack of enthusiasm

lack of experience

lack of experience

lack of interest

这是我想可能是 lack of some other doctor   unidiomatic的原因 另外我也觉得some other 在 GMAT里面很不好 通常被another 取代  

不对请指教阿 !!

作者: advantage    时间: 2005-6-26 09:05

因为注重简洁?some other 两个单词〉another一个单词,所以倾向于选择精炼的?

作者: new_land    时间: 2005-10-7 05:13


OG说:Choice A also introduces the unidiomatic phrase lack of some other doctor,到底何解?

从逻辑错误上,的确可以直接排除lack of some other doctore是错误的,因为这里强调的是testimony,而非doctor,故可以排除



2.some other不如another简洁


作者: xxiaoyan    时间: 2005-11-11 20:38


作者: szy733    时间: 2008-1-24 15:00
作者: lcy19812000    时间: 2008-12-27 23:41

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