前11题是对话,多是问达问达,而不是简单的问达,只能记得一题: GG: your eyes don't look good, you'd better visit the student health center. MM:Students with insurance can only see doctors in the health center? GG: yes, do you want to see somebody else? MM: if i am allowed to.
Answer: mm perfers not to see doctors of health center.
结构有: from space to astronomer astronomer should be astronomerS Only in ... do .... (inversed) 倒装
阅读也是提前5分完成,没有赶时间,词汇有plumage, i choose feather. 等明天补充,i have to go to bed now, very tired, not just because of the test, quite busy recently.
Essay: business should hire empoyees for their lives.
i will post later if i can recall something else.
Best wishes to all.作者: braveMBA 时间: 2003-11-7 12:04
恭喜呀。谢谢JJ。作者: IcePoint 时间: 2003-11-7 12:10
成绩真好,恭喜!请教楼主平时是怎么复习听力和阅读的?作者: jjyyww11 时间: 2003-11-7 13:05
楼主真牛!!!谢谢机经啰作者: yucatherine 时间: 2003-11-7 14:06
希望你休息過後 能分享一些你的學習經驗 恭喜你 好高的分數 作者: orcl 时间: 2003-11-7 23:43
早上起来又想起来一些: 听力: GG: you have been studying here for more than 3 hours! MM: ye, i have to work hard for ... exam. GG: Why don't take a break and have some pizza? MM: I can't agree with you more. Q: what does the woman mean? A: she would like to take a break.
此处注意can't agree with you more 实际是 agree, 另外有些书上说看到PIZZA就难吃好像不再涉用.
还考到了are you kidding?
听力第二题就是一个不短的对话,英文不记得了,意思是这样: GG asks MM whether he could attend a class of A professor before he signs in, since he wants to check whether the class is good or not. MM replies back that each semester this professor takes several students even after the class has begun. GG says he would like to try.
I choose the answer that GG can visit the class of the professor. 此题我想了一会儿,因为不知道大学里可否这样, 其他答案都被排除了.
READING: 1. blue birds-- why does blue birds have color of blue? No necessary to know every words, but some are important: plumage, pigment, hue, sacred
2. prehistory irritation system whether city civilization promoted the development of early irritation, or the need for irritation results the formation of cities?
3. american 4 man-made rivers, some are mainly for preventing flood, some are for navigation Word: barge, juxtapose<-- this word is not questioned, but it is better to know for understanding, the sentence is " they are uneasy juxtaposition".
4. american broadway musicals (百老汇歌舞剧) history
5. when was the language ability of early human developed.
Personally i don't think the difficulty of reading materials can be comparable to that of gre or gmat.
听力还有一DISCUSSION about illustrators 2 early illustrators, one mainly worked for magazines, painting for the covers of magazine so that more people will buy; the other published a book of illustration, devoted to changing people's idea about illustration, and pushed the public to accept the illustration as a serious art form. 此段不难,但很长,容易忘记细节.
听力只有多听了, 国内朋友可以每天听一小时VOA, 或看看国外电影, i will post some experience later on, but i am not sure whether they are suitable for everybody.
有一点要提醒大家, 考试的键盘好像是112建的,所以KEY OF BACKSPACE 很小, 在写作时很容易按了+号, very annoying.