Van de Van是管理学界的大牛,AoM前任主席。去年AMR上一篇Engaged Scholarship提倡学术界和实践界的互动,我十分喜欢。今天一查,发现他的网站大有看头。上面除了有他大部分的经典文章外,还有两门博士课程Theory Building and Research Design和Macro Organization Behavior的全套资料(包括部分文章,讲义,和摘要)。特别推荐的是他即将由牛津出版的Engaged Scholarship: A Guide for Organizational and Social Research,网站上有大部分的章节。这本书是AMR那篇文章的扩充,对组织研究的操作很有参考价值。
顺便,给我的博客http://rongdong.blog.sohu.com/做个广告,欢迎各位常来捧场。另外建议版主搞一个博客英雄帖,让有博客的各位集合报道一下。早就是web 2.0时代了,也不能光用BBS交流吧。要不大家给我留言,我来给大家整理个清单。
网址 http://webpages.csom.umn.edu/smo/avandeven/AHVHOME.htm。这里贴其中一个课程的提纲:
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Sessions 9. March 7 () (March 12-16) | Topics Formulating the Research Problem or Question Building a Theory (University Spring Break) Constructing and Evaluating Measurement Instruments Evaluating and Improving Research Designs (submit research design) |
Thank you Rongdong,
How about your initiate of SEChinaorg project? Will it continue?
Great stuff! Thanks for sharing.
BTW, will you go to this year's AoM? I may see you there
Cool! A big cow!
I will also go to aom conference. Will CDers have gathering?
Cool! A big cow!
I will also go to aom conference. Will CDers have gathering?
Sounds like a good idea...
To sm1, which track are you in? Strategy, HR, IB, micro OB or OT?
jadelo: I have other plans this summer and probably an't going. But the idea of having a CD gathering there sounds great.
habits: Glad you still remember my daunting SEChinaorg project. I'm trying to help 1KG (http://1kg.blogbus.com/) to diffuse some knowledge about social entrepreneurship by translating relevant materials. Check out http://wiki.1kg.cn/index.php/SE (the server is unstable sometimes).
To rongdong: then I guess I will see you somewhere else in the future. Thanks again for posting the helpful informaiton.
To sm1: I am on the OT side, and will present a paper in the OMT division. Be sure to keep in touch!
Hi, who will attend AOM 2007? I want to share the hotel in
Burbridge St. B&B (6324 Burbridge St. Philadelphia, PA 19144) from August 2-August 8
contact: miaxis(在) gmail.com
rongdongc 发表于 2007-3-18 12:14
本来这两天论坛上的焦点是Offer,不该来凑这个热闹。可今天我发现的这个资料是在太好,忍不住抢先分享一下 ...
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